Monday, November 16, 2015

Thursday, Nov. 12 was Day 46

I did show up to work!!  LOG at least 1 hour -- didn't log or blog due to the whole issue being the computer & old hard drive.

MAY have shot myself in the foot by screwing up the permissions on the old.  MIGHT have to re-create the videos from scratch now....

Product Development Detour

At the end of the day, some of this stuff simply needs to be re-created.  I need to do product work.  It's a tough pill to swallow but the way the funnel NEEDS to be (opt in for core video, THEN core video is free, THEN $40-50 product, THEN Mastery @ $100-300) REQUIRES that I re-do the $40-50 product.  I can't sell garbage and I can't sell make a profit selling Mastery for pennies on the dollar.

The alternative is, for NOW, I can sell the combo as is... but even THAT requires making sure the product isn't a sales pitch for mastery... at the very least, I need to go over everything.

So there's a new direction that is going to slow down the "just set up the funnel and go" goals outline I have currently.

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