Great day so far... fought my way through a tough morning and kept fighting harder into the afternoon to get to size 5, and the result is the first LEGIT completion of the ROARS ritual.
Back to design work today... for starters, I need to install the full salient.
Funnel Theory
First, here's what im thinking for the funnel order and strat:
Home page is the video and opt in. If they scroll down, they get the rest of the site's content. Since it's full screen, scrolling down isn't automatic.
If they opt-in, they get the killer video I made -- from there, there will be two options:
1. Scroll down, read sales letter (again, not automatic.)
2. Click button that pops up on side of video, which will be the "second slide" on the slider bar, which will be my sales letter converted into a video, which will have it's own buy now link that will pop you to the bottom of the page.
3. If they buy, they are on my customer email list and are taken off my main mailing list, where they get free mastery content every week, each piece with it's own sales pitch on Mastery.
4. If they don't buy, they are on my standard list where they get free content from advanced series and maybe some mastery stuff, each piece with it's own sales pitch on the advanced series.
Design Work
So, the "page header" on the home page is how you get the full page effect.
From there, I edited the menu at the top to be transparent and smooth by going into the Salient tab and then the "Header" setting.
From here, it should honestly be VERY straight forward as far as what to do. It's actually amazing how easy it was and how good it looks. Good purchase.
How to Create FTP Users... again..
Creating a user for FTP... repost since I forgot and never actually posted:
Creating a new user on an EC2 instance is pretty simple. For example, to create the user 'bret', type:
> sudo adduser bret
> sudo passwd bret
Here's what it will look like:
You might want to create a user and restrict their FTP access to a specific folder, such as /var/www. In order to do this, you'll need to change the user's default home directory:
> sudo usermod -d /var/www/ username
In this specific example, it's typical to give the user permissions to the 'www' group, which is often associated with the /var/www folder:
> sudo usermod -a -G www username
Master User:
user: htmlftp
pass: amazon standard
user: htmlftp
pass: amazon standard
ulg... all these users not working... anyways... for now it's tempdel and password is olaa. Finally worked, and installed everything.
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