Average calls per day: 80 (just under 400 per week) [Goal: 90, 450 / week]
Average hours per week on ROARS: 6 [Goal: 4.5]
Average size per day: 4.4 [Goal: 5]
All around, not a very good effort. While there was forward motion towards becoming an entrepreneur, it's a weak start, as the wheel is pretty much at stand still and you'll NEVER succeed as an entrepreneur at this rate.
Far more is required of you. Not a bad effort at LEAF, but you've actually done better during times when you were not pushing hard in a 90 DC. You should be at your BEST during the 90DCs in 2015. That's what the renaissance is all about.
The biggest thing missing is multi-tasking and prioritizing. I need Cobey style chunks during the work day. I need real blitz action between 6:30 - 9 every day.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
The Glengarry Detour
February is going to be a very quiet month on here.
This week + next 3 weeks I will be continuing the renaissance, but the extra 10 hours a week will be going 100% into moar LEAF.
This will supercharge 2015 at LEAF, and really help me setup for success and less stress. Less stress means less interference. This year I won't be sitting on my blog stressing about budget. I won't be running to the store for a pack of smokes.
What I will be dealing with is a much larger ROARS advertising budget for the rest of the year.
I'm still thinking both. It's just about doing the right thing. And right now, the best thing for both, is to maximize the potential out of the glengarry leads.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Day 22
And I begin.. http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2013/08/how-to-take-wordpress-to-the-cloud-with-amazon-s3-cloudfront/
Well good lord.
The above artical I got to the step:
And then my troubles began.
From here, to install the plugin on wordpress is easy. Just log into the server's FTP and let it install itself.
So that lead to, "how do I connect to my server's FTP."
Which lead to... oh... I don't think it came with one.
Which lead to this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7052875/setting-up-ftp-on-amazon-cloud-server
Using that, I believe I successfully made an FTP user, especially since WP was able to log in to the FTP enough to download and attempt to unpack.
Unfortuantely, that's when I was hit with "Could not create directory"
But it should be simple enough from here. The way I see it, there are two options:
1. Enable FTP user to create directories or figure out why it can't if it should be able to (the "forever fix" right solution but possibly timely.)
2. Go into linux, make the directories necessary, and hope that the plugin installer "figures it out" or just dumps into the directories made. This is a less attractive answer, but it's essentially a possible work around if option #1 fails.
And if they both fail, it's research project time, or ditch the plug-in entirely and try to establish the cloudfront -- WP blog connection without it. A plugin MAY be required though.
Well, my hour's up. See you tomorrow, ROARS.
Well good lord.
The above artical I got to the step:
And then my troubles began.
From here, to install the plugin on wordpress is easy. Just log into the server's FTP and let it install itself.
So that lead to, "how do I connect to my server's FTP."
Which lead to... oh... I don't think it came with one.
Which lead to this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7052875/setting-up-ftp-on-amazon-cloud-server
Using that, I believe I successfully made an FTP user, especially since WP was able to log in to the FTP enough to download and attempt to unpack.
Unfortuantely, that's when I was hit with "Could not create directory"
1. Enable FTP user to create directories or figure out why it can't if it should be able to (the "forever fix" right solution but possibly timely.)
2. Go into linux, make the directories necessary, and hope that the plugin installer "figures it out" or just dumps into the directories made. This is a less attractive answer, but it's essentially a possible work around if option #1 fails.
And if they both fail, it's research project time, or ditch the plug-in entirely and try to establish the cloudfront -- WP blog connection without it. A plugin MAY be required though.
Well, my hour's up. See you tomorrow, ROARS.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Day 21: The Renaissance Is Failing To Happen
Based on:
Week 1: 0%
Week 2: 100%
Week 3: 20%
My current integrity is 40%. If this is a war, there are 12-13 "battles". So far, you've lost more than half of them. You can't be putting up "20s" in your third week. You are LOSING this war.
This weeks goals -- same as last week.
Week 1: 0%
Week 2: 100%
Week 3: 20%
My current integrity is 40%. If this is a war, there are 12-13 "battles". So far, you've lost more than half of them. You can't be putting up "20s" in your third week. You are LOSING this war.
This weeks goals -- same as last week.
1. Complete implementation of Salient web theme. This is the primary objective.
2. Begin creating my website's content (tweaking the theme, getting the video and opt-in on there, etc.)
3. See if I can, and if possible, begin recovery and transfer of all worthwhile content from HostGator.
Appearently, my new wordpress server is linux / unix, therefore, if I am to tweak anything, I may need to use Unix:
BASIC UNIX COMMANDS: http://mally.stanford.edu/~sr/computing/basic-unix.html
Fortunately, I have been trained in the most basic ideas behind how DOS works, so I have an idea of what to do.
-Should I be interfacing my EC2 instance with S3? Do I just put salient in there and run it from S3?? Or do I put everything on the Linux server and install it with Unix?
-YES -- easiest way for me looks like interfacing with S3, but that's not the "standard" way to do it.
When you launch wordpress with AWS on a "stack", you're setting up a server, whether you use unix or windows server, all the files are going to your virtual server.
So by default, you edit the core of your site (like putting the Salient theme in there) via a SSH Unix connection. Basically, bitch is ugly.
But instead of running everything through Unix, why not use S3 instead by setting it up as the CDN for all your files?
CDN is content delievery network, which is essentially a cloud of servers across the world. Which is what S3 already is. So if you simply configure Amazon's Cloud Front to use S3, you can then pull all the necessary files directly from s3 into wordpress by using wordpress "cache" plugins.
Here's the tutorials:
1. http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2013/08/how-to-take-wordpress-to-the-cloud-with-amazon-s3-cloudfront/
2. https://ulrich.pogson.ch/setup-aws-work-amazon-s3-wordpress-plugin
3. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-can-now-run-on-amazon-s3
(for more "How to", see GOOGLE... I only just started down this path. I don't know if you'll need to learn more first or not.)
I think what that means is
1 -- I take my current wp temp site and install a cache plugin.
2 -- I put my theme and other stuff I want on my WP and put it on S3
3 -- I set Amazon cloudfront to interface my S3 with WP
4 -- I go into wordpress and make the magic happen right inside there. And anything I'm missing can simply be added into S3.
I imagine true root changes to WP still require I go into Linux.
Okay well tonight I spent 3 hours:
-Reviewing and upgrading my word. Had to get serious and be honest with my short comings, and I discovered the Word Burier troll. Learned to be very aware of letting failures stack, as this very thing is causing the renaissance to fail
-Learning how to get into my "stack" or server, as well as the basics like making directories, deleting files, and basic navigation on Unix. Still don't know where they are hiding WP though.
-Learned where to start so far as hosting my WP theme and files from S3 through Cloudfront CDN so I don't have to put everything on a Unix server. Because I really don't want to be going into the Unix server unless I have no other choice.
2. Begin creating my website's content (tweaking the theme, getting the video and opt-in on there, etc.)
3. See if I can, and if possible, begin recovery and transfer of all worthwhile content from HostGator.
Appearently, my new wordpress server is linux / unix, therefore, if I am to tweak anything, I may need to use Unix:
BASIC UNIX COMMANDS: http://mally.stanford.edu/~sr/computing/basic-unix.html
Fortunately, I have been trained in the most basic ideas behind how DOS works, so I have an idea of what to do.
-Should I be interfacing my EC2 instance with S3? Do I just put salient in there and run it from S3?? Or do I put everything on the Linux server and install it with Unix?
-YES -- easiest way for me looks like interfacing with S3, but that's not the "standard" way to do it.
When you launch wordpress with AWS on a "stack", you're setting up a server, whether you use unix or windows server, all the files are going to your virtual server.
So by default, you edit the core of your site (like putting the Salient theme in there) via a SSH Unix connection. Basically, bitch is ugly.
But instead of running everything through Unix, why not use S3 instead by setting it up as the CDN for all your files?
CDN is content delievery network, which is essentially a cloud of servers across the world. Which is what S3 already is. So if you simply configure Amazon's Cloud Front to use S3, you can then pull all the necessary files directly from s3 into wordpress by using wordpress "cache" plugins.
Here's the tutorials:
1. http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2013/08/how-to-take-wordpress-to-the-cloud-with-amazon-s3-cloudfront/
2. https://ulrich.pogson.ch/setup-aws-work-amazon-s3-wordpress-plugin
3. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-can-now-run-on-amazon-s3
(for more "How to", see GOOGLE... I only just started down this path. I don't know if you'll need to learn more first or not.)
I think what that means is
1 -- I take my current wp temp site and install a cache plugin.
2 -- I put my theme and other stuff I want on my WP and put it on S3
3 -- I set Amazon cloudfront to interface my S3 with WP
4 -- I go into wordpress and make the magic happen right inside there. And anything I'm missing can simply be added into S3.
I imagine true root changes to WP still require I go into Linux.
Okay well tonight I spent 3 hours:
-Reviewing and upgrading my word. Had to get serious and be honest with my short comings, and I discovered the Word Burier troll. Learned to be very aware of letting failures stack, as this very thing is causing the renaissance to fail
-Learning how to get into my "stack" or server, as well as the basics like making directories, deleting files, and basic navigation on Unix. Still don't know where they are hiding WP though.
-Learned where to start so far as hosting my WP theme and files from S3 through Cloudfront CDN so I don't have to put everything on a Unix server. Because I really don't want to be going into the Unix server unless I have no other choice.
Week 3 Review -- Fail Morning Ritual, Fail As An Entrepreneur.
Last week I did the implementation of wordpress and the background coding that makes it work.
At 2 hours out of 5, and only the first 20% or so of the implementation, I am going to call this a pretty heavy failure.
The wheel rolled backwards this week.
1. Do not drink on thursdays. If Nick or anyone invites you to anything non-friday / saturday, say NO. Seriously. Just say no... because that was not worth it. Instead of getting myself back on track, this was the excuse to lose the week entirely. No bars on week nights, period.
2. Losing integrity is not an excuse to be reasonable about "all word-given items". Think about what this means!! Would you give your word to someone to do something, and then when the time comes, not do it just because you broke your word to someone else? Can you imagine how someone else would feel if you said, "Sorry man but I've been bad with keeping my word the last few days, so I just said fuck it." WOW!!
If someone said that to me, I would say they can't be relied on for anything. And that's EXACTLY what this troll does to your word -- it completely destroys it.
WHAT A TROLL. This is the "I don't need to follow my word 100% because..." troll.
Good "AKA"s for this could be "The Word Burier" or "The Integrity Destroyer"
This is a direct indicator that you are losing your code and going off the path of success.
This is always a troll, as by my very definition of the word, it transcends the very idea of being justified. It is NEVER okay not to follow your word just because you haven't lately! The ONLY time it's not okay to follow your word is if you have real reason to believe it is irrational, which can usually be tested by the question, "Will I go back and change my word in writing due to this reason?"
Biggest area this troll is beating me up on is the morning ritual.
The morning ritual, at least Monday - Thursday, is THE WORD. It should be followed to a T, 100%, regardless of whether or not you need to take a dump or if you started out off course.
Smoking or watching something or sitting and thinking or dream chasing or WHATEVER is not a reason not to follow the morning ritual. These are ALL trolls. Once you catch one, you have no choice.
It sounds dumb but this morning ritual defines the day and therefore it is destroying you. YOU CANNOT START YOUR DAY WITH FAILURE.
If you go off course, you are likely to stay off course, but ALL word is still in effect, and as soon as you catch yourself "being reasonable", you MUST pull yourself over to your word. Yank yourself into a plank or pushups and only do 10 pushups or 1 minute planks. I don't care how well you do it -- the morning ritual is about defeating your human mind and the trolls as a way of starting your day. If you can't win on something this simple, how can you expect to win during the work day? How do you expect to be entrepreneur material.
I will say that again...
The MORNING RITUAL is about starting the day as a big person by beating back the trolls & small-size habits right away. You cannot expect to be an ENTREPRENEUR if you can't even start your day powerfully.
And by setting a strong context every day, you will find you stay on track more throughout the day and get back on course quickly if you fail a day in the middle of the week.
Here's some new updates to my word (this is OFFICIALLY my new "choice")
-The word on morning ritual is this:
1. I will not snooze, I will not hesitate, and I will do every item on the checklist as it is listed, regardless of what other obsticles arrise.
-And here's a new choice I give my word to:
2. Any morning I fail my word, I will set the "morning ritual failed" Alarm, which will remind me at night to review this page. When the alarm goes off, I will review this very page.
At the end of the day -- any failure of word is OKAY as long as it's a one time thing, and best to be learned from. As long as it becomes in the past and you go for integrity the next time, you'll be fine. But if you don't understand deeply that failures cannot be allowed to stack -- that the futher you get from your word, the worse off you will be -- do not expect to be successful in life. This is essentially "the pulse of success"... you cannot ignore one failure after another the same way you can't ignore one missing heartbeat after another. You must understand, and uphold, this concept on a very deep level and very thoroughly.
At 2 hours out of 5, and only the first 20% or so of the implementation, I am going to call this a pretty heavy failure.
The wheel rolled backwards this week.
1. Do not drink on thursdays. If Nick or anyone invites you to anything non-friday / saturday, say NO. Seriously. Just say no... because that was not worth it. Instead of getting myself back on track, this was the excuse to lose the week entirely. No bars on week nights, period.
2. Losing integrity is not an excuse to be reasonable about "all word-given items". Think about what this means!! Would you give your word to someone to do something, and then when the time comes, not do it just because you broke your word to someone else? Can you imagine how someone else would feel if you said, "Sorry man but I've been bad with keeping my word the last few days, so I just said fuck it." WOW!!
If someone said that to me, I would say they can't be relied on for anything. And that's EXACTLY what this troll does to your word -- it completely destroys it.
WHAT A TROLL. This is the "I don't need to follow my word 100% because..." troll.
Good "AKA"s for this could be "The Word Burier" or "The Integrity Destroyer"
This is a direct indicator that you are losing your code and going off the path of success.
This is always a troll, as by my very definition of the word, it transcends the very idea of being justified. It is NEVER okay not to follow your word just because you haven't lately! The ONLY time it's not okay to follow your word is if you have real reason to believe it is irrational, which can usually be tested by the question, "Will I go back and change my word in writing due to this reason?"
Biggest area this troll is beating me up on is the morning ritual.
The morning ritual, at least Monday - Thursday, is THE WORD. It should be followed to a T, 100%, regardless of whether or not you need to take a dump or if you started out off course.
Smoking or watching something or sitting and thinking or dream chasing or WHATEVER is not a reason not to follow the morning ritual. These are ALL trolls. Once you catch one, you have no choice.
It sounds dumb but this morning ritual defines the day and therefore it is destroying you. YOU CANNOT START YOUR DAY WITH FAILURE.
If you go off course, you are likely to stay off course, but ALL word is still in effect, and as soon as you catch yourself "being reasonable", you MUST pull yourself over to your word. Yank yourself into a plank or pushups and only do 10 pushups or 1 minute planks. I don't care how well you do it -- the morning ritual is about defeating your human mind and the trolls as a way of starting your day. If you can't win on something this simple, how can you expect to win during the work day? How do you expect to be entrepreneur material.
I will say that again...
The MORNING RITUAL is about starting the day as a big person by beating back the trolls & small-size habits right away. You cannot expect to be an ENTREPRENEUR if you can't even start your day powerfully.
And by setting a strong context every day, you will find you stay on track more throughout the day and get back on course quickly if you fail a day in the middle of the week.
Here's some new updates to my word (this is OFFICIALLY my new "choice")
-The word on morning ritual is this:
1. I will not snooze, I will not hesitate, and I will do every item on the checklist as it is listed, regardless of what other obsticles arrise.
-And here's a new choice I give my word to:
2. Any morning I fail my word, I will set the "morning ritual failed" Alarm, which will remind me at night to review this page. When the alarm goes off, I will review this very page.
At the end of the day -- any failure of word is OKAY as long as it's a one time thing, and best to be learned from. As long as it becomes in the past and you go for integrity the next time, you'll be fine. But if you don't understand deeply that failures cannot be allowed to stack -- that the futher you get from your word, the worse off you will be -- do not expect to be successful in life. This is essentially "the pulse of success"... you cannot ignore one failure after another the same way you can't ignore one missing heartbeat after another. You must understand, and uphold, this concept on a very deep level and very thoroughly.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Day 15: Over 12 hours in and still rolling?
We're going to make this one short today. My word implies that I need to work as soon as I get home. It does not ask for a specific amount of time.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Day 14 -- I want to watch Anchorman. Like, right. Now.
Unfortunately, I gave my word that I would blog post.
And because word does not have loopholes, I know that an hour of my time is demanded right nao.
I must admit, when I got home I forgot I had to jump straight on the blog, so I'm doing here as soon as I noticed.
My trolls say:
-I need to eat anyways. It's so much better to watch something while you eat. Like anchorman.
-I am hurting due to too much caffine.
-It's MLKing day.
That troll is like a mouse in a big brown house... but FUCK THAT LITTLE MOUSE, BECAUSE I'M AN ALBATRAOZ.
Now... go be a motherfucking albatraoz!
Today, I need to pick up where I left off... Key pairing! Google, to teh rescue!
(see link inside the link too, after clicking you will see they have a key pair guide there)
Key Pair has been made! It's backed up in the web folder and on Google Drive.
Making a stack using Amazon's sample WP blog template.
db is insomniadb
db passwords are standard,
user is jcahoon
Aaannd it works!
We shall begin tomorrow by replacing my static s3 site with this wordpress blog.
Then we will turn the wordpress blog salient.
And because word does not have loopholes, I know that an hour of my time is demanded right nao.
I must admit, when I got home I forgot I had to jump straight on the blog, so I'm doing here as soon as I noticed.
My trolls say:
-I need to eat anyways. It's so much better to watch something while you eat. Like anchorman.
-I am hurting due to too much caffine.
-It's MLKing day.
That troll is like a mouse in a big brown house... but FUCK THAT LITTLE MOUSE, BECAUSE I'M AN ALBATRAOZ.
Now... go be a motherfucking albatraoz!
Today, I need to pick up where I left off... Key pairing! Google, to teh rescue!
(see link inside the link too, after clicking you will see they have a key pair guide there)
Key Pair has been made! It's backed up in the web folder and on Google Drive.
Making a stack using Amazon's sample WP blog template.
db is insomniadb
db passwords are standard,
user is jcahoon
Aaannd it works!
We shall begin tomorrow by replacing my static s3 site with this wordpress blog.
Then we will turn the wordpress blog salient.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Day 12: Gap-start next week
So week 3 begins today. Saturday. Thanks to Kris. Who made me do it, and then proceeded to cancel on me AFTER I'd already started.
1. Complete implementation of Salient web theme. This is the primary objective.
2. Begin creating my website's content (tweaking the theme, getting the video and opt-in on there, etc.)
3. See if I can, and if possible, begin recovery and transfer of all worthwhile content from HostGator.
Anyways, here are the goals for the week:
1. Complete implementation of Salient web theme. This is the primary objective.
2. Begin creating my website's content (tweaking the theme, getting the video and opt-in on there, etc.)
3. See if I can, and if possible, begin recovery and transfer of all worthwhile content from HostGator.
So I worked 8 hours (excluding lunch) at LEAF today, putting me around 70 hours for the week. And I am noticing I am quite irratible. For instance, I woke Chris up when I got home for leaving the pizza box wide open, spread across the kitchen table.
Anyways, to get on point here, I think today starts with me watching that video from day 10's post. So I'm gonna go do that now.
AWS Training
So pretty straight forward stuff. Not to say I have it working yet... I don't.....
The AWS console basically has everything.
To make a wordpress site with necessary databases and software all setup for you, all you need to do is goto their "cloud formation" tool and "create a stack". I suppose this means you're creating a whole stack of tools on it's own cloud server. Pretty fuckin' cool.
When I tried to do this, it failed. My error was either exactly the same or very similar to this person I found online (not linking since they are doing things a bit different from me, creating a bitnami cloud whereas I just want a normal wordpress cloud.):
"The stack creation failed though and when looking in the Events tab for the stack I see the status CREATE_FAILED with the reason The key pair 'default' does not exist."
The issue seems to be that I don't have this "key" setup. It seems for it to create a database and have it be secure and what not, I need a key.
It's been over an hour so we'll pick up where we left off and try to learn about "key pairs" when we return.
Bryan's in town. :)
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Week 2 Review: 1/11 - 1/15
I was going to judge integrity but I feel like it's a guessing game. I pretty much went straight to work every day I was supposed to, which was the word.
This week I established my website, answered all my questions, got on thevault.bz, selected my web theme and design, and began implementation.
Next week, the goals are:
1. Complete implementation of Salient web theme. This is the primary objective.
2. Begin creating my website's content (tweaking the theme, getting the video and opt-in on there, etc.)
3. See if I can, and if possible, begin recovery and transfer of all worthwhile content from HostGator.
Good shit. Very fun week. Spent a total of about 10 - 15 hours (guesstimate of 12) working on stuff this week... so I'm already on Q2 hourly goal levels. Which is good, but only if you keep the momentum going. I need a strong week 3 and I have to keep the wheel turning forward.
LEAF this week I've been slightly under a 5.
But ROARS I've been slightly over a 5, based on sheer hours, resistance to tiredness, integrity to word, beating back all trolls, and pushing myself outside my comfort zone by working when I didn't ever initally feel like it and achieving all the goals of the week while being exhausted.
Overall average is slightly over a 5 as far as progression goes, so that wheel is slowly turning in the right direction. Let's speed it up next week by focusing on less hours, but more intense focus and seriousness during those hours to really try to beat back the comfort zone trolls and achieve the goals of getting the site not just implemented, but more or less up and running.
I was going to judge integrity but I feel like it's a guessing game. I pretty much went straight to work every day I was supposed to, which was the word.
This week I established my website, answered all my questions, got on thevault.bz, selected my web theme and design, and began implementation.
Next week, the goals are:
1. Complete implementation of Salient web theme. This is the primary objective.
2. Begin creating my website's content (tweaking the theme, getting the video and opt-in on there, etc.)
3. See if I can, and if possible, begin recovery and transfer of all worthwhile content from HostGator.
Good shit. Very fun week. Spent a total of about 10 - 15 hours (guesstimate of 12) working on stuff this week... so I'm already on Q2 hourly goal levels. Which is good, but only if you keep the momentum going. I need a strong week 3 and I have to keep the wheel turning forward.
LEAF this week I've been slightly under a 5.
But ROARS I've been slightly over a 5, based on sheer hours, resistance to tiredness, integrity to word, beating back all trolls, and pushing myself outside my comfort zone by working when I didn't ever initally feel like it and achieving all the goals of the week while being exhausted.
Overall average is slightly over a 5 as far as progression goes, so that wheel is slowly turning in the right direction. Let's speed it up next week by focusing on less hours, but more intense focus and seriousness during those hours to really try to beat back the comfort zone trolls and achieve the goals of getting the site not just implemented, but more or less up and running.
Day 10
Implement and test salient today... and the weeks goals will be complete.
Just starting to do this is the completion of the goals I believe... double check...
Okay, 2 extra things:
1. -Do I still need the links, data, etc? How does Google Analytics play into all this?"
So there is data that should be saved, affiliate links to retrace, and content to recover. This is definitely going to take a while and may be the big focus of next week.
Analytics runs separate and all that data is saved. I just need to begin a new analytics project for the new site, and that can be on the same account.
2. What else, if anything, do I need to do to get everything operating on AWS?
Biggest missing piece is the advanced AWS stuff -- how to install PHP, SQL, and other required features into my AWS site so it's configured properly to run wordpress, my theme, etc. As I have just discovered.
^ includes wordpress
ALL SDKs: Basically, the software developer kits for ANY platform that can work with AWS... kind of the "go to" page for "How to install X on AWS"
(recommended: install composer: https://getcomposer.org/)
Amazon SDK for PHP: http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/sdk-for-php/
SQL: See video above first.
This may help or may be completely unnessary / do nothing: http://aws.amazon.com/rds/sqlserver/
see video above... so tired... all I see is "apache helicopter model" right now.
Good week. All objectives complete.
Just starting to do this is the completion of the goals I believe... double check...
Okay, 2 extra things:
1. -Do I still need the links, data, etc? How does Google Analytics play into all this?"
So there is data that should be saved, affiliate links to retrace, and content to recover. This is definitely going to take a while and may be the big focus of next week.
Analytics runs separate and all that data is saved. I just need to begin a new analytics project for the new site, and that can be on the same account.
2. What else, if anything, do I need to do to get everything operating on AWS?
Biggest missing piece is the advanced AWS stuff -- how to install PHP, SQL, and other required features into my AWS site so it's configured properly to run wordpress, my theme, etc. As I have just discovered.
And I am starting right now by starting a new post that defines all the technical terms I am coming across... since I clearly don't understand basic shit like:
-"WTF is SDK?" (It's software developer's kit. See definition I found. Thank you, Google.)
-"WTF is this Composer Amazon is talking about?"
-"WTF are dependencies?"
Final Goal: Begin Implementation
I am going to do a compromise here since there's like... an hour's worth of training and making accounts JUST TO START installing the codes I need on my AWS.
The compromise is this: A list of what needs to be done to finish implementation next week.
And here it is:
- PHP 5.2.4 or greater
- MySQL 5.0 or greater
- The mod_rewrite Apache module
^ includes wordpress
ALL SDKs: Basically, the software developer kits for ANY platform that can work with AWS... kind of the "go to" page for "How to install X on AWS"
(recommended: install composer: https://getcomposer.org/)
Amazon SDK for PHP: http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/sdk-for-php/
SQL: See video above first.
This may help or may be completely unnessary / do nothing: http://aws.amazon.com/rds/sqlserver/
see video above... so tired... all I see is "apache helicopter model" right now.
Good week. All objectives complete.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Day 9
Man, I have a hard time NOT putting 2 hours into ROARS every day.
Got Back Into TheVault.bz
Enough said here.
Found out TheVault.bz Offers Web Themes
Biggest one catching my eye is Salient -- "SEO Optimized" and the exact theme I was looking for:
All Demos -- http://themeforest.net/item/salient-responsive-multipurpose-theme/4363266?ref=nfo23
(Edit: just noticed on this page, you scroll down far enough you'll see what they have to say about their SEO... fucking perfection. Salient is the winner I believe.)
All Demos -- http://themeforest.net/item/salient-responsive-multipurpose-theme/4363266?ref=nfo23
(Edit: just noticed on this page, you scroll down far enough you'll see what they have to say about their SEO... fucking perfection. Salient is the winner I believe.)
Next is "super SEO" Strategy.. still good but has the sidebar, it's down the page a little which is good, but not sure if it's what I want. Admittedly, much better if I still want the blog on my page... but less sexy and I'm unsure (especially because most of the super SEO stuff seems completely unnecessary for me and redunant.)
I've downloaded both and moved them into the web folder.
Probably the best approach is get it installed (I noticed Salient came with excellent instructions) and test it, if you get it working and like it, probably best to buy the liscense.
There's a lot more themes where those came from... but seems like biting the bullet and using Salient is a great way to go here,
Browsed a little
Obviously, the vault is loaded and takes a while. Best thing to do seems to be to sort by date, so I start with the most relevant stuff.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
2 ideas for Top 10 Insomnia Remedies
Traditional -- the top 10 I have now (or had... worth noting IT IS NOT UP!), modelled after the top 10 web providers sites
Opt-in -- top 10 offered as a trade for their email. Should say things like
"Tired of searching through a million "best" remedies that don't work? Search no more -- see what the experts have to say and get your free copy of the true top 10 here"
(challenge.co for example)
Going to admit... I am pretty sure I tested this in the past and found that it didn't get the opt in #s I wanted... so maybe this isn't the best way to do it... it's just the free, easy, upfront value that gets me. But this isn't the best "kiss test." It doesn't shock and awe my market. I'd need to really sell it and that's just not something I can do in 3 seconds for this content.
Traditional -- the top 10 I have now (or had... worth noting IT IS NOT UP!), modelled after the top 10 web providers sites
Opt-in -- top 10 offered as a trade for their email. Should say things like
"Tired of searching through a million "best" remedies that don't work? Search no more -- see what the experts have to say and get your free copy of the true top 10 here"
(challenge.co for example)
Going to admit... I am pretty sure I tested this in the past and found that it didn't get the opt in #s I wanted... so maybe this isn't the best way to do it... it's just the free, easy, upfront value that gets me. But this isn't the best "kiss test." It doesn't shock and awe my market. I'd need to really sell it and that's just not something I can do in 3 seconds for this content.
Day 8
So, not going to worry about "porting" or "how to wordpress" right now:"
- Understand what will be needed to port over:
-Domain redirecting?
-Wordpress / Site code setup on new server? Is it just copy and paste?
-What else, if anything, do I need to do to get everything operating on AWS? - Answer these questions:
-Port... or reinvent?
Because I wrote this before I knew if I was going to port... or reinvent.
I am going to reinvent.
First thing I want to do is get a better SEO site / blog style. Today is about:
-Finding the best SEO premade site designs
-Choosing the design that best fits my vision for the reinvention.
((I shall start by taking a peak at Ed Dale's "the challenge". If I am unimpressed I will have a look at STOMPERNET
Okay so those are both dead lol))
Read the "Top 18 SEO Myths of 2015" off of hubspot
Looks like now-a-days SEO has had several super updates to elimitate the old keyword optimization ways of the past, instead focusing on the intention behind the keyword and the quality of the site and it's content...Great news, really, for someone who developed a top notch, market leading product like me... I can provide value for days, and now they are saying:
-No multi-site tactics -- stack all your quality on your home site.
-No doing TONS of pages on the site -- make only super high quality pages, the more of THOSE the better.
-No more spamming links or using keywords repetitively -- think linking from related pages, not anchor text (authority sites linking to you are still key, so this opens up the opportunity to spend more time developing campaigns to guest blog and add value to the big guns in exchange for a link to your website.)
-No more keyword spamming the H1 tags, no multi-H1s and etc -- keep word choice tightly related, but as human as possible.
-Think value and building the best, simplest, most satisfying web experience possible.
New Web Design for a Conversion-Effective Site that's SEO Friendly and Incredibly Satifying to Users (low bounce rate is a goal!)
So now I'm looking at Templates that reflect this. I want one like yourleafnow.com ... that's the 2015 way to stand out and impress IMO.http://www.templatemonster.com/ (I looked at the more modern "Cherry" designs... see timeline at bottom) to buy. Definitely considering it. Want to shop a little and make sure the deal is good and get some reviews on them first, but I like the idea a lot. Video at the top and scroll down to be guided through all the other content and solutions.
ex. http://www.templatemonster.com/demo/52603.html
-video- ("cure insomnia" opt-in on the right)
(Some content here that basically re-interates solving the insomnia problem, basically another hook that is designed to leading them back to the main idea at the top, probably more text-oriented than video oriented, maybe leading them to an article that sums up the video in text and has an opt-in page on it)
INSOMNIA NEWSLETTER (so they can opt-in)
FOOTER (w/ links)
As I did all this today, I have put requests on thevault's IRC to get back in, since I have been (fairly) removed from their site. Looks like my account was shut down, as I have no automated way to re-activate.Keep in mind, you are a trained account executive. You can, and will, get back in. This is the place to start for all Internet Marketing 2015 resources. Just like you can get the attention of the big guns on the web in the insomnia field.
In Conclusion
Another big day for the renaissance and "doing both".
I found out today I can't be too rigid with my goal of having wordpress done on AWS -- I need to select a SEO friendly website style/template first and then figure out how to implement it.
On the other hand, I've got a design in mind, and I have a source for templates, so now it's just about exploring that.
My goal for the rest of the week is:
1. Select a website template / code.
2. Begin implementing it.
By the end of next week, I want howtofixinsomnia.com to have all the framework complete, just waiting for me to color in the content.
Fuck this is fun!! :)
Monday, January 12, 2015
Day 7
Daily Review:
-Got www.howtofixinsomnia.com purchased and working as an AWS hosted, static website, with a charming little "Coming Soon" page.
-www.howtocureinsomnia.com was not taken but starting bid was over $100 per month for the first year... and I actually think "how to FIX insomnia" is a better brand, I can literally have a sleeping wrench as a logo or something.
Couple other things "How to Fix Insomnia" had going for it in the KEYWORD data:
1. Key adwords phrase, but easier keyword to win SEO on.
2. VERY related to how to cure insomnia.
3. Bounce rate for "How to Fix Insomnia" keyword traffic to naturalcuresforinsomnia.org was very HIGH. Which is a good thing -- it goes to show, the people who type that aren't interesting in reading about a list of cures... they wanted to fix it... hopefully.
Good 2+ hour chunk spent on this today. Feels nice. Not sure what to count from yesterday... maybe 2 hours as well? I am exceeding the guidelines for the week, now to exceed the goals...
-Domain redirecting -- No. We will be starting over with a new domain and new brand.
-Wordpress -- The main focus of tomorrow, and possibly Wednesday -- get this up and running.
-What else? Combine that with the next question, "Port... or reinvent?". We need to think it through. I have a vision of a simple, bold top page and you can scroll down to the blog or watch the intro video.
ROARS LOG 1/12/15:
Today I am doing the AWS training.
Made a big mistake today at work that costs me $2,500. Working hard here will allow me to progress on both fronts. DO BOTH. BECOME A 6. BECOME MILLIONAIRE MATERIAL. GET THIS SITE UP, RUNNING, MAKING MONEY, AND THEN DWARFING LEAF AND IT'S COMMISSIONS.
Fuck being dependant on single deals, single sales.
I want automatic streams of income so I can be making my second million while I'm relaxing at a lodge in Mammoth and planning my summer in New Zealand.
-Got www.howtofixinsomnia.com purchased and working as an AWS hosted, static website, with a charming little "Coming Soon" page.
-www.howtocureinsomnia.com was not taken but starting bid was over $100 per month for the first year... and I actually think "how to FIX insomnia" is a better brand, I can literally have a sleeping wrench as a logo or something.
Couple other things "How to Fix Insomnia" had going for it in the KEYWORD data:
1. Key adwords phrase, but easier keyword to win SEO on.
2. VERY related to how to cure insomnia.
3. Bounce rate for "How to Fix Insomnia" keyword traffic to naturalcuresforinsomnia.org was very HIGH. Which is a good thing -- it goes to show, the people who type that aren't interesting in reading about a list of cures... they wanted to fix it... hopefully.
Good 2+ hour chunk spent on this today. Feels nice. Not sure what to count from yesterday... maybe 2 hours as well? I am exceeding the guidelines for the week, now to exceed the goals...
- Understand what will be needed to port over:
-Domain redirecting?
-Wordpress / Site code setup on new server? Is it just copy and paste?
-What else, if anything, do I need to do to get everything operating on AWS? - Answer these questions:
-Port... or reinvent?
-Domain redirecting -- No. We will be starting over with a new domain and new brand.
-Wordpress -- The main focus of tomorrow, and possibly Wednesday -- get this up and running.
-What else? Combine that with the next question, "Port... or reinvent?". We need to think it through. I have a vision of a simple, bold top page and you can scroll down to the blog or watch the intro video.
ROARS LOG 1/12/15:
Today I am doing the AWS training.
Made a big mistake today at work that costs me $2,500. Working hard here will allow me to progress on both fronts. DO BOTH. BECOME A 6. BECOME MILLIONAIRE MATERIAL. GET THIS SITE UP, RUNNING, MAKING MONEY, AND THEN DWARFING LEAF AND IT'S COMMISSIONS.
Fuck being dependant on single deals, single sales.
I want automatic streams of income so I can be making my second million while I'm relaxing at a lodge in Mammoth and planning my summer in New Zealand.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Week 1 Review 1/4 - 1/8
100% Failure to achieve any goals whatsoever.
3 Problems and what needs to be done to fix them:
3 Problems and what needs to be done to fix them:
- Problem: No plan / word for how to transition from LEAF to ROARS, so I went on auto-pilot and slacked when I got home. Procrastinating directly leads to failure.
Solution: New word addendum -- Monday - Thursday, FIRST THING you do when you get home is come to this blog and post plan for the day. That's the word: I will start right away -- I will not procrastinate, whether I fail to start or not I will try. Ideally, you will also get amped on pushing the limits of your comfort zone. - Problem: Messy Environment. Since I am hanging out with Dave tomorrow, this lead to this task demanding my attention.
Solution: Keep the room and house clean in general -- if there are other tasks demanding your attention, you will have a harder time focusing. - Problem: Drinking on a week night. I was feeling very disoriented on Monday / Tuesday as it was, so drinking Monday night and not getting enough sleep made me too exhausted to work on Tuesday.
Solution: Do not drink on week nights. Keep the wine off the desk. Come on now... there's no word needed here... this is basic stuff. Drinking Monday night just goes to show you are not ready to be an entrepreneur.
Next week I still intend to move on to 4 hours, I want to do 2 on Sunday and then 30 min per day, M-Th.
I am failing. If I don't get a lot more serious about pushing my limits, and I don't do it quickly, this year is going to unravel before it even begins. Let's approach next week a lot more seriously with a lot more focus.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
The Renaissance Challenge, Day 1
Week 1, take 2!
It's good that I had "week 1" in December as that inspired this challenge, but at the same time it was the whole "failure to plan = plan to fail" thing... no 90 dc was active during that time.
Today, that has changed with The Renaissance Challenge: Q1 2015.
"The Renaissance of the Entrepreneur"
It's a fitting title. My history here has parallels with the real history of organized advanced civilization: There was ROME, then it fell and there were dark ages, then there was a re-birth of advanced civilization and the modern era of science and art began.
With my business, there were the early days that laid all the foundation I needed, but at the same time did little to really make me much money. It's like how Rome was advanced, but their science is nothing compared to today's. Then my financial backing fell apart and I dropped the business for 3 years... a long, dark age of no progression.
Now, I hope to restart the business and use my new hustle skills and matured mental framework to handle this challenge on a far more advanced level.
As far as being an entrepreneur goes, this is a renaissance.
So it's a clear intent, and therefore I feel it's a good name.
Where do we go from here?
From the last "week 1":
Also, here are the hourly guidelines for this first Renaissance challenge.
Week 1:
-3 hours at home, so 30 minutes on day 1, tomorrow I will pay for AWS training (just not worth the time to try and track down other training on this right now) and I expect it will take at least 1.5 hours, leaving 1 hour left for thursday to setup a mock website and answer the questions above.
Week 2:
-4 hours: 1 hour per day, Monday through Thursday.
Week 3:
-5 hours, 1 hour per day, Sunday through Thursday.
...12 weeks, so add one hour per week up until week 9, at which point get a steady 10 hours per week until the end of the challenge.
Then take a week to relax -- go easy at LEAF and don't work on the business... so I'm clearly separating my 90 DCs. Week 2 of April you can start Q2 2015, and instead of moving everything over just have the 90 DC actually be 83 days... there is seriously no reason to nit pick, as there is no way to have 4 90 DCs and time off without doing it this way anyways.
Final Comments
I expect this whole year to be part of the renaissance. If this challenge fails, just make Q2 "renaissance 90dc part 2". I expect to do this anyways. I want to push harder and harder this year to really bring this business back to life, and in doing so I expect to start making real money on both fronts.
The biggest wins will be proving I can do both and growing mentally strong. It's like deciding one year you are going to start lifting weights every day as much as possible to become physically strong. I am deciding to start really flexing my mind to become mentally strong.
Let's make this year a happier, more fruitful year than 2014 and really get a running start down the path of millionaire by 2020.
It's good that I had "week 1" in December as that inspired this challenge, but at the same time it was the whole "failure to plan = plan to fail" thing... no 90 dc was active during that time.
Today, that has changed with The Renaissance Challenge: Q1 2015.
"The Renaissance of the Entrepreneur"
It's a fitting title. My history here has parallels with the real history of organized advanced civilization: There was ROME, then it fell and there were dark ages, then there was a re-birth of advanced civilization and the modern era of science and art began.
With my business, there were the early days that laid all the foundation I needed, but at the same time did little to really make me much money. It's like how Rome was advanced, but their science is nothing compared to today's. Then my financial backing fell apart and I dropped the business for 3 years... a long, dark age of no progression.
Now, I hope to restart the business and use my new hustle skills and matured mental framework to handle this challenge on a far more advanced level.
As far as being an entrepreneur goes, this is a renaissance.
So it's a clear intent, and therefore I feel it's a good name.
Where do we go from here?
From the last "week 1":
- Have an AWS website (not natural cures / how to cure insomnia yet... just A site.)
- Understand what will be needed to port over:
-Domain redirecting?
-Wordpress / Site code setup on new server? Is it just copy and paste?
-What else, if anything, do I need to do to get everything operating on AWS? - Answer these questions:
-Port... or reinvent?
-Should I start a new SEO campaign centered around "How to Cure Insomnia."?
-Do I do both -- does natural cures still have enough value to keep alive after being dead nearly a year?
-Do I still need the links, data, etc? How does Google Analytics play into all this?"
Also, here are the hourly guidelines for this first Renaissance challenge.
Week 1:
-3 hours at home, so 30 minutes on day 1, tomorrow I will pay for AWS training (just not worth the time to try and track down other training on this right now) and I expect it will take at least 1.5 hours, leaving 1 hour left for thursday to setup a mock website and answer the questions above.
Week 2:
-4 hours: 1 hour per day, Monday through Thursday.
Week 3:
-5 hours, 1 hour per day, Sunday through Thursday.
...12 weeks, so add one hour per week up until week 9, at which point get a steady 10 hours per week until the end of the challenge.
Then take a week to relax -- go easy at LEAF and don't work on the business... so I'm clearly separating my 90 DCs. Week 2 of April you can start Q2 2015, and instead of moving everything over just have the 90 DC actually be 83 days... there is seriously no reason to nit pick, as there is no way to have 4 90 DCs and time off without doing it this way anyways.
Final Comments
I expect this whole year to be part of the renaissance. If this challenge fails, just make Q2 "renaissance 90dc part 2". I expect to do this anyways. I want to push harder and harder this year to really bring this business back to life, and in doing so I expect to start making real money on both fronts.
The biggest wins will be proving I can do both and growing mentally strong. It's like deciding one year you are going to start lifting weights every day as much as possible to become physically strong. I am deciding to start really flexing my mind to become mentally strong.
Let's make this year a happier, more fruitful year than 2014 and really get a running start down the path of millionaire by 2020.
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