Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to Make Great Ads - Re-Post from SNC


How to Make Great Ads

NOTE: The best way to make an Ad is to copy one that is effective already!!

BUILDING THE AD: Make an Irresistible Offer

Here's the table of contents and order of construction:
  1. Develop an obviously high ROI for the prospect.
  2. Create a compelling touchstone.
  3. Make it believable.
1 - High ROI (Return on investment)

Every purchase is an investment: Hence, if I invest [what you want me to] I expect to get a really good return! All marketing (and even business) sums right down to this... so make sure it's an obviously good choice for them!

Key word: Obvious. If it's a great offer but they can't see it, it won't sell.

2 - Touchstone: How to say the offer...
  • Clear - Every line makes perfect sense, has a lot of meaning.
  • Simple - EASY to understand.
  • Immediacy - Cuts to the chase (benefit focused).
  • Short (brevity) - Cut out all extra words and condense.
3 - Believability: Make it credible (prove it)

Use Proof:
  • Social Proof: Testimonials from other people, the more you get in the better (picture, phone number, whatever else can add to it's realness.)
  • Technical Proof: Tests that show it works, scientific stuff.
  • Factual Proof...
Other ways of making it believable:
  • Have it endorsed by someone trustworthy in the industry or by a famous celebrity.
  • Put it through qualified tests that people recognize.
  • Use logic to show why the ROI is possible / why it just makes sense.

From a bird's eye view, selling is very simple. This was laid out by the grand master of selling, John Carlton:

1. Here's what I got. (Offer)
2. Here's what it will do for you. (Get the offer across to their life)
3. Here's what I want you to do next (be strait forward and hard. Confidence sells better than deals.)

1: "Here's what I got"

Here's how to make a compelling offer. Include all the following points:

Does it ...

* Make a Compelling Promise?
* Solve the Reader's Most Immediate Problem?
* Protect the Reader - With a Warning?
* Help the Reader Articulate Their Real Goal?
* Ask for ACTION!?
* Demonstrate the Ownership Experience?

It should do all of these - or at least the ones that are possible. The better you do them, the better the copy.

2. Here's what it will do for you.

Here's how to get your point across (getting the offer across to their life, so that no matter what personality type they are, they get why they'd want this in their life. This is extremely important, and only comes second because #1 catches their attention and interest.)

Answer each question:

1. Sales personality types - the motivators - ask,

WHY? (give the benefits)

2. Scholastic personality types - objective doers - ask,

WHAT FOR? (tell them what it'll do [what problems/frustrations it'll solve] & tell them what the results are.)

3. Technical personality types - how it works - ask,

HOW? (explain the system, show how everything is connected)

4. Advocate - focused on opportunities, creative, asks,

WHAT IF (show them how can you use it in other ways)


Now, it's also very important to answer these universal questions everyone always has before buying anything (yes! get these in the Ad IF YOU CAN... if you can't, just focus on the above, and maybe the most important question here)

The 12 Pre-Conversion Questions
1. Will it do what it says it will do?
2. Will it be easy for me to use?
3. Will it take a lot of my time to work?
4. Is this the only solution to my problem, or will it require
5. What if it doesn't work?
6. What if something goes wrong?
7. Can I afford it?
8. What will my friends, family, or peers say?
9. Do I really need it?
10. Am I sure that I know enough about it?
11. Am I sure I know enough about the company selling it to me?
12. What if this is not the right version?

And no matter who they are, or what product they are buying -
those questions occur during their decision making process.

Please notice the following about those questions:
There are virtually no questions about the "up side" of
ownership. They're all based on Failure or Risk Scenarios.

Now I'll ask you the Sixty Four Thousand Dollar Question:
Are you letting your prospects into your sales process without
answering all of those questions?


The points to cover in giving any presentation are then:
  • Why you should buy
  • How it will benefit you
  • What this product will do
  • What it will accomplish
  • How it does what it does
  • Creative things you can do with it

Part 3 of the carlton method, asking for action, should be strait forward enough. People can tell if something is worth getting based on how confident you are in it, so, when you ask for action, make sure to be really firm and validate why you believe they should.

And that's it! When you've got something good, this is all you need.

This works amazingly better when the thing is free. Give people free stuff to show them your value, but very importantly, win over their trust and get them accustomed to being sold. I plan on "selling" everything - whether or not it has anything to do with being sold.

AND THEN you get to the deeper copy writing elements – like being hypnotic etc

Truly Mesmerizing Content Development

It is time to start developing extremely high value content.

12 years ago, I learned how to make articles really compelling.  I learned how to grab people's interest and get them excited.

Then, I produced a product... but I didn't feel like I had the value to really be a Stompernet or Eben Pagen.

So I developed a compelling, high value idea to add something to the insomnia scene, and a couple years ago, I produced content that even my dad said was solid salesmanship.

From there, I fleshed out the value, made a good product, and now I need to promote it.  So I've been posting videos, but something's missing.  The "highly compelling" skillset I had is faded.  It's time to start doing that side of it again, and put it all together to make truely mesmerizing content.

So I want to start making some super content:

1 - High Value: Refined, edited 3x, well structured, thesis / conclusion, different, yet related to what people are really looking for, taking a bit from related pages
2 - keyword rich
3 - good to go if i spent money advertising

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Embed RSS Feed Into Webpage / Embed anything

Boiled down to this: - trying first... cuz it's free..
NEGATIVE... turned out not to work, plus it was like ANCIENT html code lol - legit, cheap, and easy - works great, looks like it can be made to be sexy... basic is $9 / year... yeah, we got a winner

And here's how to embed anything else, lol:

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Creating a more permanent webserver

Started w/ research...

What is the best EC2 instance to use with a WordPress website?

4 Answers
Jon Green
Jon Green, AWS consultant; Cambridge AWS User Group organiser

OMG - it can't be this hard...

Followed by Cloudways!  It set it all up, free, no hassle, and works with AWS.  So, that's awesome - they do all the work for me!

...and then I found out I can't edit my own .php files properly in SSH.  Fuck.

...yeah, fuck that.  going back to Cloudways.

Figured it out!  VARNISH feature is what was fucking it up.  Turned that off and it works now.  Interesting.

DNS is setup.  @, www, and blog are all set.  DNS moved to GO DADDY.  AWS a

Now i have

Friday, April 3, 2020

My life is run by a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum

 So - trip down memory lane here.

In pre-school, I was sitting in the back of the carpet, goofing off with the kid next to me.  All the other kids were sitting down, looking forward and listening to the teacher.  I knew what was going on - I just didn't care about that.

Then I was put on time-out and for the first time, something was wrong here.  I was upset - how dare she stop my fun and take me away from all the kids!  I demanded to know what happened.  She said "You're not paying attention."  I didn't know what that meant, so I said "what does paying attention mean?"  She didn't answer - probably cuz I was being a smartass little tantrum kid - but for me, that was WTF IS THIS.

..."YOU'RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION"... come on... I KNEW what she meant, I already understood the situation - I just couldn't be with that communication.  I was goofing off when everyone else was following rules that I was ignoring.  I even enjoyed bringing the other kids into my world, as opposed to needing to live in theirs.

Not knowing what the word attention meant wasn't the issue.  The issue was I was goofing off and I got in trouble.

But that lady was a bitch, fuck her.  What she did, or the way she did it, was wrong.  Unjust

So… I challenged her tone.  What do you mean, pay attention?  What does that even mean?

I basically threw a tantrum.  It's what 5 year olds do, right?

I decided that I wasn't wrong for not paying attention, she was wrong for being mean, and the rules and structure itself was all wrong.


Skipping back to the here and now... my life is run by a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum.

The first time I faced organized structure, the decision I made was that goofing off was fun and great and these assholes making me do shit suck.  lol

I really got that I was having a great time and that my fun was better than living by their rules.

So now, I've been failing to build a business for 10 years because at some point I always stop.  Cuz what I'm doing isn't "freedom", it's "work", and I feel "trapped", and it's a "struggle".

The struggle, though, only exists because I won't accept that I'm having a tantrum.  I'm an adult.  It doesn't look good to be ruled by "I don't wanna!!  Waaaaahh!!!"  I can't be a failure, a loser.  So I create a struggle.  "It's not my fault - I'm trying - but it's hard for me."

Looks real good, much better that way.

The struggle JUSTIFIES the tantrum way of being.  It justifies a being that's all about doing what I want.

Today, you're still ruled by a 5 year old having a tantrum.  Anything you don't want to do, there's always an excuse - it's never your fault that you didn't do it.
  • With entrepreneuring, that looks like 'THIS IS WORK!  I WANNA PLAY!!  FUCK THIS'

"She would've died like that.  Shit.  All the pain is pure bullshit, pure bullshit, nothing authentic about the pain, not an iota of it.  It's all there to make you right.  The pain's not so attractive anymore is it?"

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Restoring old settings

Well just found out my website isn't even working, so im restoring the old way here...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

AMI backup created, PHP + Apache Updating

Well, it would appear that updating PHP has broken PHP for Wordpress.

"Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress."


Annoying... I added it to my php.ini file... but it's still not working and I don't see it in the the phpinfo file (

And even if it does work, I'm not totally clear that mysql will be the right version for all of this...

Easier yet, command "php -v" seems to be telling me all I need to know:

This happens on mysqli,, and obviously

I tried "sudo yum install php-mysql --skip-broken" and it installed something that didnt help and I'm guessing caused damage, lol... if so, you can reinstall php 7.3 via this guide:

Just pick up with google search "unable to load dynamic library '' "

Sunday, February 16, 2020

new blog

database prefix on insomniadb is zz_