Wednesday, May 30, 2018

LEAF Plan Tomorrow: The Kugelblitz

True Commitment - Will hold my ground at calls.

Regardless of waivering here and there

Regardless of getting sick

Regardless of losing even CDH integrity past 2 Sundays.

1051 calls WILL HAPPEN.  I give my word - I will hold this ground.


The Kugelblitz


330-4: Seven 11 and head to work.
4-5: Walk in gym, addie, then shower
5-545: Deal work
545-6: Break
6-10: 100 calls
10-11: break - wake up burrito OK'd.  I am willing to sacrifice meal integrity.
11-11:30: Urgent deal work / answer emails.  30 MINUTE TIMER.
11:30-11:45: Break
11:45-12:00: Mediation and mentally prepare for war.
12:00-2:30: Last 50 calls.
2:30-3: Relax, emails, do whatever you want.  Leave early @ 3 if you can, you need to break so you can get to ROARS refreshed.

CDC 6 Day 59

5p - ...

05:30 - 06:30: Obj.Account (2/3)

Next Challenge: "Freedom, Power, and Joy"?

Given 80% CDH Integ this challenge, you can move on to the next.  Size 5 requirements gone, all that was left to do was the 80%.  I'd say you're pretty much there, now that you have true commitment.

You've yet to really paint the picture of what freedom, power, and joy looks like.

Maybe do that and then begin the challenge of getting it.

Implement Ryu's Insight.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

CDC 6 Day 52

5p - 7p

06:00 - 07:00: Obj.3.1 (6/20)

Integrity is back and it feels good :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

CDC 6 Day 51

6p - 7:30p

06:30 - 07:30: Obj.3.1b (5/20)

True Commitment

Here are the areas in which true commitment is out:

-Following work schedule @ LEAF
-Morning Ritual
-CDH / Sunday structure

(Basically, everything except food and bedtime)

This is creating disorder, feelings of being a fraud, disappointment, resignation, etc.

I'm missing the sense of true determination, real commitment -- and again, I want to create the possibility of true commitment for myself again.

Here's the actions...

-7:30 vs. 7:45 issue - I choose to begin calls by 7:30.  No more talk of 7:45 as of this post.
-Be willing to sacrifice deals if necessary to begin making calls @ 7:30.  Why?  Because true commitment means NOTHING stands in your way, no amount of money, fear of loss, etc.  Obviously, you're not going to be insanely irrational, but the flip side of that is you must be completely unreasonable regardless of the cost.  Same goes for 1pm, of course.
Are you willing to sacrifice for true commitment to your schedule?  YES.  

-Regardless of being behind schedule, of feeling embarrassed to show up for only 5 minutes, etc etc... you will go into the gym, in your ****** jeans, say whats up to people, lift a few weights for 5 min, and hit the shower.  Why?  Because true commitment is working out, IN THE LEAF GYM, for 5 minutes, NO MATTER WHAT.  Are you willing to show up to that, no matter what circumstance you  find yourself in?  Sick?  Doesn't matter.  Made poor choices?  Doesn't matter.  Are you willing to have true commitment here?  YES.

-Saturday: No weed, cuz it'll weaken your resolve for Sunday.  
-Sunday: No rust prior to work, no watching rust videos with breakfast, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT RUST until you've got your first hour of work in... 
-Sunday: You must follow the RotE discipline page and go according to schedule.
-Daily: You will get 1 hour in NO MATTER WHAT.  
-80% is not okay.  It means true commitment is gone.  You will get the hour in no matter what, because that's what true commitment means.  Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get your hour?  Sacrifice whatever is needed?  YES.

-15 minutes prior to work.  NOT 10.  Starts at 6:30, EVEN IF THAT MEANS NO COFFEE.
-Coming up from the gym, check the time to make sure you're running on schedule.  6:30 start is essential.
-If you're thinking of helpful ideas, be willing to set those aside because your true commitment means you'll be willing to sacrifice important ideas to make mindfulness happen EVERY TIME.
-5 minutes after lunch.  No matter what.  You need a solid 15-20 min under your belt before you go home.
-BEGIN CDH with required meditation, even if that means working past 7:30.  Bed time only requires 3/4.  Be willing to sacrifice the quality of your sleep to go in this order: MEDITATION - CDH - ENTERTAINMENT.  Are you willing to put mediation BEFORE CDH, even if it means pushing into 7:30, to make sure you're advancing your mental mastery?  Are you willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to have true commitment to your mental workout?  YES

-At 3:30, you must be willing to drop everything to workout, because true commitment to your workout means sacrificing LEAF, socializing, and anything and everything else to stay physically in shape.  Are you willing to DROP EVERYTHING and have TRUE COMMITMENT?  YES.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018

CDC 6 Day 46

3:30p - 4:30p ; 5p - 8p

03:30 - 04:30: Obj.Int.Setup (4/5)
06:00 - 07:00: Obj.Int.Setup (5/5)

Int.Setup 4-5: Instead of "Finding Lost Tools" I will be "Creating Freedom From Thoughts" @ LEAF

This is goes towards ROARS because it should make me feel waaaaay less stressed at LEAF.  Simplification and effieciency and embracing freedom from the "size sheet", the power hour ramblings, and all the other stuff that slows me down.

The morning power hour is and size sheets are going away for the first time in many years.

Training wheels are coming off.  You don't need them... you have true commitment now.

No more training need you.  Vader.  You must defeat vadar.

In the morning, I will do 15 min of meditation and hit it.  No time dedicated to power.  No "Just one page" review.  You have true commitment.  Memorize your possibility, burn it in to your mind, become it... don't read it on a piece of paper as if that creates it.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

CDC 6 Day 43

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.3.1b (2/20)


Let's go back to 9pm please.

Starting immediately:

Work - 7:15
Entertainment - 8:45
Int - 8:45
Bed - 9:00

Sunday, May 13, 2018

CDC 6 Day 42

8:30a - 2:30p ; 4:30p - 5:30p

09:00 - 10:00: Obj.3.1a (1/4)
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.3.1a (2/4)
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.3.1a (3/4)
12:00 - 01:00: Su.Lunch (7/10)
01:00 - 01:30: Chores
01:30 - 02:30: Obj.3.1a (4/4)
02:30 - 04:30: Break
04:30 - 05:30: Obj.3.1b (1/20)

Next Step 1 - Finish Outline of Videos 3-5

I have created an outline - now I need to REVIEW all the old content, and think through what I want to create, and get a full picture.  Really set up a beautiful sketch and scaffold, you know?

Next Step 2 - Obj 3.1 Needs to be broken down into chunks

That's the only way I'll be able to press myself to "good enough" deadlines

MUST LOOK AT 'GOOD ENOUGH' CONCEPT FIRST!!!!  So break it up via this concept.  That is my next step after finishing the outline.

Realistic Time Scales:

3.1a Outlining: 4 hours

3.1b Writing: 20 hours
  • Video 1 - 10 hours (since self-therpy section needs research)
  • Video 2 - 4 hours (since mostly done already)
  • Video 3 - 6 hours
3.1c Recording: 5 hours 
  • 45m per video, can record in double that
3.1d Editing Audio: 5 hours 
  • Should be able to beat 5 hours, but definitely shouldn't take longer since I will mostly just be trusting the audio and simply cutting out gaps and repeats.
3.1e PowerPoint Slides: 10 hours
  • Cutting the text and breaking up into 50-100 slides per video shouldn't take long at all.  I can do that super sloppy.  However, getting the pictures in, touching up diagrams, and making it look the way I want will slow it down.  This is where "good enough" is going to really need to get implemented.
3.1f Reviewing / Final Tweaks: 4 hours.

3.1g Uploading: 2 hours.

TOTAL: 50 hours.

Power-point & Audio

Read the audio into the sound booth as normal, BUT

I recommend pausing between each Paragraph and editing out the gaps.  It allows me to setup and sound great each time.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

CDC 6 Day 39

6p - 8:30p

06:30 - 08:00: Obj.2.1c (47/40.5)

Video 2 complete!

"The Best Cure For Insomnia" - Parts 1 & 2 - Now FINISHED.

I have rendered a draft of the 2 together and uploaded to Vimeo.

Password is the same as the first activity name.

Total hours worked on this (not including lunch breaks)...

Q4 2017: 25.5
Q1 2018: 29.5
Q2 2018: 47

102 Hours Total

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

CDC 6 Day 38

5p - 6p

05:00 - 06:00: Obj.2.1c (45.5/40.5)

Made a few edits, logged the ones that require a few slides be redone, but other than that, it is AMAZING.  Tomorrow I'll make the final round of edits before publishing the first draft... and next week we'll move on to the product videos.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

CDC 6 Day 37

5p - 7:30p

05:00 - 06:00: Obj.2.1c (43.5/40.5)
06:30 - 07:30: Obj.2.1c (44.5/40.5)

Slideshow fixed and video is ready for first play through!!

Monday, May 7, 2018

CDC 6 Day 36

8:30a - 5:30p

15m Med
09:00 - 10:00: Obj.1.2c (37/40.5)
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.1.2c (38/40.5)
11:00 - 11:30: Break + 5m Med
11:30 - 12:30: Obj.1.2c (39/40.5)
12:30 - 01:30: Obj.1.2c (40/40.5)
01:30 - 02:30: Su.Lunch (6/10)
02:30 - 03:00: Chores
03:00 - 04:00: Obj.1.2c (41/40.5)
04:00 - 05:30: Obj.1.2c (42.5/40.5)

Out sick yesterday, recovering today, want to recover from breakdown and get back on track.  Restore integrity.

To prevent similar breakdowns, I have modified to morning ritual.  NOTE MEDITATION IS NOW REQUIRED AND COMES BEFORE REVIEW PACKET.

NEW Morning Ritual

Discipline Requires for Integrity:

  • Be out of bed by 4:35am M-TH / 7:05am SUN
  • Have drank water and started shave/hair by 4:40am M-TH
  • Have started shower (or long teeth) by 7:10am SUN
  • At least 5 minutes of workout M-TH @ gym.
  • At least 5 minutes of meditation:
    • M-TH - Must be completed by 7:00am
    • SU - Must be completed by 8:00am

There is NO ROUNDING: 5:06 & 7:11 are no good.  You are either starting your day with a bang or you are not.

You MUST meet all requirements - including 5 min workout minimum (M-TH) & 5 min meditation (Everyday).

Additional Commitments

No more circle plus on Saturdays for the remainder of Q2 please.

No more Rust prior to lunch on Sundays.

Video 2 Nearing Completion

The video is now 100% filled with slides / video.

The powerpoint slideshow (particularly the first 10-20s of it) needs a little work still.

Still need to do a full watch through and make any last minute tweaks.

But... that's about it.  We're pretty much done. 2-4 hours and it's a wrap.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

CDC 6 Day 31

5p - 6p

05:00 - 06:00: Obj.2.1c (35/35.5)

(yesterday - day 30 - was Obj.Account (1/3))