Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Future of Goals - TRUE Path & Direction

One of the biggest areas I lack development in is goals.  This is REQUIRED.  It's entrepreneur 101 training that I overlooked, failed to understand, etc.

I have spent much more time and energy talking about the problems I have with goals.  That's not the point of this post.

The point of this post is the future of goals:

80% Integrity goal -- WHY.  What does this achieve?

Right now it's STATIC... once I achieve it, nothing happens.  I hit 80% forever and I'm more likely to succeed long term.  Okay... that's not very powerful.

It should have LEVELS and PURPOSE.  A true path and direction.

For instance:

My goal for Q3 is 80% integrity, at which point I will be ready for a 20 hours per week on ROARS goal to be ADDED ON in Q4.  Then I will be consistent AND putting in the time necessary to hit major success in 2017.

My goal for Q4 is 80% integrity PLUS 20 hours per week on ROARS... at which point I will be ready for a size 5 goal during ROARS hours.  Then I will be consistent, putting in the time needed, and working at the productivity level needed for success... and thereby heading towards my goals nearly as fast as possible.

That's a true path, and a true CHALLENGE.  It'll force me to rise to the occasion and drive and motivate me.

What other goals can I develop this way?

It's worth taking a couple of hours to think about and work on.  It's a required, huge piece of the puzzle missing, and trying to put the puzzle together without it will make for a very incomplete picture.

Thank you Mr. Schwarzenegger.

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