Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Choice & Trevor

True nothingness and freedom comes from choosing life the way it is.

All you can do is choose things as they are.  What's so is what's so.

Things are the way they are right now and cannot be any other way.  Living in reality starts with choosing the things in life, free of considerations about them.  No matter how extreme, how absurd, how whatever-it-is... those are considerations.  You can live free of them with choice.

You are in SELP.  Choose SELP.  If it impacts your business, choose that.  If it makes integrity small, choose your small integrity.  Breakdowns are good if they lead to breakthroughs, but they don't lead to breakthroughs until you choose your breakdowns.

If you choose something and have a reaction - choose your reaction.  Choose your anxieties, problems, and so on.  Choose people the way they are.

Here's what I choose...

I choose SELP.

I choose sub-50% integrity.

Now that I've chosen, these things don't have to make me unhappy any more.  They are simply what's so, and now that I am at nothing, from here I can do whatever I want.

I declare I will obtain 60%+ integrity across the board (Frame & CDH) in the remaining weeks of my third quarter when averaging the last week of August and the time in September that I am not in Peru.

I declare I will have all product content written in my "all content" google doc by September 30th.

On Trevor - he's so enrolling because he gets something that Tony Robbins gets, but you don't.  It's that enrollment isn't just about the right words and the right ideas - it's about how loud you say them, how deeply you believe in them, and how powerfully you convey them.  When Trevor SCREAMS "THIS IS YOUR LIFE", you get to nothing right away.  That's what it takes to impact a human being.

Q3 Day 42

11a - 6p

11:00 - 12:00: Su.Lunch (5/10)
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.3.1b (30.5/50)
01:00 - 02:30: Obj.3.1b (32/50)
02:30 - 03:00: Break
03:00 - 04:00: Obj.3.1b (33/50)
04:00 - 04:30: Break
04:30 - 06:00: Obj.3.1b (34.5/50)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Q3 Day 41

8:30a - 5:30p

09:00 - 10:00: Obj.3.1b (25.75/50)
10:00 - 10:30: Break
10:30 - 11:30: Obj.3.1b (26.75/50)
11:30 - 12:30: Obj.3.1b (27.75/50)
12:30 - 01:30: Psych web-stuff with Dad and Mom
01:30 - 02:30: Init.Setup (6/4) - Getting connected to server with WinSCP
02:30 - 03:30: Obj.Su.Lunch (4/10)
03:30 - 04:30: Obj.3.1b (28.75/50)
04:45 - 05:30: Obj.3.1b (29.5/50)

Getting connected to server with WinSCP

Connect to Server Public IP
User: ec2-user
Pass: None
SCP set / Sudo su set / Private Key attached...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Q3 Day 37

5p - 7p

05:30 - 07:00: Obj.Int.Setup (5/4)

True Commitment 

Let's get 'er back.

1 hour of initial setup to regain true commitment begins now.

Distinguish true commitment...

True commitment is 100% dedication to following through on something no matter what it takes.

This means...

  1. Choosing to follow through.  When you don't want to, or get stopped, you revert to your choice and discard the considerations and step over the obstacles.
  2. Keeping in integrity.  AKA - when you don't do #1, you figure out what happened and what you can do it different next time.  So if something is really hard, you don't surrender to it, you instead just figure it out.  Any time you mess it up, you honor your word to restore integrity and clean up the mess.
  3. Doing whatever it takes to complete on follow through.  You step up your game when you fail.  You don't just fail, you learn from it, you try different things every time, you plan ahead and figure out what it's going to take and who you need to be, and if you're not about it, you change your word and play a game that you will be about.

How to do it:
1 is easy enough - every time you get off track, you snap back as soon as you see that you're off track.  You give yourself a speech on the distinction of choice if you need to.  You spend 30 minutes getting to nothing if you need to.  You don't let the machine run your life.

2 is below, see integrity.

3 is planning and getting very in touch with your discipline sheets.  It's like everyone wins - if you take your eye off the game, anything can happen.  You have to be all over it if you wanna win.  If there's a consistent problem, you take the time tonight to plan out a more effective game plan.  You figure out how to make it happen.

True Integrity 

Condition of whole and complete... FOR A PERSON, "It is a matter of that person's word".

Keeping your word:
  1. Doing what you said you'd do, on time.
  2. Doing it the way it's meant to be done.
  3. Doing it as other's expect you to do it.  (so communicating is important with interpersonal integrity, otherwise you will have issues keeping your word by virtue of their interpretations)
Honoring your word:

As soon as you know you won't be keeping your word, you:
  1. Acknowledge that you will not be keeping your word.
  2. Say (or write) that you'll be keeping it in the future (and when) OR that you won't be keeping it at all.
  3. Say (or write) what you will do to either -
    • Deal with the impact on others of the failure to keep your word, OR
    • Keep your word on time moving forwards.
Restoring Integrity:
  1. Acknowledge the broken agreement or promise
  2. Distinguish the impact on workability caused.
  3. Say (or write) what you will put in place to ensure that you do not break the agreement or promise again in the future.
You will break your word if you're playing a big game.  But as soon as you've restored integrity, you're living into a new future, both by having a new gameplan and also by not dragging the past into the future since you are operating from a place of integrity.  

Integrity will go out all the time, and so you will need to restore it a lot, but every time you do you build powerful habits and free yourself from the past.  You get a fresh start every time.

Doing Whatever It Takes

First, get familar with all these:
Kept to morning ritual discipline?
Showed up on time for workout?
Did 3 meditation sessions (2 Sun?)
Showed up on time for CDH? (830 Sun?)
Followed LEAF Schedule?
Kept to food discipline?
Kept to bedtime discipline? (11:45 Mon)

Then, plan your ROARS return cruise.  Fin

Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday, August 6, 2018