Friday, October 9, 2015

Losing it... Days 10 & 11 Down

One energy hole / problem is thinking about Sarah when I get home.

These thoughts really need to wait for after ROARS or friday / saturday.  Seriously.  A decision needs to be made that thinking about Sarah M-TH after work is one of my worst trolls and needs to be removed immediately in this situation.

The other issue, obviously, has been weed, throwing things off the rails this week.

And finally, the rituals needed some work.

Lunch needs to simplify -- 25 min in the gym max with 5 min to change after, then eat right away and drink water and at that point, consider lunch done -- aim to do everything within 1 - 1.25 hours.  Then, meditation is part of work -- I am ALWAYS more productive with it, so don't consider it part of lunch, consider it part of work.  This little bit of NLP is a lot more important than I've been realizing.

ROARS ritual needs to start with meditation as soon as I get home and then exercise and eat i think.  This, like after lunch, is a major vulnerability of mine -- it's a pitfall moment, a time where I am prone to be weak and need to lead with a strong push.  

You can see why letting thoughts about Sarah in at this point will inevitably create failure.

Meditation is my way of TAKING CONTROL when I come up against weakness and rapidly building up the strength to push through.  If it fails, so does everything that follows.

So meditation needs to come first, and cannot be allowed to fail.  If too weak to meditate, switch to NLP and then back to meditation.  Motivate, Meditate, Perform.

Keep building the right habit of catch, replace, 1up, 1up the 1up, and keep it going.  That will be powerful for you.  You are headed for greatness, you just can't ever give up.

That being said, right now you are headed for some pretty heavy failures with ROARS.

The goal this month is to have the website up and fully operational.  That means that by the end of next Sunday, I pretty much need the server, wordpress, and all the framework there running, because re-establishing the funnel is going to take a lot of work.

So I'm not sure how you're going to pull this off now that you are 2-4 hours in the hole here.  This Sunday you really need to get your hands dirty or things are going to get UGLY.

The upside to yesterday was at least you maintained a couple hours at size 6+ and averaged a 5 before you lost it thinking about Sarah for the ROARS part of the day.

The "martial law" idea worked.  It's really just another way of hard gripping the focus and honing it all day, which is what I really need to be doing every day.

Yesterday was a good day, so there's no reason I shouldn't be doing this regularly.  

Well, happy weekend, find a nice EDM show this weekend and invite her out here.

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