Tuesday, May 22, 2018

CDC 6 Day 51

6p - 7:30p

06:30 - 07:30: Obj.3.1b (5/20)

True Commitment

Here are the areas in which true commitment is out:

-Following work schedule @ LEAF
-Morning Ritual
-CDH / Sunday structure

(Basically, everything except food and bedtime)

This is creating disorder, feelings of being a fraud, disappointment, resignation, etc.

I'm missing the sense of true determination, real commitment -- and again, I want to create the possibility of true commitment for myself again.

Here's the actions...

-7:30 vs. 7:45 issue - I choose to begin calls by 7:30.  No more talk of 7:45 as of this post.
-Be willing to sacrifice deals if necessary to begin making calls @ 7:30.  Why?  Because true commitment means NOTHING stands in your way, no amount of money, fear of loss, etc.  Obviously, you're not going to be insanely irrational, but the flip side of that is you must be completely unreasonable regardless of the cost.  Same goes for 1pm, of course.
Are you willing to sacrifice for true commitment to your schedule?  YES.  

-Regardless of being behind schedule, of feeling embarrassed to show up for only 5 minutes, etc etc... you will go into the gym, in your ****** jeans, say whats up to people, lift a few weights for 5 min, and hit the shower.  Why?  Because true commitment is working out, IN THE LEAF GYM, for 5 minutes, NO MATTER WHAT.  Are you willing to show up to that, no matter what circumstance you  find yourself in?  Sick?  Doesn't matter.  Made poor choices?  Doesn't matter.  Are you willing to have true commitment here?  YES.

-Saturday: No weed, cuz it'll weaken your resolve for Sunday.  
-Sunday: No rust prior to work, no watching rust videos with breakfast, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT RUST until you've got your first hour of work in... 
-Sunday: You must follow the RotE discipline page and go according to schedule.
-Daily: You will get 1 hour in NO MATTER WHAT.  
-80% is not okay.  It means true commitment is gone.  You will get the hour in no matter what, because that's what true commitment means.  Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get your hour?  Sacrifice whatever is needed?  YES.

-15 minutes prior to work.  NOT 10.  Starts at 6:30, EVEN IF THAT MEANS NO COFFEE.
-Coming up from the gym, check the time to make sure you're running on schedule.  6:30 start is essential.
-If you're thinking of helpful ideas, be willing to set those aside because your true commitment means you'll be willing to sacrifice important ideas to make mindfulness happen EVERY TIME.
-5 minutes after lunch.  No matter what.  You need a solid 15-20 min under your belt before you go home.
-BEGIN CDH with required meditation, even if that means working past 7:30.  Bed time only requires 3/4.  Be willing to sacrifice the quality of your sleep to go in this order: MEDITATION - CDH - ENTERTAINMENT.  Are you willing to put mediation BEFORE CDH, even if it means pushing into 7:30, to make sure you're advancing your mental mastery?  Are you willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to have true commitment to your mental workout?  YES

-At 3:30, you must be willing to drop everything to workout, because true commitment to your workout means sacrificing LEAF, socializing, and anything and everything else to stay physically in shape.  Are you willing to DROP EVERYTHING and have TRUE COMMITMENT?  YES.

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