05:30 - 06:30: Obj.3.1b (16.5/30)
Plan for Writing
1. Finish intro
2. Organize old material by titling / categorizing / tagging, so you can reference anything you need when you need it.
- Do both old series AND mastery.
- CERTAINLY jack alot of session 4 of Mastery since that's my old book content. Cuz, you know, your product is gonna want to cover SOME of the basics, right?? Let's make it good. And let's do it ON SCHEDULE by stripping as much as necessary from mastery and using copy-paste to get tons of content in with very little effort.
- You should be spending a lot of time doing this. Maybe making a whole new google doc with it's own table of contents simply organizing ALL of my content. And even clean it up a bit.
- Why? Because then I DONT NEED TO WRITE ANYTHING. I can just swap stuff in as I go.
3. Copy paste as much as possible.
Ummm... about #2...
Yeeah... I got like 3 different versions of the same scripts.
- The google voice re-write feeding the video into the recorder. (that's the verison i was looking at last time... it sucks)
- The Google Doc versions (inferior it seems? ACTUALLY - I think this looks shitty cuz its a copy paste of #3 onto google... CONFIRM THIS!!)
- The Open Office versions - superior it seems. go here for them: C:\Users\Jaimie Montague\OneDrive\Documents\_work\chapters 5 and 6 backup\3 - vid series and COPY, CONTENT, AND COPYWRITING chp6
Also, Mastery appears to be here:
F:\Users\James-SC\Documents\_work RESTORED\Age 1 Chp 6 and 7 2011-2012\Video Production
...look for the "all slide bullets" text documents. That's going to be the content I will use.
...look for the "all slide bullets" text documents. That's going to be the content I will use.
My Value Leader Videos are fucking GOLD
I am going to fucking make it.
This shit sells like a monster.
I just need to make sure the product they get to isn't garbage like Mastery (to be fair, Mastery's OKAY, it just starts like garbage and I'm clearly young and immature... you're like "why would I listen to this FUCKING KID")
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