Thursday, September 29, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 82

6:30p - 7:30p

The final CDH!!

It's been a pretty good Q3, all things considered.

I got more consistent with ROARS than ever through a period of time that was QUITE difficult because the deterioration of my relationship with Sarah and my longest commission dry spell of all time.

I sustained a fairly decent size, even if it was a regression in the second half.

I pushed my limits a bit in a few areas and grew a deeper understanding and new skills in the areas of mindfulness, active NLP, and attraction.

Dividing 150 hrs into 19 objectives

The big hint here is the "even if it looks like shit get it DONE first then improve".

There is NOT ENOUGH TIME to do all of them right.

And that's the WHOLE POINT.

In business, there's always going to be a quality vs. quantity type if balancing act.

You need GOALs so that you are...
  • Very selective, 
  • Focused, 
  • Prioritizing high value objective over lower value ones (and just letting some projects go or get very little attention if they're not worth much)
  • Managing your time well (using it as a limited resource since thats what it is and making the most of it)
  • Actually get through a lot of stuff
The whole game of being an effective businessman comes from this practice of goal setting and allocating time as a limited resource.

Otherwise your just an artist.  You can keep trying to perfect it forever but you'll never make any money.

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