Monday, July 29, 2019

Registering DBA / HB Biz License

To accept payment, I have to show a legal business name.  Unless I want that name to be "Jaimie Montague", I have to register a DBA.

There's 2 things pretty much required to accept business in my current location:
1. Register a Fictitious Name with OC (
2. Register as a "Home Based Business" with Huntington Beach (OC only requires that I have a business license with the city I live in.)  (

Since a DBA can be converted into an LLC or switched over in the future, I see no reason to start a business entity at this time.  However, once my business sales exceed a couple grand per year, it'll be about time to get an LLC or an S-Corp (probably and LLC) so that I can copyright everything and later Trademark my stuff under the business entity.  Plus, at that point it'll be time to separate my personal and business assets to protect myself from litigation, bankruptcy, and the actions of the business.  By registering everything under the business entity, I keep the IP of the business separated from myself.  To do this, I will of course need a business entity.

Since I've uploaded my videos to Vimeo and shared them with witnesses, I'm not too worried about ever needing to prove I am the originator of the content.  I can prove that in many ways.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Best way to test payment gateway to buy your product.

Best way to do this?  Covered on ice station europa training.  SICK!!

Also, PAYPAL is OUT!  They basically said use one of the other 3. seems to be Visa?

They said for more info on the 4, goto

Ended by finishing Email & SMS Integration, next up Memberships

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Website Email: Amazon SES

Setting up email on my server isn't as straightforward as it may seem.  Amazon is concerned about their servers being used for email spam and have implemented restrictions, forcing you to request a lift on these restrictions or use their SES program.  However, with SES, the first 62,000 emails are free and it sounds like a legit service.  So let's do it.




If you're using Amazon SES to send email from an Amazon EC2 instance, you should also complete the following steps:
  • If you're using Amazon SES to send email from an Amazon EC2 instance, you might need to assign an Elastic IP Address to your Amazon EC2 instance in order for receiving email providers to accept your email. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Elastic IP Addresses.
  • If you're using Amazon SES to send email from an Amazon EC2 instance, you should complete the Request to Remove Email Sending Limitations form. Requesting this change removes the sending limit restrictions that Amazon EC2 applies to port 25 by default.

IAM User Name: howtocureinsomnia.emailserver.iam

The new user will be granted the following IAM policy:
"Statement": [{  "Effect":"Allow",  "Action":"ses:SendRawEmail",  "Resource":"*"}]

IAM User: howtocureinsomnia.emailserver.iam

SMTP Username:
In OneDrive (in web folder not in remembers)

SMTP Password:
In OneDrive (in web folder not in remembers)

Scratch all that!  You should NOT be hosting your own webserver!

I just need an email name.

Email names come from some kind of email registry, the same way domain names come from a domain registry.

So I bought an email off of godaddy, but then found out godaddy doesn't control my domain - AMAZON does.  lol

So I am trying to link it up with amazon... shit... kind of wish I didn't pay for a whole year... well, at least I didn't buy the backup service or any other etc shit.

Trying to link all that up in Route 53, but it's tricky.  I am very unclear about the SRV records in particular, since amazon isn't really setup to accept the "protocol" and "service" fields.  I set it up via BOTH solutions offered at the below link, and now I'm just waiting 24 hours for my work to propegate so I can know for sure that it's failing verification.

More Research Indicates that Email DOES come from server??

With cpanel, for instance, you can create as many "users" as you want.

With Amazon SES, you can verify email with an S3 bucket, install the email server of your choice (like cpanel's), and get as many emails as you want.

So.. what... the... faackk... dad was wrong??

Amazon also has "Amazon WorkMail"

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Conversion of Capital into Time to Buy Financial Freedom

GOAL: 3K = 1 Month

1-Create "Super Lean Mode" - a budget for dropping expenses as low as possible.

2-Using this budget, project how much it'd cost per month to finance myself as a full time entrepreneur.

3-Now you know what extra capital gets you.  Extra money can be deposited directly into bitcoin.

4-Begin balance sheet.  Time to start building my assets and this allows me to track how many months I've built up with my extra LEAF income.

5-Now extra money at LEAF can be directly converted into financial freedom whenever I feel ready to take that leap.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Choosing a theme

I want to go with a header video over the main title.

That way it starts smooth with all the focus on the video, and the rest of the website starts from there.  This puts the main video as the focus.

Would like to use this one:


So, to do this, it would seem I need the "Pro" version, since that's where all the header and footer features are, plus it has a lot of other handy features like HISTORY :)

Pro upgrade was FREE.  Siick.

It's a whole new theme, uploading to server now, then switch theme, hopefully ethos-3 demo will input as intended, and hopefully I can swap out the background video with an actual vimeo video.  We shall see.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Worpress Reset

So, first thing I come to is updating PHP so I can be compatible with the newest wordpress.  I quickly come to the conclusion that this is something i must do in linux.

I start reading and first thing up: "Go ahead and purge all the current PHP"

and I'm like... "ahhh... yeah... about that..."

And now I am creating a copy AMI so if something goes wrong I have a 7/15/19 backup image to run from.  Only took about 2-5 minutes.

This guide is better actually:

And now I realize my server probably hasn't been updated since 2015.  Which is probably a PRETTY BIG DEAL.... ooo boy

step 1
Login to your Linux instance and perform the regular system updates first

lol... fack


Some things to note about SUDO / Service / Linux

1. You're using linux, not unix.  lol
2. service commands like restart for things like httpd and mysqld require SUDO
$ service mysqld restart
cat: /var/run/mysqld/ Permission denied
$ sudo service mysqld restart
Stopping mysqld:                                           [  OK  ]
Starting mysqld:                                           [  OK  ]


New FTP User Created

user: press
pass: std23

Seems to work!!

Setting up SSH on AMI Linux

Amazon: FAILED

GoDaddy / Linux: FAILED

GoDaddy / AWS Server: FAILED - DO NOT USE THIS STRAT... Will cost more money and not the legit way to go...

Well, after going 2.5 hours over the budget it's pretty clear this is going to take more work than I have time for to meet "live" deadline.  Will implement first thing after going live.

Warning  - Security

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Website Recovery and Optimization

New objective added:

"Pre1: Get website back online, editing tools recovered, www working, update wordpress, and implement SSL"

I reset the server, which got website working, got all my editing tools back online, got www. working, but that's where I ran into issues... how to FTP so wordpress can install its own stuff... and then ran outta time before looking into updating.

I also did a backup of the server's HTML folder on my computer under _work\website and server\BACKUP so I could play around without ruining the site.  Sounds like the config.wp file will be 100% needed.

just made in AWS Route 53 tool.  Key was just using an "a".  added www. + ham. for fun.

FTP / Updating wordpress
particularly the "Day 37" post pointed me in the right direct

...should be able to set it up with a plugin easy enough, but have to update wordpress for a decent plugin.

NOTE: The private keys are @ _work\website and server\SSL

Growth Using Capital

As I begin to get into traffic and growth, I will look for opportunities to use capital to grow my business specifically so that hard work @ LEAF can apply directly to my business.

This goes to my new agreement that I will be a "Professional" at LEAF whilst I work there.