Today was a self-help / conceptual day. Needed an hour to figure out why I was unhappy... and I figured out what was going so terribly wrong with my size and motivation at LEAF... somehow, I lost my grasp on the concept of reprogramming which I am RELIANT on for getting to size 5.
This is why it's important to actually review the large packet once a week. Maybe time to make a fresh copy to bring home for Sunday reviews. But maybe not... these are tricky concepts, and *actually reprogramming* trolls is very new to me, it was lost years ago and just recently discovered in the last 2-3 months... so not weird that I'd lose it.
And "Mental Mastery" is BRAND new, so if you don't think you're losing it, think again... you probably are.
Why Am I Here?
Happiness. Derived from my sentient being maintaining majority and default control over my human being.
Because happiness comes from engagement in the things that create it. Like killing it, loving what you do, winning, mastering the art, creating, etc.
It's no different from the joy you get when you "dial in" on a video game or when you "dial in" to rapid multitasking and jamming through a ton of super high quality calls and feel like you can handle anything badass style.
These are the kinds of feelings that make happiness. Engagement, "enjoy". And those come CONSISTENTLY when I follow my code of discipline, my predetermined choices.
What is Failing, why is the "wheel" stopping?
Once again, trolls have gone "off the radar" and even when caught, ARE NOT BEING REPROGRAMMED!!
You have to be very passionate about reprogramming. You have to really, REALLY want it. That's what drives you to push your limits until it's painful -- so you can create the pain that makes the trolls that you can then re-program.
But if you're not even willing to re-program the basics, like nicotine, fear of calling, etc... or even call them trolls... then the wheel will stop, your size will shrink, and you will be unhappy.
You need to be writing down trolls, blog posting about them, expressing excitment and engagement in the reprograms / opportunities that replace them, and pursuing the deep neural pathway building of those new programmings. Seriously. If you're not 100% COMMITTED to writing them down and studying them, DO NOT ANSWER "YES" when asked in the morning, "can you actually reprogram the vast majority of trolls?", because that's what it takes to do it.
Mindfulness isn't particularly weak right now. It's just being fueled by weakness. Being mindful and a victim at the same time isn't going to get you anywhere. You need to program much harder. That's why you're stalling.
Remember the time you discovered reprogramming trolls?
Back in '09 or 2010 or whenever... when you FIRST saw the power of catching a troll and figuring out how to think of the SAME EXACT THING in a different way... and you put it to the test... that's when you first became positive 90% of the time, all your thoughts started being positive naturally, and you hit "size 6" for the first time while making video slides for Mastery.
It all happened very fast. I realized every time I thought that my thought was either helping me or hurting me, and any thought that could be "non-helpful" was quickly turned on it's head and replaced with a "helpful" spin on the same theme. And doing this every time wasn't just EASY, it was incredibly REWARDING.
Eventually, I lost it. The effort illusion always creeps back in. At the time, I took "vacations" that were the death of me. I don't know what happened, but I do know this.
And this is an idea that will be reborn permanently. It's not going away like art and science of the roman ages to the dark ages. It's going to boom into a whole new world, like the renaissance of the 1600s and 1700s. This is the core fundamental root of how NLP is one of the big 3. Active NLP. NLP that says, get serious, get to pain, love the pain, find the troll, and reprogram the thought.
Active NLP.
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