Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 58

5:15p - 7p


05:15 - 05:30: Coffee and some thoughts.
05:30 - 07:00: Solid prep work. +1.5 to LEAF after LEAF

Some Quick Motivating Thoughts Here

Strength.  It's time to be STRONG again.

It's a sad thing I wasn't more successful AUG-OCT.  I really put in the discipline to earn it.

That being said, now I am ready for the next level.  It's been a relaxed November, opposite of last year, and Dec '16 and Jan '17 are going to be opposites as well -- it's time to make that final push to size 5.

I embrace the idea of embracing pain and suffering.  I've never been so clear, so non-conflicted, so knowing what I need to do next.  2016 was a success.  Now it's time to make 2017 the launch based upon the foundation.

Like you said, once you start building size, you can start growing exponentially faster.

Fixing the Frame

Fell apart more today.

Here's how we fix it.

1. Meditate as soon as Ryu leaves.
2. Morning ritual tmw.
3. Keep on a break with Sarah.
4. HARD STOP @ 7.

4 cracks in frame

1. not stopping at 7 affected sleep.  7 IS HARD STOP NO MATTER WHAT!

2. 5 min med not shown up.  i forgot.  cant let that happen

3. happened cuz DIDNT LEAVE WORK BY 330

4.  all this lead to no morning ritual (mainly cuz of sarah issues... but at least i decided on taking a break from that on my end)

Monday, November 28, 2016

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 56 - Establishing Frame of Consistent Discipline

09:00 - 05:00

19 Objectives, 150 hours is a failed project for this challenge.  I will not hit 150 hours, nor will I get through 19 objectives.

However, the project concept is solid.  The only thing that failed was the consistent discipline.

In light of this, and the need to split some excess time to LEAF, there will be some changes ahead.

CDH integrity tracked will now be CDH integrity ONLY.  Any planned discipline hour achieved will yield integrity towards my general development of consistent discipline.  It is a framework that ROARS is set within, but it is not ROARS.  This is a "did you show up" meter of integrity.

ROARS integrity will be measured by hours (average & total) and objectives completed... as it should be.

-Set obj: 'Setup.T2'
 --room & power hour (1 hour)
 --New challenge objectives and hours set. (1 hour)

09:00 - 09:30: Blog post and setup
09:30 - 10:00: Meditation half hour
10:00 - 11:00: Setup (1/2) -- room and PH
11:00 - 12:00: Setup (2/2) -- obj's and hours. -- determine rest of day here as well.
12:00 - 01:00: Su.Lunch (1/4)
...(should have the rest filled in by 12)

09:00 - 09:30: Blog post and setup
09:30 - 10:30: Thought and planning
10:30 - 11:00: Meditation
11:00 - 11:45: Cleaning / Laundry / Interior Design w/ Dave
11:45 - 12:45: Su.Lunch (1/4)
12:45 - 01:45: Int.Setup (1/2) -- room and PH
01:45 - 04:45: Int.Setup (4/2) -- see below.

December '16: Establishing Frame of Consistent Discipline

CDH was the framework for having some sort of consistent discipline extra credit hour I went for every day, to establish a foundation of discipline that I could build ROARS upon.

Now I'm dropping the "H", and setting into place a structure of discipline for Sunday - Friday.  It's the same one I've been using, now it's just official across the board, setting up a clear frame for my gladiator context of mental mastery to thrive within.

The key here is to realize that this will take ESCAPE VELOCITY since there's a HABIT GRAVITY of non-action in place set by November, and as an official structure, this is my most extensive and ambitious design yet.

The challenge of December '16 is to achieve escape velocity.  This will help me:
  • Set the foundation for establishing HABIT GRAVITY in early 2017 of consistent discipline framework.
    • Prove I can do it and set a bar to beat in early 2017.
  • Grow consistent discipline skills, mentality, and emphasis as a primary goal.
NON-NEGOTIABLES -- the following is over-riding word and it must be followed or the challenge will fall apart incredibly fast.  Doing these is what sets this period apart, it's what makes a frame exist, without it this period will be indistinguishable from the rest of Q4.

  • SHOW UP for a morning ritual every day, Sunday - Thursday (okay to fail, but at least SHOW UP.)
  • SHOW UP for workout 4 days a week every week -- if missed at lunch, reschedule for 330-4 (okay to fail, but at least SHOW UP.)
  • SHOW UP for 3 meditations a day, Sunday - Thursday (okay to fail, but at least SHOW UP.)
  • Have NO NICOTINE from 11/26/16 - 12/26/16.
  • Use Size Sheet hourly during the day, even if it’s with “??” or “NA” fillers.

NEGOTIABLE: Food.  Here's the GOALS.  Note that the first one will directly impact size for the day now:
  • NO FAST FOOD before all work is completed for the day on any given day.  
  • Max fast food of 2x per week (1x per Saturday.)
  • Crockpot dinners for the week on Sundays.
  • Daily dinner of steak or chicken + veggies, chilli + veggies, or crockpot premade.

Now on to the specifics...

Unifying Context: MENTAL MASTERY

"Why am I here?" ... the Power Hour starter... for both LEAF, ROARS, and other objectives... is MENTAL MASTERY.

The new implementation, effective immediately, is ACCOUNTABILITY for applying mindfulness size estimation to deal work and ROARS work.

These are both areas that are ready for the next step in mental mastery.  I know how to single-out thoughts now and choose.  It'll be much easier and better this way, it's worth trying for at least a month.

Sunday Structure Changes:

Default wake up alarm is now 7am.

Default start times: 8:30a goal, 9:00a hard limit (or CDH integrity automatically cut in half.)

IF SO CHOSEN THE NIGHT BEFORE, these can be changed to 7:30/9:30, but this is no longer the default.

ROARS: 4 Sundays, 30 Hours, 8 Objectives

New goal: Apply mental mastery and singling-out thoughts to each hour of ROARS work

New objectives: as mentioned in title.

Basically goal for Q4 now is to get through stage 1 objectives and put a firm dent into stage 2 (re-doing video 2.)  My "far reaching" objective would be to finish video 2 remake.

LEAF: 12 Hours, 3 Objectives

New goal: Apply mental mastery and singling-out thoughts to deal work, tracking size from 10a-11a.

Now basically starting lunch at 11am, and asking me to 1-up thoughts (single-out approach) or face lower size daily.

MINT: Budget @ the end of every month.

One CDH during the final week of every month should be dedicated to paying bills, tending mint, and making the income statement for the month.


This topic will get 1 hour minimum today and the decision made within will be permanently part of word for the rest of my life.  You know what the decision is.  The hour is to drive into my head WHY.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Looks like more bad news from fucking LEAF.

Last month, my $1995 doc fee got eaten by the company after they pushed through my deal.  This month I just lost 2 money makers... my 118k deal and now the 38k deal with the $400 in doc fee commission.

All these hits come at a time where I am already getting fucked over and at a low period.

If I change jobs, it'll cost me more time and take me further off my path.  It's time to make some more money here.

If I prep these new leads, and salvage from the research / FUI bin, I might be looking at the $10-20k that will change the game next year.

If I don't do it, ROARS is going to take a bigger hit later anyways.

Time to make money here.  I am building a book of business to get to the senior levels of repeat business and the commissions that come with it.

This is the path.  LEAF = Freedom to work on ROARS.  It's flexible hours / supervision, both easy enough and challenging enough, and solid pay, solid career, solid work experience.

I can't lose the foundation from which I am building everything.

At the same time, CONSISTENCY with ROARS is extraordinarly important.

So the thing to look at is splitting up my free time.  The integrity % indicator needs to give 100% for LEAF after LEAF.  And I'm thinking a 50 / 50 split is the way to go.

Even if I'm only putting in 5 hours a week into ROARS, those 5 hours keep it alive, they keep my path strong, and they build the consistent discipline I need... without them, I am truly moving backwards.  With them, I conserve the gains I've made this year.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 46

6p - 8p

Establishing A New Frame.

See white paper.

This is a new beginning.  Again.

"The Arena" frame doesn't work -- embracing pain and discipline, spartacus style, is my context level goal.  Need to think more meta than that.  You won't find it in Spartacus.

This is more like an olypian athlete.  Training all day every day is what they do.  They eat specifically (Phelps and his 12 burgers), they do complementary gym work, they do mental work.  Their day to day life structured in such a way to provide a maximum edge.

"Maximum Edge" Frame.