Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 4 Review

1UPs per day: 6.25
Average Size: 4.94

EXCELLENT WEEK!  Size goals and 1UP goals achieved.  I can say I definitely progressed and the "wheel" moved forward this week.

The achievements of one week will not make you an entrepreneur.  If you really want to succeed, every week needs to go this way, and the secret to success here is to just keep catching and replacing, those intensity 1UPs lead to a larger size, more calls, and even more hours.

Don't let the lies come back.  Don't let yourself think you've achieved anything here.  You haven't.  You're just getting started down the path of a better way to do things.

A whole life set aside for nothing

This is what happens every other Sunday.

I don't need the re-time.  I don't need the get-away.  I don't benefit much from the gaming, the shows, or whatever.  And yet, I spend the whole day setting the rest of my life aside because I don't "feel" like doing anything productive whatsoever.

If you conquer your feelings by simply not giving into them, instead being intolerant towards following the choice you already made and observing and absorbing your feelings, you will start producing much deeper feelings of satisfaction.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

SAVE (LEAF stuff) -- How to resize pdfs so they fit together

Before saving in paint, resize to 55% for 8.5" by 11".  THEN save.

Sometimes page sizes will vary so feel free to test adjustments, if needed you can always print and rescan, but I prefer to avoid that due to the ink toner giveaways.