1. What do you want?
I want to feel alive.
I want to rock this thing.
I want to blow through the roof.
I want the nostalgia.
I want automated income.
I want to WIN my battles.
I want to control thoughts the way you choose the songs that support the kind of story that you are trying to tell. I want 95% thoughts that support a new story.
I want all cillindars firing together.
I want to rock this thing.
I want to blow through the roof.
I want the nostalgia.
I want automated income.
I want to WIN my battles.
I want to control thoughts the way you choose the songs that support the kind of story that you are trying to tell. I want 95% thoughts that support a new story.
I want all cillindars firing together.
2. The war
The first war is over. The development detour has FINALLY come to an end, 3.5 years later. I won financial stability and the knowledge that i am safe moving forward, and all the capital i need to get my business going. I developed my skills as a hustler putting advanced discipline into practice. I burned the ships when I was 20 but with this detour I built a great fleet in their place and went off and got a greater army that can actually take on the enemy.
This war is about the rebirth of the entrepreneur, taking back my life and true self, and beginning to start feeling like a master. At the end of this 90 day challenge, the work ethic differences between myself and eric should be pretty insignificant.
Theres only one way to win it. You must surpass the 5. This is a 90 day meditation -- when you are under a 5 you simply snap back. How far and deep you can push into "being" territory is the name of the game and the whole path to victory.
3. Chicago inspires greater motivations.
Theres two big things i noticed about the way i felt.
First, I realized while I can afford to carry on a romantic relationship with Sarah, i am not ready and not worthy. I realized I want a great romantic relationship and that i am not ready.
Second, I realized that while I can afford to eat in the signature room, I am again unworthy. Just because you have made some progress towards authority and status doesnt mean youre worthy of the signature room. I felt that it would have been a little superficial. My new riches dont mean shit, and can vanish as quickly as they came. And that... That means that I need to earn being worthy of the signature room still.
Make yourself worthy of being a total baddass by getting automated income passed a few grand a month and you will not just be free, you will also be worthy of eating at the truely fancy places and dating any girl you want. Then you can be like Bryan, leading a relationship and the man in charge, with someone who's worthy of you. I will find an amazing balance and have a relationship most people dont get to have.
4. What steps do i need to take?
I need a solid plan for 3pm - 4pm.
It must include eating, traveling home, blog posting, and then a plan for 4 - 6. I must value discipline about keeping to schedule and working as fast and hard as possible to be able to do both.
I got a week and a half to really sculpt this challenge. I want to do this one right. I want to experience my own personal renaissance. So figure out ALL the next steps, ALL the details, down to what will realistically work without difficulty and what wont.
Maybe start by making 4-5 the time of the day where i work on 90 DC setup.
That includes being more clear about what tools i need to be using and when i need to use them. For instance, do i still do 1 chore a day? Is it before or after ROARS? If thats going to make everything easier how do i fit it in so that i feel smooth and not overwhelmed. And how do i remember that the chore is actually making things easier?
If you feel overwhelmed, more work is needed, its either a size problem or an approach problem. Figure out which it is as these cases arrise, because if i do this right, they WILL arrise. What is my game plan for when they do? How do I remember to evaluate my size AND my approach? Maybe I just write it on the intolerance and intensity scales page?
The more questions you can come up with and answer over the next week and a half the better this challenge will be.
5. The Renaissance is Coming...
You are not one of the best at LEAF by accident. You are well trained by nearly 8 years of learning tools and implementing.
For instance, size wise 60 hour weeks were a no brainer to you whereas no one else even can get their head around it, and that is because you used Mindfulness, Word, and NLP, and inspiration from trainers like Pagen and Ferriss in the past to make yourself that big of a person in that area.
Approach wise, you didnt JUST copy eric because DTV training told you too. You taught yourself to absorb training, you learned how to copy write, and because of that, you absorbed DTVs training and when the idea of copy selling came up, you saw how that is a no-brainer -- the value of the concept was undefinable and you saw that because of your training, and then you simply applied that lesson to LEAF. And your training even covered how to interview like a boss so you got the opportunity to work directly under Eric and copy him.
So when I say, youre ready for the renaissance now, I mean it. You have so much training burried up in there that you just need to get put into practice. I know you can win, but only if you do all the right things.
This whole year has been building up to this renaissance movement... its time has now come.
Renaissance Blocked By Le Romantique
You gotta start at the beginning... right now, the beginning means dealing with my obsession with Sarah.
You said goodbye and then you threw a lasso back out there. As I write this, I know that deep down, I haven't let go of her a bit. I am clinging on to her. I am being a low status sucker. She was going away from my mind a bit, and admittedly, my feelings are less right now as I let loose those demons on Thursday... but now my failure to maintain my status is what troubles me the most.
You know the evaluation, what % chance do I have of going negative with my thoughts?
Right now there's a similar one, what % chance do I have of having powerful thoughts arise about Sarah that distract me?
Next minute? Right now... 50-80%.
Next 5 minutes: 99.5% I'd guess.
Obviously, if we say something like, "within this INTENSE 50 minute work chunk?" it is 100%. It's a guarantee.
This is a HUGE problem. And you seem to think that you need to visit her more for satisfaction of feelings & to work on your PIED?
Are you fucking kidding me????
There's an entrepreneur in there. I know there is. There is a true you. He is down deep in there.
Here's what I think he would say...
Are you fucking kidding me????
After 3-4 years of agony and being chained to the rat race, you FINALLY have EARNED the opportunity to SET YOUR TRUE SELF FREE.
Today is the true beginning of the ramp up week to the renaissance. It is my opportunity to start doing all the right things. To start becoming a master of my physical, mental, and spiritual self. To set plans into motion.
And here we are, on the starting line... and all you can think about is Sarah??
I understand you are worried about the PIED thing. I think it's for the best we put those things you watch into the past and start using your new toy, so you're setting the stage for a solution to come. But listen, even if you revert, I am not worried. I know you. You took David D's MASTERY course in 2007 -- that was 8 years ago -- and you've implemented the majority of the concepts already, I know because I just read the notes and I noticed you had half the things down, and the other half were merely forgotten, but like learning to ride a bike, they came back the second you read them again, and all your flaws were painfully obvious.
I have seen you put the LEAF training into practice. I have seen you master tone and voice. You don't think you can do the same in person, but I guarentee you, you CAN and WILL.
So when you're ready, you're going to find a girl, she is going to want you more and more, by the third or fourth date shes going to be saying "I love you" and trying to get in your pants.
Then, you can explain your condition and how to solve it, and she will be more than happy to help. And you will just do all the other stuff in the mean time.
You are master trained. Most guys have no idea what status, sexual communication, and attraction are or how they work. You are going to destroy the game.
And now I have to sit here and listen to one insecure thought after another after another, spinning your wheels like an insane person, being a total fucking idiot wussy, to the point where I can barely get a point in without being interrupted and then completely ignored.
Your life has no purpose without me. If you put me aside for a girl, at the end of the day, you are going to end up unhappy and hollow. I am the secret to attraction.
You have spent so much blood, sweat, and tears to get here.
You have SACRIFICED 7-8 years of your life. Your twenties. You gave those to your future so you can be happy for the rest of your days.
You don't see it now, but you would be miserable if you let that sacrifice go to shit for a girl.
I can't stop you from seeing her. But I can ask that you catch and replace this troll. It's actually very easy since it's so obvious, and the pain is gone so it shouldn't have much power when challenged by a size 5 opponent.
If anything, this can be a measure of size.l
I said goodbye on Thursday because I had to let go. Then on Saturday, I grabbed on again. At least, this time, I left the ball in her court. If she decides to never use it, that's on her.
Now I need to LET GO again. Seriously. No, don't think about your little secret bullet text message, just waiting to be fired. NO GOD DAMMIT. LISTEN TO ME, I NEED YOU TO LET GO!!!!
What is it going to take to make you let go?? You really want that closeness, you really want another night, and she obviously wants you to visit. Okay. I can see there's no way to stop you if she says, "yes, I want you to come over, I promise you the night".
However -- I believe I can stop you from pursuing it. From using your bullet. From playing this game."
Just in case, anyone down the road is reading this and has gotten this far, I'd like to point out this is actually a training technique taught by Eben Pagen. He talks about how we are all made up of different versions of ourself... so I am kind of doing an exercise here where my motivated-entrepreneur-visionary self is talking to my romantic self.
I disappeared for a couple hours to really dive in to this one and now I feel 100% content. Which is perfect.
My romantic self and my entrepreneur self came to an agreement. I have chosen to wait until next Saturday before reaching out to Sarah, and I put together a funny little high status tease to text her for when the time comes. I can't see her for several weeks even if I wanted too anyways, so it's a great way for the romantic to stop pursuit for the entrepreneur's sake and still have a game plan for getting Sarah too. After all, the best way to maintain status now is just to wait.
You said goodbye and then you threw a lasso back out there. As I write this, I know that deep down, I haven't let go of her a bit. I am clinging on to her. I am being a low status sucker. She was going away from my mind a bit, and admittedly, my feelings are less right now as I let loose those demons on Thursday... but now my failure to maintain my status is what troubles me the most.
You know the evaluation, what % chance do I have of going negative with my thoughts?
Right now there's a similar one, what % chance do I have of having powerful thoughts arise about Sarah that distract me?
Next minute? Right now... 50-80%.
Next 5 minutes: 99.5% I'd guess.
Obviously, if we say something like, "within this INTENSE 50 minute work chunk?" it is 100%. It's a guarantee.
This is a HUGE problem. And you seem to think that you need to visit her more for satisfaction of feelings & to work on your PIED?
Are you fucking kidding me????
There's an entrepreneur in there. I know there is. There is a true you. He is down deep in there.
Here's what I think he would say...
Are you fucking kidding me????
After 3-4 years of agony and being chained to the rat race, you FINALLY have EARNED the opportunity to SET YOUR TRUE SELF FREE.
Today is the true beginning of the ramp up week to the renaissance. It is my opportunity to start doing all the right things. To start becoming a master of my physical, mental, and spiritual self. To set plans into motion.
And here we are, on the starting line... and all you can think about is Sarah??
I understand you are worried about the PIED thing. I think it's for the best we put those things you watch into the past and start using your new toy, so you're setting the stage for a solution to come. But listen, even if you revert, I am not worried. I know you. You took David D's MASTERY course in 2007 -- that was 8 years ago -- and you've implemented the majority of the concepts already, I know because I just read the notes and I noticed you had half the things down, and the other half were merely forgotten, but like learning to ride a bike, they came back the second you read them again, and all your flaws were painfully obvious.
I have seen you put the LEAF training into practice. I have seen you master tone and voice. You don't think you can do the same in person, but I guarentee you, you CAN and WILL.
So when you're ready, you're going to find a girl, she is going to want you more and more, by the third or fourth date shes going to be saying "I love you" and trying to get in your pants.
Then, you can explain your condition and how to solve it, and she will be more than happy to help. And you will just do all the other stuff in the mean time.
You are master trained. Most guys have no idea what status, sexual communication, and attraction are or how they work. You are going to destroy the game.
And now I have to sit here and listen to one insecure thought after another after another, spinning your wheels like an insane person, being a total fucking idiot wussy, to the point where I can barely get a point in without being interrupted and then completely ignored.
Your life has no purpose without me. If you put me aside for a girl, at the end of the day, you are going to end up unhappy and hollow. I am the secret to attraction.
You have spent so much blood, sweat, and tears to get here.
You have SACRIFICED 7-8 years of your life. Your twenties. You gave those to your future so you can be happy for the rest of your days.
You don't see it now, but you would be miserable if you let that sacrifice go to shit for a girl.
I can't stop you from seeing her. But I can ask that you catch and replace this troll. It's actually very easy since it's so obvious, and the pain is gone so it shouldn't have much power when challenged by a size 5 opponent.
If anything, this can be a measure of size.l
I said goodbye on Thursday because I had to let go. Then on Saturday, I grabbed on again. At least, this time, I left the ball in her court. If she decides to never use it, that's on her.
Now I need to LET GO again. Seriously. No, don't think about your little secret bullet text message, just waiting to be fired. NO GOD DAMMIT. LISTEN TO ME, I NEED YOU TO LET GO!!!!
What is it going to take to make you let go?? You really want that closeness, you really want another night, and she obviously wants you to visit. Okay. I can see there's no way to stop you if she says, "yes, I want you to come over, I promise you the night".
However -- I believe I can stop you from pursuing it. From using your bullet. From playing this game."
Just in case, anyone down the road is reading this and has gotten this far, I'd like to point out this is actually a training technique taught by Eben Pagen. He talks about how we are all made up of different versions of ourself... so I am kind of doing an exercise here where my motivated-entrepreneur-visionary self is talking to my romantic self.
I disappeared for a couple hours to really dive in to this one and now I feel 100% content. Which is perfect.
My romantic self and my entrepreneur self came to an agreement. I have chosen to wait until next Saturday before reaching out to Sarah, and I put together a funny little high status tease to text her for when the time comes. I can't see her for several weeks even if I wanted too anyways, so it's a great way for the romantic to stop pursuit for the entrepreneur's sake and still have a game plan for getting Sarah too. After all, the best way to maintain status now is just to wait.
Tomorrow Awaits...
Super important to wake up early to review my packet. I will sacrifice however much sleep I need -- I MUST be up at 4 tomorrow, slam out a ritual, and get in that meditation room for mindsetting. I will review the old packet and write any SKETCH ideas on the blank papers I bring for the new directions I want to go, HOWEVER the real work on putting together a renaissance packet is reserved from 4p - 6p.
Meditation is REQUIRED!!
Get a lot of calls, get the deals worked, and pull your shit together. It's time to start working on October. Don't worry about September... you will get shit, but that "problem" is really an opportunity in disguise -- after all, you need to start giving up your "ultimate LEAF baddass" ego and start settling into a mentality of lowering LEAF's importance to your life.
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