Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Get emotionally invested

It drives you to be emotionally invested in your work and how it can help people.

Otherwise, it's just a grind, right? 

Giving people NLP and Mindfulness is something worth talking about.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Starting now and through April, I want to hone my focus on the positive action thoughts that create performance. 

By meditating on my thoughts more and more, I will identify, laugh at, and remove the negative thoughts controlling my daily performance, and BUILD a HABIT of focusing on performance based thoughts. 

By the end of April, I'd like to see my performance double across the board.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Poor Meditations

I think these add evidence to the whole paradigm of "burned out soldier" or whatever I'm making up and actually cause negative value.

ALL meditations should utilize concentration or just be dropped altogether.  Use "Good" + "Good Catch" and be on the ball or don't do it at all.  I'd rather lose integrity than spirit.

Building up a more successful future

To build up more success, continually build the following, week by week, month by month, year by year...

  1. Building up determination - not as a packet you read, but as a feeling you have, a sense of urgency you carry into every day.  Slowly, steadily grow this.
  2. Building up the habit of ALL - a consistent growth of just showing up 100% to things, fully participating because you want to, playing the game to win, not for the victory, but for the play.  The habit of responsibly going into things treating them as ends to themselves.  Slowly, steadily grow this.

ALL goes hand in hand with "good catch" and "good" and 1-up, especially when applied to a fun focus on killing it.  It should be a positive experience, a fun concentration of will.  It can be a continuation of mediation in this sense.

It is NOT negative, stress, etc.  Those feelings result from focusing on the wrong things.  "Good" is said when focus was on the right things, but my focus tends to trend towards the wrong things.  So make sure you're playing the 1-up game in enjoyable fashion and you will have it.

Sunday, March 17, 2019


11:00 - 01:00: recording
01:00 - 02:30: lunch
02:30 - 03:30: editing
03:30 - 04:15: editing
04:15 - 04:30: break
04:30 - 05:30: recording
05:30 - 06:30: dinner
06:30 - 07:15: recording

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Determination in March, 2019

March, 2019 is about being determined and enjoying every moment.

The goal is to create a powerful ability to focus on one thing at a time.  What this looks like is following daily schedule and creating value with every task during the day.  Inside of each task, it's about maintaining the focus on what I choose to focus on, and shooing or sorting away distractions.  When focus becomes hard to maintain, I will create value to enjoy honing my focus.

In cold calls, say I'm getting a lot of distractions at the 20 minute mark.  I'll have a look at if I'm calling to have fun, challenging, cool AF conversations, or if I'm focusing on a call count number or some discomfort "cause" that has me being a victim to it.  Then, I'll ask, what would allow me to be cause in the matter, and guide my focus back on having great conversations.

Instead of looking at what I'm up to as if it's hard and I have to push through, I will simply realize that I can do anything if I care enough, so the only problem that ever exists is that I don't care enough.  Which means all I have to do is create more value.

I will create value because I want to.


11:30 - 01:00: record
01:00 - 02:00: eat
02:00 - 04:00: record
04:00 - 04:30: break
04:30 - 05:30: record

-Generate BTP Determination
-Created monthly system of creating determination on the daily, weekly, and monthly stance.

Monthly Determination Creation

Every month, a new daily bedside sheet is born, it should be the one thing that sparks the most determination.

Should be visualization based, or something that triggers a strong emotional mood.

Restoring Integrity

I said I would do follow my daily disciplines, and I have not been even so much as attempting to do so.

The affect this has had is reduced physical health and lack of the discipline necessary to enjoy my days and live the life I want to live.

Moving forward, I will create value for my daily disciplines.  When out of integrity, I will ask myself "What do I need to do to make this valuable so that I enjoy doing it?"  I will use this to restore my determination.

I have reviewed and tweaked all of my daily disciplines this morning, and from this moment onward, I choose to continue following my daily disciplines and I will do whatever is necessary to maintain 75% integrity or above.  

On SNW days, I will cut out 30 minutes on Sunday night to go through my daily disciplines and restore my determination to following through with this choice.