Sunday, April 7, 2019

April Monthly Determination

Current "Determination Level" on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being the lowest possible and 5 being the highest possible: 2

March in general: 2.25

Become enrolled in creating as much happiness as possible.  That is, to become absorbed in creating happiness.  Becoming obsessed with happiness.

On 1-5...

Happiness: 3.5
Work: 2.5
Roars: 3
Social: 3.5
Finances: 3.5
Fitness: 4
Entertainment: 4
Romance: 4.5
Family: 4

If I just make a list of everything to do in these areas, it'll quickly become obligatory.  Then, a failure.  That'd be like taking the time to make rockets only to miss the building when you fire them.  (Frost: "YAH MISSED!")

Instead, focus on the goals and become obsessed with increasing them.

However, it seems rather pointless to take the time with things that are 4+... or even 3.5+, while there are large glaring numbers like 2.5 and 3.

So, we're back to focusing on Work and Roars.

So, April's determination is to get enrolled in creating as much happiness as possible with Work and ROARS.

The one thing that's missing is intensity.  It's a fighter's push to win.  It's that part where you're giving it all you got, like your life depends on it.

So, April's determination is to be driven to build my books of business.  

Like the greater side of me is letting them slide away and the smaller, losing side of me is fighting to build them up.  And it's going to take everything I got to win and get the "build them up" side bigger than the "let them slide away" side.

"Intense focus.  The other ingredients must get you serious enough to focus your mind.  Without a driven, intense focus, you will not be effective enough to deal with the vast amounts of obstacles life throws at you."

I've decided to focus on building my intensity this month, seems to be what's missing.  I started on the wrong foot yesterday... I've become complacent... I've become a weak man.  That's not who I am, and it's time I got back to being someone who is actively accomplishing great things.


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