Determination System


On the first Sunday of any given month, I will create a blog post titled "Determination in [MONTH], [YEAR]"

This will list the goals I am working on in that month to create and generate determination.

Start with the question, "On a scale to 1-10, what is my general level of determination right now?".  Then ask, "Do I feel satisfied that my current determination will allow me to hit my monthly number goals?"

Then, based on the answer, think about what I could do to generate more determination OR maintain the current determination level if it's on track.

From there, I will write out the various ideas that I think could help.  Just list them out bullet style on OneNote.  It'll be helpful if you are building this list throughout the month so that you can have a large selection for next month as well.  Then choose the ONE possibility I am committed to making happen in the  month, which is chosen based on "The One Thing" book's guide that it should be the thing that "Makes everything else easier or unnecessary."

Once that's been decided, complete the post.  Take 10 minutes, if necessary, to really create it as a powerful driving force in your mind.

Next, create the Daily Determination for the bedside, which will list the one thing and any comments, if necessary, that will help spark the creation of possibility of a great day.  This will be an eighth cut of white paper that sits by the bedside that I read every Sunday - Thursday (Friday is also encouraged.)

On Sundays, when the weekly "Monthly Determination Review" pops up, simply look at the blog post and daily card.  Ask "On a scale to 1-10, what is my general level of determination right now?".  Then ask, "Do I feel satisfied that my current determination will allow me to hit my monthly number goals?"

Then, based on your answers, recreate the monthly determination. 
  • Why did you choose this as the "One Thing"?  
  • How does it make everything easier or unnecessary?
  • What will recreate this and make it real for me right now?
Spent a good 10 minutes or so recreating the monthly determination so it is a powerful driving force in your mind.


Every month, I will begin my Sunday with a non-hour logged "Monthly Determination" blog post.

The blog post style is nice, it allows me to always be able to scroll down on the blog to get to the beginning of the month whenever I want to review.

It's an ACTIVE application of my yearly goals.

NUMBERS FOCUS is helpful for long term goals.  When I look at Path & Purpose, sometimes those things like "travel the world" and "leverage over trading time for money (financial freedom)" just don't hit home.  Those are like, forever goals, not things that necessarily apply to TODAY.  I look at it and go, "damn, okay, so today is mostly just me trading time for money.  Well fuck"

So the "Determination System" is about the "On the court" application of my long term goals.  It's plugging the monthly goals into the yearly ones, the weekly goals into the monthly ones, and the daily into the weekly and monthly.

That being said, this system is about the actions and inspirations for achieving numbers, it's not about the numbers themselves.  For numbers, there's a monthly breakdown on my "Goals & Objectives" page for ROARS, and a yearly breakdown for my LEAF goals in my drawer.  The determination system is about what drives and maintains the determination necessary to hit the numbers. 

For example, making money at LEAF is about having as many great conversations as possible, and the determination system is about making sure I am focused on THAT, not the results that come from it.  Making money at ROARS is about staying focused and driven on product development, driving traffic, making affiliate relationships, etc, which is focus and determination, not a number of daily visitors.  

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