09:30 - 10:30: Obj.Int.Setup (2/2)
10:30 - 11:30: Obj.Su.Lunch (1/15)
11:30 - 12:30: Obj.1.2d4 (1/10)
12:30 - 01:30: Obj.1.2d4 (2/10)
01:30 - 02:00: Break
02:00 - 03:00: Obj.1.2d4 (3/10)
03:00 - 04:00: Obj.1.2d4 (4/10)
04:00 - 05:00: Break
05:00 - 06:00: Obj.1.2d4 (5/10)
Primary Objective of Q4 2017
The objective is clear: Launch the website.
There is about 130-150 hours remaining - with RRW, I can hit that goal with an average of only 9 hours per week. I will need to average 9, but it can be done.
The "REAL CONSEQUENCES" factors in like so...
I figure this move and taking care of my stroke victim family has cost me about 2 months in ROARS time, essentially 1 whole challenge, factoring in for the prolonged production of video 1. That means I'm 1-2 quarters behind.
Real consequences would typically say "you'd never get there", but it was afraid of my aging parents, and the possibility I would need to take care of them. However, this fear is gone for 2 reasons:
1. I've already gone through that this year, and seen that this will not take up too much of my time now that we're all moved in. My dad takes care of my mom, and that frees most of my time.
2. My income has sky rocketed and I can afford to take care of them. They are safe under my wing thanks to excelling at LEAF.
So, with that main fear alleviated, I figure I have another 6 months - 1 year into the timeline.
Here's the modified version:
Goals for 2017:
230 hours total, launch website
Q1: 24.5
Q2: 53
Q3: 25 (due to move / parents care)
Q4: 130 (with RRW)
Launch by end of year.
First $1 made in Q1-Q2 2018
Goals for 2018:
500 hours total, surpass $500 per month
Q1: 70 hours (ski season... figuring 4 weeks off of 11, avg 10/wk), make first $1
Q2: 120 hours, make second sale
Q3: 135 hours, get to $300-600 revenue ($100-500 per month)
Q4 get to $500 - $1000 revenue, with one month being over $500
Goals for 2019:
800 hours total.
Q1 get to $1,500+ revenue
Q2 get to $2,500+ revenue
Q3 get to $4,000+ revenue
Q4 get to $6,000+ revenue
2019 thereby will be putting me on track to end up financially free by the end of 2020.
Note that for this to work, I am planning 4 total ski trips in Q1. I understand any ski trip (other than maybe a quick Saturday bear trip) makes it too difficult to achieve my goals during the week, which is why I am planning it as a 7 weeks-of-work quarter.
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