Wednesday, May 29, 2019

June Monthly Determination: Lives Are At Stake

Lives Are At Stake

This is to be reviewed every morning.  Get it in OneNote and make it a habit to read this before you even get out of bed.

You're prior "monthly determinations" are for conceptual values that bear little weight.  Your drive is that you do it for yourself, for your own happiness.  So what??  WHO CARES?  You're happy enough, you're super lucky in an incredible position in life.  You've already got it more or less as good as it gets.  So why even bother if it's just about you?

INSTEAD, this month we're going to look at the real world.  Base values on WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.  On what's so.

It's time to wake up to the world in which you ACTUALLY live.  Out there, real people are dying.  Real people are suffering.  You will always care about others.  You will make that meaning.  And what you do... and what you do not do... has an impact on what meaning they make and what their lives look like.

In the real world, you are actually one of the few who could have a huge impact.  If people like you did not step up, the world would be a pretty nasty place.  You are in a position to massively impact the happiness of dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people, and you currently impact everyone around you at LEAF, and to some extent, everyone they interact with.  This is what's actually out there.  It's not some story, or some conceptual value.  You are in a unique position to make a difference, and if you do not value you this tremendously, if you do not fully get in touch with the impact of this fact, then many people will die and suffer.  It does not have to be that way, but it's up to you to embrace the impact, to really get in touch with how serious this is.

If a surgeon is late, the patient dies.  Insomniacs are already dying.   At LEAF, people's futures and happiness are at stake.  Yet, you let yourself slack off and remain isolated from the facts of the matter.  This month, I am determined to change that and fully embrace the impact.  Lives are at stake.

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