Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Using your wakeup alarm to fall asleep

You know how the easiest time to fall asleep is in the morning right after you hit snooze on your alarm?

What if you could create that feeling when you actually needed it the most?

This concept goes along the lines of "trying to stay awake" to fall asleep... but taking it to an entirely more insane level.

If you don't fall asleep within 30 min, trying to stay in bed so it will happen is setting yourself up for failure anyways, so don't let that happen.  What kind of sleep would you get anyways?  Even if it does happen, it'll be light, fragmented sleep, and you'll be awake 2 hrs later and even more miserable.

Instead, put into practice a meditation or other tactic that you need to practice, and instead of trying to fall asleep... or even trying to stay awake, but really, subconsciously, STILL trying to fall asleep whether you realize that's what you're really wanting or not... go to the next level and set an actual alarm to go off at the end of your practice.

If trying to stay awake really puts you to sleep, then setting an alarm is the ultimate way to set yourself straight that staying awake is really the goal.

This requires 2 goals to be achieved - one within the timer, and one to follow the timer.  For me, it's to have a legit meditation session, and the timer is the way to dedicate as much as possible into a 5, 10, or 15 min integral and be interrupted at the end to see if I achieved the goal or ended up getting lost in my head.  

The SECOND goal of a SECOND, NON-TIMED (or second timed, third non-timed... etc.. END goal is non-timed) practice to follow up the main one.  You know, so I'm both (A) Not going to go back to trying to fall asleep and (B) So that I also don't keep getting woken up by alarms all night.

When I legitimately make the mediation my goal and set a 5 min alarm, then something *MAGICAL* happens.

I get the EARLY MORNING SNOOZE AFFECT on my ability to fall asleep.  When the alarm goes off and it's on to the second goal, I feel like I'm snoozing the alarm a little bit.

If it doesn't, that's good too - it means I'm achieving my goal of staying awake.  Which means the human nature is going to kick in and start fighting me soon - I just need to set another alarm or two to trigger it.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 37

04:30 - 06:30: Obj.Moving (11/23)

Moving is a lot harder than you think, especially when you're moving your whole family and you're the primary applicant and decision maker.

Today it was securing application approval, organizing the family for the lease signing, and negotiating a 2 week over-lap with my current landlord (and roommate) so I hopefully can get the entire security deposit AND a rent reduction.

Basically, I am willing to do an extra week to do right by him and protect my deposit... but if he gets greedy I am not going to pay extra to protect the deposit - its 1000 that he might essentially steal from me ANYWAYS.  And Dave didn't exactly offer to help at all (or give me full notice) so I'm not trying to protect his half.

I could say something like, "if I do the extra week, do you promise not to deduct the 4th week from my deposit", but then they can just lie to you / you're planting the seed that they can steal your deposit.

At the end of the day, just do right by others and yourself.  2 weeks vacancy is not bad at all.  If he wants the whole 2 extra weeks, just pay him 1450 and say "I'll be out by the 15th.  Your turn."  There's really not much he can do - even if he makes threats, they'd be pretty hollow.  And they won't do that.

If he says "lets compromise" then fuck it.. lose the extra 725 and make people happy.

If he says "you know what, no prob, just pay 1450" then great, we're good to go.

No matter what, I'm not paying 3k for a place I'll be in for a few days.  2 weeks is me being nice... I could try to pay nothing if I really wanted to be a scumbag.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 35 and 36

Day 35: +2 hours into Obj.Invest (2/2)

Day 36: 04:30 - 04:45 + 06:00 - 06:45: Obj.Moving (9/23)

(split hr because I had to scan "pay raise" letter from work)

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 34

10p - ...

10:00 - 01:00: Obj.Moving (8/15)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (4/10)
02:00 - ?????: ???

*Counting today "as if" Sunday on ROARS hrs
*Counted Friday "as if" Thursday on ROARS hrs.


I am moving and these are the days the realtors work.

Figure we're about half way through if we're accepted at the one we want... next up is actually renting the truck and moving everything.

I have adjusted my OBJECTIVES AND GOALS hours accordingly to accomodate this into part of ROARS.  Consider it work hours required to getting a new office since I'll have a little office downstairs that I can write off on my taxes.  Also, it's good to be closer to work (during rush hour I can more or less skip the freeway) and not have to drive an hour to go help mom whenever she needs it.

So in those ways it's justifiable ROARS hours... but the real reason for it is there's no rationality in calling a massive failure / massive hole in a "consistency" challenge when I was consistently working.  I really don't have a choice, and I'm not "being reasonable"... EITHER WAY I can't do ROARS this weekend and on a future weekend to come, so I may as well get credit for what I am doing.

Otherwise I could just fill in a bunch of NA and dock it, but it doesn't really matter either way.  Whether I call it "more hours were needed to launch" or "I was delayed due to having to move to help my mom", either way the end results are the same.  Since this is a consistency challenge, and I AM being consistent, I elect to keep the hours going and not blow a big NA in them.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Invest in Bitcoin

Value this year has increased 200% YoY on average.  Feels like it's going to drop but if it's just getting started I'm missing out big time.

CONCEPT OF INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY.  And uses a math principal of ever increasing complexity so it'd be impossible to unwind to create its solidity - bitcoins themselves, in principal, are impossible to "hack"... but the markets they trade on are a different story, watch out for those.

Also invest in Litecoin and Ethereum.  ALL digital currencies are EXPLODING.  I'll keep my eye on them for the moment but a decision needs to be made in as short as a few weeks on bitcoin.  Litecoin and Ethereum invest less but invest NOW.

Objective "Invest" added to "Objectives and Goals", assigned 2 hours.

Goal is to invest $250 into both litecoin and ethereum ($500 total), and $500 into Bitcoin, for $1,000 total investment.

From there, I will track my investment (PREFERABLY WITH MINT) and keep an eye on the below charts.  The money invested will motivate me to keep an eye on things.  If it goes really well I'll invest more.  Just don't go crazy in case of some epic crash.

Article with optimistic predictions:

Bitcoin / Litecoin / Ethereum market prices:

Other coins:

Q3 CDC Day 24

5:15p - 6:45p

05:30 - 06:30: Obj.Account (1/3)

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 23

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.1.2d4 (6/10)


Next up:
1. Listen full through for problems & major errors, adding "director's commentary" wherever found.
2. Fix problems.
3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until you get a full go-through without any problems or errors.
4. Tweak transitions until it sounds perfectly smooth.
5. Final full pass through paying close attention to make sure it's perfect.

...and then we move on to slides :)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 21

9a - 6:30p

09:00 - 10:00: Shopping / Laundry
10:00 - 10:30: Breakfast, power hour, meditation (cuz I need a longer power hour and I have to wait for laundry / shower before I can record audio anyways.)
10:30 - 11:30: Obj.1.2d3 (4/2)
11:30 - 12:30: Obj.1.2d3 (5/2)
12:30 - 01:30: Obj.Su.Lunch(3/10).  End with 10 min meditation.
01:30 - 02:00: Chores & setup
02:00 - 03:00: Obj.1.2d4 (2/10)
03:00 - 04:00: Obj.1.2d4 (3/10)
04:00 - 05:30: snack, notice of moving out with landlord / talking with dave, slow cooker meals, 5 min med
05:30 - 06:30: Obj.1.2d4 (4/10)

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 17

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.1.2d4 (1/10)

Well this round of editing ended up being just the creation of the "REQUIRED Audio Checklist" as I just found out that I wasted another 2 hours recording audio that was too quiet... because I incorrectly assumed the audio was the same as last time, since that's what has happened in the past.

But at least from now on I have a system which will ensure better recordings every time.  I commit to reviewing this EVERY TIME before audio recording from this day forward.

Note that I did notice that I sounded a lot more "down beat" than I thought I sounded when recording as well.  This just goes to show that to sound as good as I did in the last one, there's a lot more than goes into than I'd ever think.

If you come back 2 months later and try to wing it?  You'll sound horrible no matter how good you *think* you are.

Follow the steps and try your best?  You'll sound too mellow for the internet.

You REALLY have to drive the energy up (WITHOUT getting louder - THAT is the trick.)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 16

6:00p - ...

06:15 - 07:15: Obj.1.2d4 (1/10 - failed so 0/10)

Editing the audio... hope this shit it actually usable this time... fml last time.

Failed to start