Cleared out the busy work so far today:
-Cleaned up my broker CBs, there were like 10 - 15 that were REALLY bogging me down.
-Set reminders for daily review
-Worked on getting Grupo SMS ready to go
-Separated out campaign CBs from standard / broker CBs
-Marked booked clients booked and combined leads and booked clients filter
-clean up WARMS & LEADS
Now it's blitz prepp time. 2 Things:
1. Heavy Meditation Session. I'd like to elaborate on this.
"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.
~Frank Tibolt"
So I am big on power hour and getting amped. The problem is in spending half an hour on determination and then 15 minutes on meditation... and then the meditation not even carrying over.
The upside today is I got more serious. The downside is I had little to NO focus. At least I revealed the problem.
Focusing more on mindfulness and really taking STRONG ACTION is what is going to create the inspiration for getting to the next level.
It's insanely dumb that I am pulling 3.5's and not even coming CLOSE to size 5. This should be easy. You need to get tunnel vision on the target. You need to take LASER FOCUS seriously. You aren't even CLOSE.
Tonight, I am saying forget about your sleep. I got 7 - 8 hours and had NO FOCUS today. I could have gotten 4 hours, come in and meditated an hour and done FAR BETTER.\
Tonight I will put in 30 minutes of meditating on the breath to hone in focus.
Breath because it's more concentrated on an object.
And in the future, during morning meditation sessions, choose the type of meditation before starting please.
2. Prepp leads. I want 20 fresh first federal and fin pacs to hit first thing tomorrow.
Then I will focus on knocking down the CB's for the rest of the blitz. The broker leads + "leads and warms" have been fixed up so you can dial blind without having to worry about messing anything up.
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