5p - 7p
05:15 - 06:15: Obj.Account (1/3) - January Mint & Accounting.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Q1 CDC Day 15
2p - 3:30p
The first Sunday of the CDC.
Time to shave off those limiting beliefs, my friend.
02:30 - 03:30: Kiss test concept
Click here to show the kiss test content.
The “Kiss Test”
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KissTestHow To Tell If A Woman Is Ready For Your Kiss – And How To AVOID Rejection…
Know what?
I used to have NO CLUE how to tell if a woman was ready to be kissed…
I could be sitting there talking to her, thinking to myself “Wow, her lips really look nice…” but I didn’t know what to do next. This would often leave me kissless, and many times kissless for good, as I didn’t get another chance.
And, of course, this drove me NUTS.
I can’t tell you how many chances I missed to have interesting, fun, sexy women in my life… all because I didn’t know how or when to go for the first kiss.
Sound familiar?
But through a TON of trial and error, I’ve now figured out a way to know FOR SURE when a woman is ready to be kissed.
In fact, I’ve developed a “technique” that literally guarantees I’ll never get rejected when I decide the time is right to “go for it.” And I want to teach it to you right now.
Here’s what I do…
If I’ve been talking to a girl and want to know if she’s ready to be kissed, I’ll reach over and touch her hair while we’re talking and make a comment about it. I’ll say “Your hair looks so soft” and just touch the tips of it.
Now let’s hold up right here, because this is key…
If I see that a woman is receptive to what I’m doing at this point… that she’s “responding positively” by allowing this “innocent” physical contact… it’s game on.
If I see that she’s smiling and drawing closer as I touch her hair instead of tensing pulling away, I can take it as a SURE SIGN…
…that irresistible, unstoppable emotion called ATTRACTION.
But listen… if she does pull away at this point… or shows any sign that she’s not into it… that’s when I know to STOP and move on. And YOU should, too. This isn’t about forcing anyone to do anything.
But if she’s smiling at me… relaxing her face and her body… leaning into me instead of pulling away… then here’s what I’ll do next:
I’ll reach back over and start stroking her hair some more.
But this time, I’ll glance down at her lips, back up to her eyes a couple of times. Reinforcing in her that there’s a CONNECTION happening between us.
I’ll continue touching her hair… letting my lips get closer to hers… but not touching. Basically, just amplifying that first spark of attraction that I now know FOR SURE that she’s feeling.
And I can tell you, this is a powerful thing. It’s affect on women is UNBELIEVABLE.
This kind of “testing” is EXTREMELY stimulating to women… escalating the SEXUAL TENSION almost to the point that they’ll be in actual pain if you leave them hanging.
And guess what…
By now, she’ll be more than just “okay” with my kissing her… If she hasn’t pulled back, she’s probably feeling such intense feelings of ATTRACTION that she’ll probably be the one who tries to kiss ME! And then…
Well. You get the picture.
Bottom line:
By using “The Kiss Test,” I can find out FOR SURE if a women wants to take things to the next level… all in a way that’s completely “innocent” and non-threatening…
Plus, I haven’t acted in any way that she can object to, so there’s NO RISK OF REJECTION.
But VERY best of all…
I always know within the FIRST 5 MINUTES if a woman’s ready to be kissed, so I don’t waste hours and days trying to figure out “if she likes me”… or just regretting that I “wussed out” and didn’t “go for it.”
And believe me… I know that feeling. And I know all that constant wondering and self-doubt TOTALLY SUCKS.
That’s why, if you feel like “The Kiss Test” might CHANGE EVERYTHING for you when it comes to “making your move” with a woman, I’m here to tell you it’s really just the tip of the iceberg…
The “Kiss Test” is just one way to recognize the signs and signals of ATTRACTION in a woman –and EXACTLY what to do with them…
Want to learn a ton more?
There’s a place you can go RIGHT NOW to do it…
My eBook, “Double Your Dating” is literally jam-packed with DOZENS and DOZENS of dating tips, tools and techniques for moving FAST from “Does she like me?” to “She can’t get enough of me”…
Downloading it FAST AND EASY. You can be putting it to work for YOUR success with women in just a few minutes, so click here…: Double Your Dating Free Trial
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The goal is to show it to dad and when you ask, "does this solve the snake oil salesman issue you've always told me I have?"...
The first Sunday of the CDC.
Time to shave off those limiting beliefs, my friend.
02:30 - 03:30: Kiss test concept
Kiss Test Concept - Dismantling the sales hypster
From the email:
Is "the best sleep advice you will ever receive"
And it is 'try to stay awake'
But then really explain and sell them on why. And use THIS as the entry to brainwave speed.
This is the "magic pill quick fix" easy thing they get right now that also teaches them something to keep going.
And say this will make all other advice and remedies work better. It is the best single "tip" why.
Blow them away with value
http://doubleyourdating.com/the-kiss-test/Click here to show the kiss test content.
The “Kiss Test”
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KissTestHow To Tell If A Woman Is Ready For Your Kiss – And How To AVOID Rejection…
Know what?
I used to have NO CLUE how to tell if a woman was ready to be kissed…
I could be sitting there talking to her, thinking to myself “Wow, her lips really look nice…” but I didn’t know what to do next. This would often leave me kissless, and many times kissless for good, as I didn’t get another chance.
And, of course, this drove me NUTS.
I can’t tell you how many chances I missed to have interesting, fun, sexy women in my life… all because I didn’t know how or when to go for the first kiss.
Sound familiar?
But through a TON of trial and error, I’ve now figured out a way to know FOR SURE when a woman is ready to be kissed.
In fact, I’ve developed a “technique” that literally guarantees I’ll never get rejected when I decide the time is right to “go for it.” And I want to teach it to you right now.
Here’s what I do…
If I’ve been talking to a girl and want to know if she’s ready to be kissed, I’ll reach over and touch her hair while we’re talking and make a comment about it. I’ll say “Your hair looks so soft” and just touch the tips of it.
Now let’s hold up right here, because this is key…
If I see that a woman is receptive to what I’m doing at this point… that she’s “responding positively” by allowing this “innocent” physical contact… it’s game on.
If I see that she’s smiling and drawing closer as I touch her hair instead of tensing pulling away, I can take it as a SURE SIGN…
…that irresistible, unstoppable emotion called ATTRACTION.
But listen… if she does pull away at this point… or shows any sign that she’s not into it… that’s when I know to STOP and move on. And YOU should, too. This isn’t about forcing anyone to do anything.
But if she’s smiling at me… relaxing her face and her body… leaning into me instead of pulling away… then here’s what I’ll do next:
I’ll reach back over and start stroking her hair some more.
But this time, I’ll glance down at her lips, back up to her eyes a couple of times. Reinforcing in her that there’s a CONNECTION happening between us.
I’ll continue touching her hair… letting my lips get closer to hers… but not touching. Basically, just amplifying that first spark of attraction that I now know FOR SURE that she’s feeling.
And I can tell you, this is a powerful thing. It’s affect on women is UNBELIEVABLE.
This kind of “testing” is EXTREMELY stimulating to women… escalating the SEXUAL TENSION almost to the point that they’ll be in actual pain if you leave them hanging.
And guess what…
By now, she’ll be more than just “okay” with my kissing her… If she hasn’t pulled back, she’s probably feeling such intense feelings of ATTRACTION that she’ll probably be the one who tries to kiss ME! And then…
Well. You get the picture.
Bottom line:
By using “The Kiss Test,” I can find out FOR SURE if a women wants to take things to the next level… all in a way that’s completely “innocent” and non-threatening…
Plus, I haven’t acted in any way that she can object to, so there’s NO RISK OF REJECTION.
But VERY best of all…
I always know within the FIRST 5 MINUTES if a woman’s ready to be kissed, so I don’t waste hours and days trying to figure out “if she likes me”… or just regretting that I “wussed out” and didn’t “go for it.”
And believe me… I know that feeling. And I know all that constant wondering and self-doubt TOTALLY SUCKS.
That’s why, if you feel like “The Kiss Test” might CHANGE EVERYTHING for you when it comes to “making your move” with a woman, I’m here to tell you it’s really just the tip of the iceberg…
The “Kiss Test” is just one way to recognize the signs and signals of ATTRACTION in a woman –and EXACTLY what to do with them…
Want to learn a ton more?
There’s a place you can go RIGHT NOW to do it…
My eBook, “Double Your Dating” is literally jam-packed with DOZENS and DOZENS of dating tips, tools and techniques for moving FAST from “Does she like me?” to “She can’t get enough of me”…
Downloading it FAST AND EASY. You can be putting it to work for YOUR success with women in just a few minutes, so click here…: Double Your Dating Free Trial
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So where do I start... what needs to be done?
My first thought is "Fuck... I need to throw out everything and start over."
Stop your madness. The content is good. It's like a steak. They'll eat it... it'd just be a lot better if it was juicy. Your steak is dry.
STEP 1: Compare your content to the kiss test content.
STEP 2: Write and slice and dice copy. Go creative mode.
STEP 3: Record the necessary changes. Speak with excitment, grab your audience.
STEP 4: Edit the recordings.
STEP 5: Make the slides.
STEP 6: Edit the entire video.
STEP 7: Render and produce!
The hour given was to discuss the idea
There is no discussion to be had.
The goal is to show it to dad and when you ask, "does this solve the snake oil salesman issue you've always told me I have?"...
For his answer to be, "YES".
And when you show it to echo, for him to go, "Okay, THIS is cool, THIS makes sense. Much better than the secret i have to give you my email to find out."
Friday, January 27, 2017
Q1 CDC Day 12/13
Mammoth Vacation pretty much dominated this last week.
The problem with snowboarding in this regard is it's impact on LEAF -- now I have to work harder to keep up to date with LEAF, getting more LEAF hours into ROARS.
Failed to arrive last night (Thursday, Day 12), however cut an hour out before LEAF for the LEAF hour that was supposed to be applied last night.
Let's begin.
5:15a - 6:15a: Obj.LEAF4 (1/2)
The problem with snowboarding in this regard is it's impact on LEAF -- now I have to work harder to keep up to date with LEAF, getting more LEAF hours into ROARS.
Failed to arrive last night (Thursday, Day 12), however cut an hour out before LEAF for the LEAF hour that was supposed to be applied last night.
Let's begin.
5:15a - 6:15a: Obj.LEAF4 (1/2)
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Q1 CDC Day 5
5:30 - 6:45
05:45 - 06:45: Obj.1.2 (2.25/4)
05:45 - 06:45: Obj.1.2 (2.25/4)
Redefining everything.....
So discovered 2 things tonight.
One, the theory in the last post works EXCELLENT.
I really didn't think it would. I was about ready to ditch animoto. But due to the time restraints... the practical, easy, fast nature of animoto... and how damn good these slides look compared to a static blue screen.... I am sold. It must be finished this way...
And MUCH more importantly...
The video is WAAAY too long and boring.
In testing the edit-in on slides, I cut up the audio into a separate section just to see what some random copypasta text slides would look like when matched with audio-bits that pertain to their text...
And in JUST DOING THAT... by ACCIDENT... the video came out MUCH more exciting.
Instead of logically proceeding down the sales path...
I turned it into an action story.
Which leads me to believe that half the audio can be cut. That slicing and dicing to make it exciting and action packed will draw WAAAY more attention.
Just have a look at the new edit compared to the old, and judge for yourself.
That's all for tonight. Might need to budget in some of those 21 hours to a "re-edit" of video 1.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Q1 CDC Day 4
5p - 6:30p
05:15 - 06:30: Obj 1.2
Make slides.
Step 1 -- figure out where I left off.
If I recall, I was testing how it edited in and it worked great. So the next step was actually making them.
Last time, I copy and pasted from the script into GIMP. So now:
1. Figure out how to make slides FAST (formulated) online.
2. Make them good.
I remember I was choosing music too. That should be in a post on this blog.
And begin.
So, good news and bad news.
Good news is this can be done and you can use ALL the styles since you're exporting them to your own editor.
Bad news is each video (even the customizable ones) only have ONE style you can use. So if you want some text to type out, some text to fade in, and some text to slide in... you'd have to have 3 different animoto videos for this.
That being said, it's simple --
Make 3 videos (or however many you need), like: "Video 1: Typing Text", Video 1: Fading Text", and "Video 1: Sliding Text".
Then storyboard your slides on the google doc marking each one into one of these categories.
Then copy paste the slides on a separate google doc into 3 groups (this will de-sequence them).
Then copy paste them into the 3 videos on animoto.
Make sure they all have the right timers and keep a consistent background color, theme, etc for easy editing.
Download the videos.
Cut and paste to move them around on MAGIX.
You can also have a separate animoto video for the opening title, transition titles, etc.
And you can have a separate animoto that is music only to export the music (and just cut the slides) into MAGIX.
And there you have it.
Should be able to complete in 2 hours so budgeting another hour to this. Downloading could take a while, hope that isnt the case. Better budget 2.5 more, using 15 min here too.
05:15 - 06:30: Obj 1.2
Make slides.
Step 1 -- figure out where I left off.
If I recall, I was testing how it edited in and it worked great. So the next step was actually making them.
Last time, I copy and pasted from the script into GIMP. So now:
1. Figure out how to make slides FAST (formulated) online.
2. Make them good.
I remember I was choosing music too. That should be in a post on this blog.
And begin.
Slides Work Continued
So, good news and bad news.
Good news is this can be done and you can use ALL the styles since you're exporting them to your own editor.
Bad news is each video (even the customizable ones) only have ONE style you can use. So if you want some text to type out, some text to fade in, and some text to slide in... you'd have to have 3 different animoto videos for this.
That being said, it's simple --
Make 3 videos (or however many you need), like: "Video 1: Typing Text", Video 1: Fading Text", and "Video 1: Sliding Text".
Then storyboard your slides on the google doc marking each one into one of these categories.
Then copy paste the slides on a separate google doc into 3 groups (this will de-sequence them).
Then copy paste them into the 3 videos on animoto.
Make sure they all have the right timers and keep a consistent background color, theme, etc for easy editing.
Download the videos.
Cut and paste to move them around on MAGIX.
You can also have a separate animoto video for the opening title, transition titles, etc.
And you can have a separate animoto that is music only to export the music (and just cut the slides) into MAGIX.
And there you have it.
Should be able to complete in 2 hours so budgeting another hour to this. Downloading could take a while, hope that isnt the case. Better budget 2.5 more, using 15 min here too.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Q1 CDC Day 2
4:30p - 7p
04:45 - 7:00: Obj.LEAF1
Prepping the new leads today. GOGO
04:45 - 7:00: Obj.LEAF1
Prepping the new leads today. GOGO
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Q1 CDC Day 1
Today isn't factored into hours -- it's a pre-setup day.
Need to set:
-Goals and objectives
-Q1 90DC Size, CDH, and ROARS hours.
-Q1 CDC Frame Integrity ("word integrity")
The Consistent Discipline Challenge -- Q1 2017
This challenge is all about SETTING THE FRAME.
The goal is for a 65% or better Frame Integrity on average, or better than 4 of 6 frame objectives hit every day.
The goal for CDH (which is basically 100% ROARS work now with the way everything is factored in) is 70% -- with that, hitting 60 hours over the quarter should be easy. Even factoring ski days, that's a major step down from previous goals. If you can't hit this during the ski season, there's little hope for your future.
This is basically the starter challenge into consistent discipline. That's why the CDC's come with a Frame Integrity sheet -- it's the CDC's answer to the PTC's hourly size sheet.
Need to set:
-Goals and objectives
-Q1 90DC Size, CDH, and ROARS hours.
-Q1 CDC Frame Integrity ("word integrity")
Goals and Objectives
-Based on 5 Sundays (10 total left after today.)
-EASY hour goals, per recent Tim Ferris training on youtube.
Q1 90DC Size, CDH, and ROARS hours
60 hours, based on:
(8 hours x 5 Sundays) + (1 hour x 44 M-F days) = 84 x 0.7 = 58.8, round up for challenge = 60.
0.7 is due to 70% integrity goal. So now integrity plays DIRECTLY into hours. 5 LEAF AFTER LEAF hours are INCLUDED in the ROARS hours goal.
Q1 CDC Frame Integrity
What's left is to make the packet and get the initial setup done for Sunday's.
CDC starts with a "Consistent Relationship"
It's time to make a choice: End the romantic relationship, or get the relationship that you want.
As I begin this new era of consistent discipline challenges, all big areas of my life need to become consistent. This is one of the biggest.
I want to be in a romantic relationship with Sarah. I love her. Our dynamic is a good one, there's no drama with her, and it's non-invasive of my time.
That being said, currently this relationship is not satisfying my needs. This caused a lot of emotional hardship for me in Q4 2016. That emotional hardship cannot continue into the CDC's... it is far too consuming of my time, thoughts, emotions, and energy. It is a massive distraction.
She has chosen "My 2 Requirements" below, and given me permission to pester her as much as I need to (I have warned her I may get annoying now), but if she fails to follow through - especially with the pestering - I need to be 100% committed to ending the relationship.
That's it! I can say a lot about how much the occasional text or email means to me... but at the end of the day, these are the requirements I care about, and they must be met.
We cannot have 2 weeks in a row where the following requirements are not met or I will end the romantic side of the relationship.
Our friendship is very important to me. I love Sarah, and she's an important part of my life. If she's not ready to meet my needs of a romantic relationship, that's okay. Things can always change later if it's meant to be.
For all intents and purposes, we are just friends, we are not romantically involved, and we will act in this way or we will not talk to each other until we are ready to act in this way.
As I begin this new era of consistent discipline challenges, all big areas of my life need to become consistent. This is one of the biggest.
I want to be in a romantic relationship with Sarah. I love her. Our dynamic is a good one, there's no drama with her, and it's non-invasive of my time.
That being said, currently this relationship is not satisfying my needs. This caused a lot of emotional hardship for me in Q4 2016. That emotional hardship cannot continue into the CDC's... it is far too consuming of my time, thoughts, emotions, and energy. It is a massive distraction.
She has chosen "My 2 Requirements" below, and given me permission to pester her as much as I need to (I have warned her I may get annoying now), but if she fails to follow through - especially with the pestering - I need to be 100% committed to ending the relationship.
Choice 1: My 2 Requirements
- We must talk to each other no less than once every 3 days (ex: If we talked on Sunday, but we don't talk Monday or Tuesday, then we must talk on Wednesday.) It can be as short as 5 minutes, but we have to at least hear each other that often - text / email doesn't apply.
- We must spend at least 1 hour together no less than twice a week. (ex: even if we talked 3 hours on a phone call we had on Sunday, we have to have a call that lasts at least 1 hour before next Sunday.)
That's it! I can say a lot about how much the occasional text or email means to me... but at the end of the day, these are the requirements I care about, and they must be met.
We cannot have 2 weeks in a row where the following requirements are not met or I will end the romantic side of the relationship.
Choice 2: Redefining Our Relationship
Our friendship is very important to me. I love Sarah, and she's an important part of my life. If she's not ready to meet my needs of a romantic relationship, that's okay. Things can always change later if it's meant to be.
- We will no long engage each other romantically... we are just friends.
- We will have no more obligations to talk to each other. We talk when we talk.
- We will no longer call each other romantic names like "baby", "babe", "sweetheart", "sweetie-pie", "Boo thang", etc.
- We will stop telling each other how much we love each other. We know that we love each other. We will try to avoid saying "I love you" as much as possible.
- We are free to to be mutually exclusive with other people, on the grounds that they don't prevent us from being friends with each other. I will never let someone manipulate me into believing I can't be friends with Sarah, and I will never give in to such a demand.
For all intents and purposes, we are just friends, we are not romantically involved, and we will act in this way or we will not talk to each other until we are ready to act in this way.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Interim: Week 2; Day 1 of 2
5:15p - ...
Bathroom must be 100% cleaned.
Room must be 50% cleaned.
Need to sleep early for work tomorrow. This is critical.
IKEA must be planned out for tomorrow to match up with haircut.
Bathroom must be 100% cleaned.
Room must be 50% cleaned.
Need to sleep early for work tomorrow. This is critical.
IKEA must be planned out for tomorrow to match up with haircut.
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