Monday, August 26, 2019

On Integrity

You are a human being, and as such, you have no integrity.

You create integrity out there, in the real world, by putting a declaration out there with your word, which creates a new entity (you could substitute "possibility" in for "entity".  I am using "entity" because I am looking at creating a whole realm of possibility around my work, so that may be more than a single possibility, and it can really mean anything you can create with word.)  

Then, THAT ENTITY you've created with your word will have integrity with your word.  

You can relate to knowing yourself as your word or stand in THAT ENTITY.  And of course, standing there, you can tell if it's in integrity or not and make choices about how to proceed.

However, you are not that entity - you are a human being - and as such, you have no integrity.  The same way a cat or dog has no "integrity" - it's just a cat or a dog - you are just a human being they call Jaimie.  Jaimie doesn't have integrity, Jaimie is simply what's so, he's just the way Jaimie is.    

Similarly, Jaimie's "life" is Jaimie's "life", and that is mostly an undeclared mess of internal states - it's not the same as an entity that is created by word.  Entities that are created by word can then have integrity to that word, because they are created by it and they are either in line with the word or they aren't.

If I declare a corporation as named "Jaimie's Crab Shack LLC", then the business "Iconic Crab Shack, Inc." is not that entity.  Nor is the DBA registered to Jaimie named "Jaimie's Crab Shack".  Jaimie's Crab Shack LLC is Jaimie's Crab Shack LLC, and we're either talking about Jaimie's Crab Shack LLC or we're not.  Entities you create with word work similarly.

So you might know yourself as your word, and when your word goes out of integrity, that just means you've lost touch with that entity and need to restore it.  If desired, develop a stronger relationship there, but it's integrity has no reflection on your integrity, because you never had any integrity begin with, and you never will.  You can know yourself as your word and the possibilities you create, but that doesn't make those entities the same as you.  They have integrity, and you can stand in them, but you can never have any integrity yourself.

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