The whole approach of Sunday is wrong.
Frankly, at this point I'd rather have my alarm go off @ 430am on sunday and have to work on 3 hours of sleep than wake up whenever I want and risk the whole thing failing.
It's 1:30pm. I woke up at 8:30am. That is 5 hours of nothingness. The blanket analogy holds up here. I didn't want to start, felt too small to begin, so I didn't do anything.
And the morning ritual failed.
It's not that I can't handle work on Sundays. I've done this a dozen times.
It's not that I can't do a morning ritual. Last week I did one every day WITHOUT snoozing.
I think it's a lack of discipline and structure on Sundays. On week days, I have to constantly race the clock, and not snoozing is essential to getting a workout done on time and getting to work early enough to have a nice power hour.
On Sundays, I can get started whenever I want, so I get started as late as possible. I don't have to follow a schedule, so I don't.
I don't have time for this. My next 2 Sundays are already booked to parents and Sarah. After that, I have to hussle to get as much done as I can before Thanksgiving and Christmas. And then I have to make more serious decisions like do I sacrifice some skiing or some ROARS.
And at the end of the day, a big missing component to ROARS is that I am not organized enough to be able to work for myself. Think of Brendan's Realtor friend. He is very disciplined and organized without a boss. I will need to be that way too if I am to have any chance of succeeding as an entrepreneur.
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