Sunday, February 5, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 22

9a - 2p.

09:00 - 10:00: Obj.Int.Setup: (1/4) -- Sunday Structure
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.Int.Setup: (2/4) -- CDC Packet & Motivation Hour
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.Su.Lunch: (1/5)
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.1.2c1 (1/2)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj 1.2c1 (2/2)

..Below is planned, move up once executed...
^ I like this approach.  If I'd fallen short, I could have kept the planned items down here as well.

Sunday Structure

So, prior to the CDC, I started my Sunday's by planning out my schedule for the day.

This is kind of dumb.  I'd rather have all Sunday's planned out, and simply fill in the OBJ's.  So that way, it has the same discipline and structure you'd see in a normal work day.

07:00 - 08:00: Morning Ritual, ending w/ cliff bar breakfast (follow prior ritual, it works.)

08:00 - 09:00: "Power Hour" - Daily Review packet, meditation, transition time for starting work.  GOAL here is to have the OBJ's (or at least the first OBJ) chosen prior to 9:00, and the blog post started, so you can begin on obj 1 AT 9.

09:00 - 10:00: OBJ 1 - Best possible CDC integrity of "H" or 50% if not started before 09:08.

10:00 - 11:00: OBJ 2

11:00 - 12:00: Sunday Lunch hour OBJ.  See "Sunday Lunch Hour" below.  End with 10 min meditation.

12:00 - 01:00: OBJ 3

01:00 - 02:00: OBJ 4 - CDC "Y" here given 5 hours of OBJ's including lunch hour.  If ending your day, do a 5 min meditation for preserving frame integrity.

02:00 - 02:30: 30 min break & snack - no obj.  Go 25/5 to end with 5 min meditation.

02:30 - 03:30: OBJ 5

03:30 - 04:30: OBJ 6 - Good spot to end the day... additional hours at this point only recommended when you've got the CDC goals in place.  Q1 goals certainly would say to stop here.

04:30 - 05:00: 30 min break & snack - no obj.  End with 5 min meditation optional, but recommended.  Dinner is @ 7, which is why it's important to snack at 2pm & 4:30pm.

05:00 - 06:00: OBJ 7

06:00 - 07:00: OBJ 8 -- Never work later than 7pm.  Eat dinner.

Sunday Lunch Hour

For now:

LUNCH - ALWAYS CHILLI, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  A side of vegetables / fruit, and maybe some nuts / nature valley bar, are a good idea.  Never go out to eat.  If you need to get out of the house, go for a walk or jog or chill in the yard.

SNACKS - order some salt free nut mixes and other healthy snacks off Amazon.  Nature valley bars work here for now.
(UPDATE: Ordered, will be available by next Sunday.  Keep the box in your room.)

Below, thought process (moved below for printing purposes.)

This is another spot that has caused a lot of problems in the past.

I need a structure to this... what kind of lunch, how can it be ready to go, what to do to relax, and let's factor in a 50/10 for meditation.

So the food part is normally where I fall short.

What works for me @ LEAF is mothers.  The problem here is that I can't buy a month's worth of food for Sunday lunch cuz it'd go bad.  OR CAN I?

Nuts?  Dried Fruit?  Chilli?  Hmmmm... this is doable.

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