Thursday, February 20, 2020

AMI backup created, PHP + Apache Updating

Well, it would appear that updating PHP has broken PHP for Wordpress.

"Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress."


Annoying... I added it to my php.ini file... but it's still not working and I don't see it in the the phpinfo file (

And even if it does work, I'm not totally clear that mysql will be the right version for all of this...

Easier yet, command "php -v" seems to be telling me all I need to know:

This happens on mysqli,, and obviously

I tried "sudo yum install php-mysql --skip-broken" and it installed something that didnt help and I'm guessing caused damage, lol... if so, you can reinstall php 7.3 via this guide:

Just pick up with google search "unable to load dynamic library '' "

Sunday, February 16, 2020

new blog

database prefix on insomniadb is zz_