To accept payment, I have to show a legal business name. Unless I want that name to be "Jaimie Montague", I have to register a DBA.
There's 2 things pretty much required to accept business in my current location:
1. Register a Fictitious Name with OC (
2. Register as a "Home Based Business" with Huntington Beach (OC only requires that I have a business license with the city I live in.) (
Since a DBA can be converted into an LLC or switched over in the future, I see no reason to start a business entity at this time. However, once my business sales exceed a couple grand per year, it'll be about time to get an LLC or an S-Corp (probably and LLC) so that I can copyright everything and later Trademark my stuff under the business entity. Plus, at that point it'll be time to separate my personal and business assets to protect myself from litigation, bankruptcy, and the actions of the business. By registering everything under the business entity, I keep the IP of the business separated from myself. To do this, I will of course need a business entity.
Since I've uploaded my videos to Vimeo and shared them with witnesses, I'm not too worried about ever needing to prove I am the originator of the content. I can prove that in many ways.
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