Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 31

5p - 6:30p

This ski season stuff is killin' me.

So hard to gain traction when Sunday's keep getting knocked out.  The snow is waay too good.

Things to do:

05;15 - 06:15: Obj.RotE1 (1/2)

5 min setup (atm)
7 min size sheet
3 min meditation post
45 min Real Consequences

Meditation: How to properly do a sentient being meditation

Observe "IT".  In landmark's definition.  Sentient being means see your mind as "IT", being separate from you ("you" being the viewer, in this context.)  And for the duration, watch everything IT does.

"IT'S" ALWAYS doing something.  There is no moment where the vaccuum is a clear state.  SOMETHING always fills it.  You are to observe what IT is doing, what's filling it at all times.

Size Sheet: Frame Integrity Change

So one of the pillars of the CDC's Frame Integrity is tracking your size sheet hour by hour ("Used size sheet hourly?").

But so far, as long as you're only off by a couple of hours or so you feel fine marking "yes" as long as you went back and estimated your size.

This completely defeats the purpose of the integrity tracker.  The point of this tool is to keep you on track, to pull you back to the path every time you get lost.

So from now on, I can ONLY say "yes" to this if I truly tracked hour by hour.  And this means, every hour I MUST meet at least one of the below criteria, or I fail for the day.
-At least 1 mark in Re, 1-up, or 1-up 1-up
-At least 1 measure on size on a 15 min marker
-The hour legitimately qualifies for "NA" (no more than 2 allowed per day, or same story.)  

3+ NA's or A full "NA" day still means "no" to size tracking, regardless of the legitimacy, even if the challenge sheet lists the day's size as "NA".  It doesn't matter if it's due to a late lunch or no lunch or meetings.  

This is due to the fact that the frame integrity is a different mechanism than the other trackers.  It follows a higher standard of rules and is about the strength of the frame... it's not about the context (mental master, aNLP, etc.) or the content (dials, progression, deals worked, etc.)  It's not really asking how well you did today... you can get 100% with a size 3.5 day and not even a full hour of CDH to pass CDH integrity.  Likewise, you can kill it and really progress amazingly in a day and still get a 0% frame integrity analysis.  

The CDC is largely focused on building the frame, and the discipline to build this is going to take sacrifice.

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