Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Core Nature of Thoughts Meditation

The key objective is to relate to your thoughts as thoughts (and feelings as feelings, and sensations as sensations, but emphasis of this meditation is obviously the thoughts.)

So not like distinguishing which thoughts are concepts, which are "manufactured", which "take lead / drive the bus", and not whether I should let that happen / fight it / control which thoughts, etc.

CORE NATURE is just relating to thoughts as thoughts because everything else is made up of thoughts and feelings.

Concepts are made up of thoughts and feelings, they aren't the root of the issue.

"Manufactured thoughts", while maybe true or a worthy debate, are a concept, so they are an even more surface level thing - an idea, made up of concepts, which then boils back down to thoughts.

Thoughts that seem to "take control" of my awareness are still thoughts that can be observed - it doesn't necessarily matter if they're driving the bus, it just matters to observe them during the meditation.  They're still just thoughts.  And any "struggle" is just a set of thoughts and feelings related to a these thoughts.  So you can simply observe those, too.

There are no concepts, ideas, or anything that doesn't break down into simply thoughts and feelings.  And since there are only thoughts, the point of the meditation is to get connected with that.  To relate to your thoughts as thoughts.  Because that's what's so.

All the concepts and ideas that the thoughts generate cloud you to the true reality of how you actually are operating in any given moment.  With meditation, you can cut back to the source of it all, and once your observing reality you gain a greater ability to choose which thoughts you follow, and from there you can choose your actions.

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