Monday, October 19, 2015

Day 22

My mind is playing around.

This is why I need to sleep more.

It would be so great if I'd just stop waking up at 2am every morning for no reason.  Especially if it didn't lead to mindless chatter about nothing at all that I can't seem to even get in the ball park of having any control over.

So there's the trolls and excuses... let's get started here.

CLOCK: 5:20p - 5:35p ; 6:35p - ...


Ok, I found it:

That's what this whole SUDO thing is about.

F@#* I am so tired... that took forever.  I don't even know, I worked 15 min, had to take a shit, came back and got distracted watching comedy for almost an hour.  Log updated.

GOOGLA -- winscp how to sudo

        Image result for winscp how to sudo
    Use the SFTP protocol. Test connecting withWINSCP using the SFTP protocol using the bitnami (low priviledge user) and your private key. On the Advanced tab of the WINSCPspecify the sudo -s command to run the server as su.Jan 28, 2014

    How to connect as root using WINSCP | Dr James Bayley

Well.. didn't work.  Guessing it has something to do with me now knowing my own goddamn EC User password.

It also occurs to me that I no understand basiks like "SFTP" "Protocol" "bitnami"

So I tried it in PuTTY and "sudo vi test.html" WORKED!!!


Well I really, really need sleep, and as I am hitting my hour now, I am setting some goals for tmw:

1. Figure out who to get WINSCP hooked up with Sudo so I can have full perms (prob just figure out my password.)
2. Figure out how all this translates to me reinstalling wordpress
3. WIN

1 Hour = pass... although I think it was @ size 2.5... but not going to count it against myself this time.  The fact that I showed up alone is worth letting me have the 4 today.

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