Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How to Enjoy Pain

New technique: Child-like amusement - enjoy your petty emotions JUST TO enjoy them.

NLP - This is the lateral / sideways directional move.  "It's not this, it's THAT."

To become an adult, you have to learn that it's not good to be angry at silly things, and we become more mature by not reacting to our emotions.  

The problem is that the strategy is largely via suppression, meaning that we're mostly just hiding our anger from others, or judging ourselves for it and pushing it down or away.

The key to enjoying the anger and embracing it is much like the way a child would.  Imagine a child who's mad at something silly and then after he's forgotten about why he's mad, he just remains mad because he enjoys being mad.  Kind of like Louis CK's example of Jizanthapus - pure anger just for the sake of it.

So when pittiful, pathetic, embracing base emotions pop up at tiny things, the key isn't to act like an adult, it's to act like a controlled child.  You enjoy these ridiculous feelings SELFISHLY, when they come up instead of being like "why the HELL would that emotion have such power here when it's so childish" you want to be like "Yeah, FUCK that guy for slightly bumping my shoulder".

In this way, when a silly completely uncalled for emotion comes up, you relish it like a child would, enjoying it just to enjoy it like an immature curiousity you can't stop yourself from exploring.

Keep in mind, this is just one technique.  There's still other 2 good ones:

-NLP: Up/Future direction: Thinking of a time you enjoyed pain and what that was like, and how things play out differently enjoying vs. hating (crazy bad is crazy good.)

-NLP: Analogical direction: Comparing feeling pain to working out pain of pushing and stretching - it's a good pain, not a bad pain.

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