Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Failure Abound - Time to focus on what drives me

Everywhere I look I am surrounded by twisted mazes of negativity and victimhood.  I am in a great position to sky rocket my success now, and yet I am a hopeless failure.

I think it's time to stop focusing on LEAF and "personal development" and start focusing on what really drives me, what's really motivating me, what still fires me up inside unlike anything else in my life.

And that is the thoughts related to what it would be like to be a business owner.

When I have fantasies about going viral, hiring officers, executing marketing strategies, innovating new revenue streams - even though these are ridiculous fantasies and not the actual means by which these things are achieved - they are what fire me up inside.

I think if I want to get my mindfulness back on track and become a positive force of nature I'm going to need to start fantasizing every day.  These thoughts, the ones that fire me up and get me going, are the ones that I should be focused on living in.

Think and grow rich ; the secret - these books talked about visualization.  But, the idea was boxed, and then it's real meaning was destroyed.  Visualization isn't some "mind movie" you make up and think about every morning to get driven.  It's not about that.  It's about thinking about the shit you really get fired up about so you naturally head in that direction in an unwavering fashion.

This is what you understood in 2009.  You were ALL ABOUT your vision.  You just didn't have the discipline to build the habits that create it.  Now you have the discipline, but not the vision to implement your vision.  I need the vision back.

At the very least, it's something really new and different that I haven't tried before, and I know it has a consistent effect on me that I am certainly seeking.  Definitely worth a shot.  Let's implement.

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