Monday, June 19, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 70

5p - 6:30p

05:30 - 06:30: Obj.1.2d1 (1/1)

End of Q2 GOALS

Nearing the end of Q2.

April was not a fail - I was in the hospital supporting my mom and my GF.  It was a lot of work, and I maintained my size to boot.

Then in May I ramped up and held strong through mid June.

Now we are in the final 2 weeks of june.  Given April's time dedicated to family, achieving 60 hrs means that you're actually capable of 80-100 -- which means you have the potential to become a successful entrepreneur.

It means that the REAL CONSEQUENCES may not happen, after all.  If you can prove 60 hours + dealing with a family stroke and an insane girlfriend, then you prove that you CAN succeed.  It'll take a lot more growth, but this would show that the potential is real.

So along those lines, here are my end of challenge goals:

  1. Obtain 61 hours TOTAL.
  2. Keep 50%+ CDH and frame integrity each of the final 2 weeks to prove that I can finish a challenge without dropping off the map.
  3. Finish the value leader video 1 to show that I can accomplish real objectives, no matter how tough they are.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 64 + 65

LEAF AFTER LEAF days - preplanned, so integrity achieved.

Challenger Sale Work completed thx to John.

It's kind of like when Luke hadn't completed his training and left to face vader, and got all fucked up and was gone for a long time, then came back to complete his training and yoda was just like "complete, your training is."

John's call completed the training.  And that's what these 2 hours were for - to write the scripts and play by play's I am going to use to handle the tough rebuttals from here out and through this to train myself in the ways of the challenger.

This marks a turning point for me as a salesman - a cross-over to the challenger side of the force.

DAY 64: +1
DAY 65: +1

Monday, June 12, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 63

9:45a - 7:00p


This is due to a very unusual situation that made work especially difficult yesterday and which has caused me to take Monday off.   By taking today off, I am making a 1-time exception to flip these two days to prevent a major failure, allowing me to maintain integrity over these two days.

10:00 - 10:30: Power Hr + Med
10:30 - 12:00: LEAF Responsibilities - Salem Golf & Tom Gorman
12:00 - 01:00: Su.Lunch
01:00 - 02:45: LEAF MOAR
02:45 - 05:45: Obj.1.2c3 (26/12)
05:45 - 06:00: Break + Med3
06:00 - 07:00: Obj.1.2c3 (27/12)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 62

12p - 1p

SUNDAY / MONDAY FLIP (see day 63 post.)

12:30 - 01:30: Obj.1.2c3 (23/12)

Don't Drink "To get through it" - Increase Size to Reduce Effort

Seeing pain as a good thing means you can burst intensity when you need it, and that's how effort is reduced - via the principals of the Effort Illusion.  Alcohol use trains you to create more effort for yourself in the long term, whereas bursting would reduce effort.

The challenges - whether power thinking or consistent discipline - are about progressing your mental workout.

It is fundamentally critical to always see 1-up pain as a good pain the same way lifting weights causes pain that's a good pain.

When you drink "to get through it", you are reducing this pain and therefore reducing your workout.

That's not good, but 1 day of not really progressing is not necessarily that bad either.  What's really bad is what it's saying: drinking "to get through it" says "THIS PAIN IS A BAD PAIN, BUT I CAN REDUCE IT BY DRINKING TO MAKE IT EASIER."

This is the same thing as saying: "It's better to work out with the 20 lb dumbbells because it hurts less."

Drinking 1 time to get through it when it really really really hurts is okay because it's like I'm asking you to lift a 50 lb dumbbell and there's just no way you're gonna do it without some help.  That's fine.

But ANY HABIT or regular go-to here is toxic.  It's cancerous to your continued growth, and it will sink your challenge, your chances of achieving your goals, and your dreams.

To beat the REAL CONSEQUENCES, you must grow quickly.  This means tearing your mind up again and again, day after day.  Pushing until the pain is extreme and then pushing even more until you're on the brink of passing out.  That's how you build up your mind.

The truth is, as of this moment, I've never even gotten close to 100 hours of ROARS in a LEAF work quarter, and every time I've tried it's ended in total collapse.

100 is the bare minimum needed to continue my current life path and purpose into my 30's.  And the only way to get there is through pushing myself and my mind harder, further, and enjoying it.  This work-out paradigm is essential to that!  You cannot succeed if you are giving yourself breaks that essentially say that pain is a bad thing.  The pain must always be good.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How to Enjoy Pain

New technique: Child-like amusement - enjoy your petty emotions JUST TO enjoy them.

NLP - This is the lateral / sideways directional move.  "It's not this, it's THAT."

To become an adult, you have to learn that it's not good to be angry at silly things, and we become more mature by not reacting to our emotions.  

The problem is that the strategy is largely via suppression, meaning that we're mostly just hiding our anger from others, or judging ourselves for it and pushing it down or away.

The key to enjoying the anger and embracing it is much like the way a child would.  Imagine a child who's mad at something silly and then after he's forgotten about why he's mad, he just remains mad because he enjoys being mad.  Kind of like Louis CK's example of Jizanthapus - pure anger just for the sake of it.

So when pittiful, pathetic, embracing base emotions pop up at tiny things, the key isn't to act like an adult, it's to act like a controlled child.  You enjoy these ridiculous feelings SELFISHLY, when they come up instead of being like "why the HELL would that emotion have such power here when it's so childish" you want to be like "Yeah, FUCK that guy for slightly bumping my shoulder".

In this way, when a silly completely uncalled for emotion comes up, you relish it like a child would, enjoying it just to enjoy it like an immature curiousity you can't stop yourself from exploring.

Keep in mind, this is just one technique.  There's still other 2 good ones:

-NLP: Up/Future direction: Thinking of a time you enjoyed pain and what that was like, and how things play out differently enjoying vs. hating (crazy bad is crazy good.)

-NLP: Analogical direction: Comparing feeling pain to working out pain of pushing and stretching - it's a good pain, not a bad pain.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 56


The New Daily Power Hour

Morning Ritual will now be more important, as the power hour is being incorporated into it to make use of the drive to work as the meditation time.

This will cause me to start work immediately upon arrival, so I fit "normal person" protocol and this prevents me from spending extra time that I dont have:

  1. There will be a greater sense of urgency to complete the morning ritual and power hour in timely fashion, as every minute after the 6am leave time will cost me more time in traffic and hurt the meditation.
  2. I won't be able to relax when I get to work and end up taking much longer to complete the power hour just because "that's how long it took me to get going".
  3. I will naturally encounter a more flowing meditation as I will need to focus on driving as I meditate, so there's less of the "crazy manufacturing and grip upon it" issue that I've become concerned it limiting me.
  4. Since Schwitters took the closet, any alternative strategy would be weird and harder, so this allows me to gain instead of lose, which are my two current choices.

So moving forward, my morning looks like this:

4:30 - 5:30 or 5:45: Morning Ritual
5:30 - 5:45 or 5:45 - 6:00): Power hour
5:45 or 6:00: 5 min breathing med + Leave for work (and everything med while you drive.)

This can allow me to be more disciplined as well.  For instance, I can say 6:00 is the cut off, and in worst case, 6:10 is a HARD CUT-OFF of any power hour activities - so if I slack in the morning, that means no power hour.    MUST be meditating by 6:10, no exceptions.

In this way, discipline leads directly to motivation.  The frame becomes more and more important.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 55

9a - 6p

09:00 - 10:00: Plan day and Meditation
10:00 - 12:00: Obj.1.2c3 (19/12)
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (5/8) + Med2
01:00 - 03:00: Shopping + Crockpot Meals (Unveiling of Crockpot daily pre-made meals!!)
03:00 - 05:00: Obj.1.2c3 (21/12)
05:00 - 06:00: Obj.Int.Setup (9/8) - Crockpot finish!