Monday, October 15, 2018

Q4 Day 16

5:13p - 6:40p

05:40 - 06:40: Obj.Account (1)

Integrity: The End of "Rounding to the nearest 15"

It's been bugging me for a while, the "5:07 is good, 5:08 is not" thing.  It's like, if you're going to have a rule that draws a line, why wouldn't you draw the line at the time that's intended.  If integrity is about doing things as they're meant to be done - and as others would expect - then this rounding rule has poor integrity.

Moving forward, for start times and "due by" times, the only grace will be the seconds.  01 is no good anywhere anymore.  That being said, if you work 5:35 - 6:35, you get the hour, and yes - you can have up to 10 minutes for break in any given hour.  It's the whole "maxing out the late period grace" thing that I am no longer okay with.

One change to go along with the new rule is CDH "on time" criteria for week days.  The time to arrive by is now 5:15pm.  The goal is still 5pm, but as long as you clock in by 5:15pm, you're on time.  Clock in time will now reflect actual times and will not be rounded.

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