Monday, March 28, 2016

Discipline Hour 1 -- Q1 PTC Day 85

Today's consistent discipline hour: 5-6pm
-Return Allied
-Review titled vehicle material to feel confident that i can submit my app tmw (and do the test after asking about a few unknowns)
-Submit or Quote Moustash
-Req 100% AF for Americhek and ASV


Monday, March 14, 2016

Q1 PTC Day 71: Introducing the "Consistent Discipline Hour"

worked: 6-7 on invoicing for taco hangover, starting "The Great Taco Hangover Debate", concluding in "I need serial #'s or no deal"... ask the customer, must be a mistake.

Oh hai!

Sorry I haven't been here in so long.

The ski season really took hold of me.  When you take every other weekend to ski, it turns out that the rest of the weekends end up dedicated to chores.

I am back here to start gearing up for 2016 Q2 with the "Consistent Disclipline Hour".

This is basically an hour a day that says,

"I don't care if its LEAF + ROARS, LEAF + LEAF, or LEAF + Doing Taxes... spend a consistent hour every day towards bettering yourself or making some kind of progress, so when the time comes to do an hour per day on ROARS, you're already doing it."

I need to have consistent discipline.  It's called the consistent discipline hour because those are the two successful-person qualities I lack the most.  I must improve at having these two qualities until I have them in abundance, or it is unlikely I will ever experience the success I am trying to achieve.

I planned out the hour on my old phone.  It's actually charging, so let's hope for the best here.

For now, discipline hour is 6-7pm today, I need to:
-Fix an invoice for LEAF
-Review morning ritual post
-Clean room
-Schedule tax appointment or schedule time to schedule it.

ORIG from S5 Notepad:

The Consistent Discipline Hour -- 
a daily committment to doing BOTH, whether its ROARS, women, moving, buying birthday presents, etc... its a predetermined hour of every work day where you will work after work to achieve predetermined goals listed on google drive, TBD any time BEFORE starting the hour+.

I dont have a kid or a huge time consumer on my plate so theres no reason i cant do this.  Consistency is the most important trait i need.  Do it every day or plan A and ROARS will lose the race to plan B and LEAF (and women and children.)  The plan doesnt matter nearly as much as the consistency and discipline matters.  FORCE YOURSELF TO DO IT!!!

Once youve shown consistency here, then add in measuring size.  For now, this hour is perma-NA with regards to size factors, you just need to do it.  The roars ritual is suspended as well until youve shown consistency here.

Consistency here is the heart of the renaissance.  Without it, the renaissance is dead.

Wed, feb 24 goals
-dr appt, should be out of there in an hr then dedicate at least 30 min to the following
-write a blog post
-clean room
-morning ritual review and setup

-----thursday or extra credit wed below-----
-outline new ROARS goals