Monday, January 28, 2019


05:15 - 06:15: Obj.3.1d (4/25)
06:30 - 07:15: Obj.3.1d (4.75/25)
07:45 - 08:45: Obj.3.1d (5.75/25)

Sunday, January 27, 2019


09:00 - 11:00: Obj.3.1d (2/28)
11:00 - 11:30: Break
11:30 - 01:00: Obj.3.1c (3.25/15)
01:00 - 01:45: Obj.3.1c (4/15)
01:45 - 03:00: Lunch, scheduled Dr. Appt
03:00 - 05:00: Shopping + Haircut
05:00 - 06:00: Obj.3.1d (3/28)

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Daily Discipline idea - bedtime

maybe grey out thursday or base it on saturday.  Saturday night matters, thursday night doesnt under my current model, so something is amiss

4 Hour Saturday + 1 LEAF

I will contribute 4 hours towards ROARS objectives this Saturday.

I will contribute 1 hour towards LEAF for Mayfield and will call for a new vendor support trac number.

Naming a cause always results in avoiding responsibility

This concept from "Be Here Now" is the core nature of my 2010-2011 discovery that I could witness a "troll thought" and choose a "productive thought", compare the two in terms of which is more helpful, and the resulting comparison is typically quite humorous.

The core nature of it is that you are the source of all value, and the context is decisive of the value.  The second you name an external cause to any value, you've now avoided responsibility of being at the source of it.  All values, good or bad, are simply whatever you say they are or view them as, and responsibility in this manner isn't "the truth", it's simply a context you can move to whenever an upset occurs.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Core Nature of Thoughts Meditation

The key objective is to relate to your thoughts as thoughts (and feelings as feelings, and sensations as sensations, but emphasis of this meditation is obviously the thoughts.)

So not like distinguishing which thoughts are concepts, which are "manufactured", which "take lead / drive the bus", and not whether I should let that happen / fight it / control which thoughts, etc.

CORE NATURE is just relating to thoughts as thoughts because everything else is made up of thoughts and feelings.

Concepts are made up of thoughts and feelings, they aren't the root of the issue.

"Manufactured thoughts", while maybe true or a worthy debate, are a concept, so they are an even more surface level thing - an idea, made up of concepts, which then boils back down to thoughts.

Thoughts that seem to "take control" of my awareness are still thoughts that can be observed - it doesn't necessarily matter if they're driving the bus, it just matters to observe them during the meditation.  They're still just thoughts.  And any "struggle" is just a set of thoughts and feelings related to a these thoughts.  So you can simply observe those, too.

There are no concepts, ideas, or anything that doesn't break down into simply thoughts and feelings.  And since there are only thoughts, the point of the meditation is to get connected with that.  To relate to your thoughts as thoughts.  Because that's what's so.

All the concepts and ideas that the thoughts generate cloud you to the true reality of how you actually are operating in any given moment.  With meditation, you can cut back to the source of it all, and once your observing reality you gain a greater ability to choose which thoughts you follow, and from there you can choose your actions.

New additions

-505 nothing 515 objective required times for "Starting CDH on Time"

-Customization to schedule, goals, etc to be written on blog to better officiate as word

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The One Thing - Move 1 hr of cdh to beginning of day

Going to take a pretty big overhaul but it'll be good to get 1 hr CDH, then LEAF, then 1-2 additional hours.

430 - 530 - M.R.
530 - 630 - CDH
630 - 7 commute

LUNCH - workout1

Rest of day - schedule as normal, including normal 5-7 CDH

Sunday, January 6, 2019


08:30 - 011:30: 2019 Goals & Objectives - and sharing them.
11:30 - 12:00: Lunch
12:00 - 02:00: Obj.3.1c ()
02:30 - 03:00: Break
03:00 - 05:00: Obj.3.1c ()
05:00 - 07:00: Clean Room