Sunday, April 16, 2017

Consistent Enviroment

Concept to expand today, as I am setting aside 4 hours to ROARS to room cleaning.

The way I can justify this is that it sets up the rest of the year for success.  The 4 hours will return 8 in productivity over the next 1000.

But for that to make sense, my room needs to stay fairly clean following today.

So for that, I need a new paradigm over cleanliness...

Every action that leads to a messy environment needs to be nipped in the bud with a permanent solution.

Ex: Mother's bag.

Old strategy - throw it in the corner, now I know where my morning breakfast is every day.

Problem - with time, these bags stack up.

Solution - basic - once there's 2 bags, combine contents and throw away one bag.

Solution - advanced - have a container in your closet where you keep your Clif bars.  When mothers bag arrives, unload contents into container, fold up bag, and throw it away.

This goes for everything.

-Toss all dirty clothes in hamper.
-Dishes to dish washer once food is eaten or as soon as you notice their purpose is fulfilled.
-Nothing should be left on the floor ever - always have a spot for everything
-5 min - Sweep floor once a month (requires the above to be fulfilled.)

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