Sunday, May 13, 2018

CDC 6 Day 42

8:30a - 2:30p ; 4:30p - 5:30p

09:00 - 10:00: Obj.3.1a (1/4)
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.3.1a (2/4)
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.3.1a (3/4)
12:00 - 01:00: Su.Lunch (7/10)
01:00 - 01:30: Chores
01:30 - 02:30: Obj.3.1a (4/4)
02:30 - 04:30: Break
04:30 - 05:30: Obj.3.1b (1/20)

Next Step 1 - Finish Outline of Videos 3-5

I have created an outline - now I need to REVIEW all the old content, and think through what I want to create, and get a full picture.  Really set up a beautiful sketch and scaffold, you know?

Next Step 2 - Obj 3.1 Needs to be broken down into chunks

That's the only way I'll be able to press myself to "good enough" deadlines

MUST LOOK AT 'GOOD ENOUGH' CONCEPT FIRST!!!!  So break it up via this concept.  That is my next step after finishing the outline.

Realistic Time Scales:

3.1a Outlining: 4 hours

3.1b Writing: 20 hours
  • Video 1 - 10 hours (since self-therpy section needs research)
  • Video 2 - 4 hours (since mostly done already)
  • Video 3 - 6 hours
3.1c Recording: 5 hours 
  • 45m per video, can record in double that
3.1d Editing Audio: 5 hours 
  • Should be able to beat 5 hours, but definitely shouldn't take longer since I will mostly just be trusting the audio and simply cutting out gaps and repeats.
3.1e PowerPoint Slides: 10 hours
  • Cutting the text and breaking up into 50-100 slides per video shouldn't take long at all.  I can do that super sloppy.  However, getting the pictures in, touching up diagrams, and making it look the way I want will slow it down.  This is where "good enough" is going to really need to get implemented.
3.1f Reviewing / Final Tweaks: 4 hours.

3.1g Uploading: 2 hours.

TOTAL: 50 hours.

Power-point & Audio

Read the audio into the sound booth as normal, BUT

I recommend pausing between each Paragraph and editing out the gaps.  It allows me to setup and sound great each time.

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