6:45pm - 7:45pm
website work time.
Next time please START by rebooting the server. Thanks!
Help on "Error Establishing Database"
Also, how I setup my database:
ALL WP SITES ARE DOWN -- so it's a database problem, not a single site permission or username / pass setup.
BOTH SITE AND WP-ADMIN ARE DOWN -- again, database at large problem, not some corruption.
THE URL AND THE IP BOTH SHOW THE SAME PROBLEM -- it's not a domain name problem.
Let's look at the facts: I haven't used the site in 6 months.
It COULD be the wordpress unique key is broken, but probably not. Updating wordpress is always optional, for the most part. And some of my sites dont have shit for plugins so that not it.
1. The aws security key is out-dated or not working or the "key-pair" isn't working (likely).
2. I setup a db with aws that I forgot about and is not running (unlikely).
3. Some other aws connectivity problem (IP inactive, some routing thing, etc)
::"Error establishing a database connection" aws wordpress ec2
"Have you verify that mysql is running on your instance and try to connect to the mysql from within your instance?"
--> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-find-out-if-mysql-is-running-on-linux/
yup.. looks like mysql is NOT running. Really should've been the first thing you checked.
possible that it just cant connect on account of me having no idea what the password is and just hitting enter on a blank pass... but i would've expected a diff error in that case:
Tried another "ping" code and same thing. Looks to be offline.
What is the best way to figure out how to get mysql running?? I don't even remember installing it.
Working on this one now:
"For me just restarting the mysqld service worked. There was a hitch though, as soon as I executed
sudo service mysqld restart
the MySql service stopped but didn't start. sudo services mysqld start
gave a MySQL Deamon Failed to Start Error. I spent a lot of time trying to start the service but I guess the real culprit was the httpd service. I stopped the httpd service sudo service httpd stop
. Now execute sudo service mysqld restart
and bingo the wordpress site was back online(remember to start the httpd service). This sounds kind of lame but it worked, from what I figured out the MySQL DB stops for a number of reasons looking at the log and figuring out the actual reason is the only thing that works for me."..
"I got the same error for my website, I just rebooted my instance and voila, problem solved.
My case:
I am using amazon free tier, and some bot requested my website and due to the high number of connections, the sql database could not serve the load. I have hence installed the load balancer too :) Hope it helps
more on mysql errors and reasons for going offline:
... so anyways... it sounds like THERE'S A LOG I CAN REVIEW.
but, prob a timeout thing.
first i will try rebooting the instance. if that doesn't work, i'll start with the unix commands to restart mysql... but it sounds like that can cause problems i dont want.
HaHA!! Rebooting the instance got the website back up and running.
Well no shit. I feel like I'm using a computer for the first time calling geeksquad and they say "well have you tried restarting the computer?" and I'm like... what? I can do that? and they're like "sir... have you never turned off your computer? seriously?"
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