Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Consistent Relationship: Part 2 - The Troll

The Relationship Troll: BEWARE THE CIRCLES

"It's her doing this to me."

Reprogram: If you would be large enough to embrace and let go of your thoughts -- seeing them as just thoughts -- you'd have no problem as long as she's meeting the minimum requirements.

You've got to remember that you actually get kind of crazy.

The "society rules of relationships" aren't real.

It's something that you've made up based on your understanding of observing other relationships.

50% of marriages fail.  If you go off what society has to say, you're just flipping a coin.

If you really get smart and just embrace the laws of attraction, you'll be able to build and create an amazing relationship.

But if you get all crazy and base your relationship on what you perceive to be "how things ought to be" based on other people's relationships... it WON'T WORK.

Every relationship is unique.  Communication, understanding, and trust are the common denominators.  Use what you know about yourself, the laws of attraction, and her to build your own.

When you find yourself going crazy from hereon out, remember it's not her, it's you.  It's this crazy person troll living in your head.  The path to truth is your understanding of you, her, and attraction.  Get back to that if you need it.  Otherwise just embrace and let those dumb thoughts go.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Mindfulness pad / 1-upping improvements to practice

Maybe 1 hr Obj?  to innovate the How to 1up work on deals / mindfulness on tasks pad.

  • practice for daily review of this (this being the "how to 1 up" google doc)?  print the page and part of power hr prob way to go right?  cuz its good that ive gotten into the habit of using the pad, but i often just use it to record the basics and if anything it slows me down when I'm not 1-upping.
  • how to 1up: what do i do differently when I'm laser focused and getting through things fast?
    • multi-tasking, how does this apply?  computer is lagged when switching to email ex, what would i do with the time and energy that opens up when i have to wait?
  • how to set objectives similar to call objectives:
    • RE: 5 min timer set with goal of getting one "thought within thought" on there, like 
      • Have to send docs
        • look over opportunity details, everything correct?
    • 1-UP: 3 min timer with goal of getting to "thought within thought within thought"
      • AFR needed
        • what % of vendors
          • is customer needing to hb
            • situation with install
    • 1-UP 1-UP: 2 min t-w-t-w-t-w-t lol... 

(not part of obj hr)
-make default chrome at work have the pinned tabs


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 39

5p - 6:30p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.1.2c2 (1/4)

Recorded first run of new video script with comforter sound dampener test.

We'll see how it sounds... whenever the lap top decides to stop... whatever the hell it's doing that's consuming all the goddamn resources.  God dammit, microsoft, wtf did you do with Windows 10.  Leave the computer alone I'm trying to work and whatever you're doing is obviously way over the top.

FYI went 78 on audio level and talked waaay to loud so it's probably going to be garbage.


The way to 1-up is to dump everything you have into every line you read.

When reading for extended periods of time you tend to slip into "reading out loud" mode instead of "excited, energetic conversation" mode.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 38

6p - 7p

Another 7 days gone by of no posting.

Man, I'm just killing it, aren't I?

Seriously this quarter should be called "Return of the Nontrepreneur".

The troll dominating this era is the "I have no momentum because of all these Ski Sundays."

But I must carry on.  Gotta keep fighting.  1-2 hours a week is something.  It's a sign of life.  It's evidence that I haven't given up.

Time to meditate.  At least I can get a 15 / 10 / 5 achieved.

Then, in theory, I'll get a LEAF CDH in.

06:00 - 07:00: Obj.LEAF4 (2/2)


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Kevin O'Leary Idea

This is important for vid 1 / vid 2

"It turns out the more quickly you can articulate your idea the more likely you are to be successful"

So that means I need to express the top down idea of my insomnia business to people very quickly early on.

"Curing insomnia starts with the idea of approaching everything from a way that causes sleep (Slows brainwaves) that's counter-intuitive - it's the self-therapeutic style.  From there it branches out into my various training."

That idea is the one that needs to be communicated.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Pres Day Weekend

WTDC -- more to work on.

Get those soft costs down if necessary.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 31

5p - 6:30p

This ski season stuff is killin' me.

So hard to gain traction when Sunday's keep getting knocked out.  The snow is waay too good.

Things to do:

05;15 - 06:15: Obj.RotE1 (1/2)

5 min setup (atm)
7 min size sheet
3 min meditation post
45 min Real Consequences

Meditation: How to properly do a sentient being meditation

Observe "IT".  In landmark's definition.  Sentient being means see your mind as "IT", being separate from you ("you" being the viewer, in this context.)  And for the duration, watch everything IT does.

"IT'S" ALWAYS doing something.  There is no moment where the vaccuum is a clear state.  SOMETHING always fills it.  You are to observe what IT is doing, what's filling it at all times.

Size Sheet: Frame Integrity Change

So one of the pillars of the CDC's Frame Integrity is tracking your size sheet hour by hour ("Used size sheet hourly?").

But so far, as long as you're only off by a couple of hours or so you feel fine marking "yes" as long as you went back and estimated your size.

This completely defeats the purpose of the integrity tracker.  The point of this tool is to keep you on track, to pull you back to the path every time you get lost.

So from now on, I can ONLY say "yes" to this if I truly tracked hour by hour.  And this means, every hour I MUST meet at least one of the below criteria, or I fail for the day.
-At least 1 mark in Re, 1-up, or 1-up 1-up
-At least 1 measure on size on a 15 min marker
-The hour legitimately qualifies for "NA" (no more than 2 allowed per day, or same story.)  

3+ NA's or A full "NA" day still means "no" to size tracking, regardless of the legitimacy, even if the challenge sheet lists the day's size as "NA".  It doesn't matter if it's due to a late lunch or no lunch or meetings.  

This is due to the fact that the frame integrity is a different mechanism than the other trackers.  It follows a higher standard of rules and is about the strength of the frame... it's not about the context (mental master, aNLP, etc.) or the content (dials, progression, deals worked, etc.)  It's not really asking how well you did today... you can get 100% with a size 3.5 day and not even a full hour of CDH to pass CDH integrity.  Likewise, you can kill it and really progress amazingly in a day and still get a 0% frame integrity analysis.  

The CDC is largely focused on building the frame, and the discipline to build this is going to take sacrifice.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Real Consequences

*****GOTO PAGE*****

The whole point of building myself up to a large size person is that as an entrepreneur, there is no outside force keeping me on track.

It'd be great to do it and have real consequences, but at the end of the day, it'll always come down to me.  There is no "getting fired", there are no "write-ups".

So the real consequences fall on my failure to hit my goals.

Some examples:

JAN GOAL: 12 hours.


But you had an ENTIRE MONTH to get those hours.

And in January, you FAILED to do so.

FEB: 20 hours.

This is essentially TWO FULL DAYS.  In a whole month.

Q1: 60 hours.  THIS IS ESSENTIALLY one full week.  And you have a FULL QUARTER... a FULL SEASON if you will... to get one great week's worth of work done.

If you have, say, 6 months of full time work to get to making a few hundred a month online, and you are progressing at 1 week per quarter, that means you will get there in 6 YEARS.

Even accounting for a better scenario we're talking AT LEAST 2-4 YEARS.

And that's only if you hit your goal!!!  If you get half way to goal, your ETA on success as making a small amount of money online is 4-8 YEARS (in a good-case scenario.)

So take consistent discipline lightly if you want.  But know the consequences.  At your current rate, you will be making a little bit of money online by around 2023, and you will be 34 years old working an entry-level job.

And I'm just guessing.  That could easily be 40 years old, and you could be so demoralized / caught up in family life / etc by then that you could be out of the game completely by then.

Q1 CDC Day 24

5p - 5:30p

So I double-booked my 4-5p time with Josh and Sarah.

Guess I could tell Josh later...

But then again, I am very tired.

This is NOT my day.  That much is FO SHO.

90 30 = 60 avg.  so I'm still 10 calls behind.  meaning, I need 75 tmw to be on track.

But at least I showed up.  I'm gonna update my stats and then call Josh.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 23

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.LEAF3 (1/1)

Had to prep leads cuz I can't record cuz Dave and Nancy get home right when I would.  Sucks.

First 100% Frame Integrity day of the challenge.  Job well done pushing through the pain.  That's how you build size 5-6 neural pathways.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 22

9a - 2p.

09:00 - 10:00: Obj.Int.Setup: (1/4) -- Sunday Structure
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.Int.Setup: (2/4) -- CDC Packet & Motivation Hour
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.Su.Lunch: (1/5)
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.1.2c1 (1/2)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj 1.2c1 (2/2)

..Below is planned, move up once executed...
^ I like this approach.  If I'd fallen short, I could have kept the planned items down here as well.

Sunday Structure

So, prior to the CDC, I started my Sunday's by planning out my schedule for the day.

This is kind of dumb.  I'd rather have all Sunday's planned out, and simply fill in the OBJ's.  So that way, it has the same discipline and structure you'd see in a normal work day.

07:00 - 08:00: Morning Ritual, ending w/ cliff bar breakfast (follow prior ritual, it works.)

08:00 - 09:00: "Power Hour" - Daily Review packet, meditation, transition time for starting work.  GOAL here is to have the OBJ's (or at least the first OBJ) chosen prior to 9:00, and the blog post started, so you can begin on obj 1 AT 9.

09:00 - 10:00: OBJ 1 - Best possible CDC integrity of "H" or 50% if not started before 09:08.

10:00 - 11:00: OBJ 2

11:00 - 12:00: Sunday Lunch hour OBJ.  See "Sunday Lunch Hour" below.  End with 10 min meditation.

12:00 - 01:00: OBJ 3

01:00 - 02:00: OBJ 4 - CDC "Y" here given 5 hours of OBJ's including lunch hour.  If ending your day, do a 5 min meditation for preserving frame integrity.

02:00 - 02:30: 30 min break & snack - no obj.  Go 25/5 to end with 5 min meditation.

02:30 - 03:30: OBJ 5

03:30 - 04:30: OBJ 6 - Good spot to end the day... additional hours at this point only recommended when you've got the CDC goals in place.  Q1 goals certainly would say to stop here.

04:30 - 05:00: 30 min break & snack - no obj.  End with 5 min meditation optional, but recommended.  Dinner is @ 7, which is why it's important to snack at 2pm & 4:30pm.

05:00 - 06:00: OBJ 7

06:00 - 07:00: OBJ 8 -- Never work later than 7pm.  Eat dinner.

Sunday Lunch Hour

For now:

LUNCH - ALWAYS CHILLI, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  A side of vegetables / fruit, and maybe some nuts / nature valley bar, are a good idea.  Never go out to eat.  If you need to get out of the house, go for a walk or jog or chill in the yard.

SNACKS - order some salt free nut mixes and other healthy snacks off Amazon.  Nature valley bars work here for now.
(UPDATE: Ordered, will be available by next Sunday.  Keep the box in your room.)

Below, thought process (moved below for printing purposes.)

This is another spot that has caused a lot of problems in the past.

I need a structure to this... what kind of lunch, how can it be ready to go, what to do to relax, and let's factor in a 50/10 for meditation.

So the food part is normally where I fall short.

What works for me @ LEAF is mothers.  The problem here is that I can't buy a month's worth of food for Sunday lunch cuz it'd go bad.  OR CAN I?

Nuts?  Dried Fruit?  Chilli?  Hmmmm... this is doable.

50% Rule & February

If you do not start ROARS on time, your CDC integrity will now be H for "HALF" (Y/H/N).

Motivation is this.

Look at January.


Do you really want to bring that into Feb?

Today is the start of a whole new month, and what you do today will set the tone for and echo throughout the month.

Is your desire to play rust so strong that you'll screw up the whole month?

Will you even enjoy it knowing that this is what you are doing?

Nope.  So, lets get to it.  Follow your sunday structure.