Monday, November 16, 2015

Day 50

LOG: 5pm - 6:45pm

Sunday (Day 49) was a ski day.  Hour goal adjusted for this week: 5-10 hours on ROARS.

Ski guidelines:

During the core season (Nov. through Apr.) 1 Sunday per month AVERAGE is okay to ski instead of working on ROARS and grey out.  There can be 2 or 3 in a month so long as the average is once a month over that period.

The reason for this guideline is that I am not going to be young enough to do whatever I want on the snow for much longer.  As it is my great passion in life aside from being an entrepreneur, I won't sacrifice my youth completely in this area.  I choose to compromise here... and this is the  compromise.

ROARS: What Comes Next?

The next step options are:
-Get a video player
-Port over aweber forms and etc
-Find old video editing files, folders, raw video-editing-format files from Magix, etc.
-Install Magix Video editor
-Remake the video to say "fill in your information on the opt-in box you see on this page"

This is what's on the agenda.  As far as the new "product development detour" goes, 2 things:

1. Look at this as part of setting up the funnel.  It's part of that goal for now.  It will be minor tweaks.  If anything, sell the "combo" as you put it and make your main goal for now just to get it established and start driving some traffic.  Once you make some sales, then we can revisit amping up the product.

2. You need to develop a tight deadline and specific goals as you move forward.  If we're clearing out the original goals for November and December, I need to know that I can get this all done quickly enough to get back to those main goals QUICKLY.  This shouldn't sink me more than a month behind.  Even if I decide I MUST remake the advanced series (and maybe re-name it the "how to cure insomnia series" or something) it can still be 100x faster than the original development of mastery since I've already made the bulk of my product this time around -- in 2010 & 2011 I still had to make some good content, but now that step has already been completed.


I will start today's work by saying a little prayer and visiting Host Gator.

OMG!! IT LIVES!!! Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers.

My God.

Of course none of the links actually work, lol.

Okay, the core content -- sales letter for opt-in & original cure insomnia video, main sales letter, and typed scripts of the "Cure Insomnia" video series parts 1-3 are all backed up on google drive.  Just in time too... right after I got the content my website went down "Error establishing a database connection".  Based on how old all it is, the whole thing could be fried already.

Traffic Temp Redirect

Last updated: Nov 15 21:47 CST
Yesterday's traffic13 Visits
Traffic this month732 Visits
Traffic last month0 Visits

Concerning.  Basically saying, even TODAY, I still get 1000+ visits a month.

Need to redirect this somewhere useful, for now I am going to try to get that working on GoDaddy and get that redirect up and running... for now maybe here: (see below)
Or maybe to the home page on my site that explains the situation and lists the videos... if that's not too lame....

Or hell, test to start for now, why not?  tomorrow, set up the opt in and just make them opt in, start a new email list, see if this traffic is "real" or not :).  All you do is slap the main video on there, have them opt in, then give them the whole series right away for free with a note explaining why (since the site is in a transition period and the products are being re-worked, here's the entire series right now.)

Who knows, maybe this is all delayed results from traffic geyser back in the day or something.  DEFINITELY TEST IT ASAP!  I'll take the list if I can get it and hell, maybe it's ripe to start making decent money with this OUT THE GATE!

(Don't get too excited though, lol... 400 unique hits in 12 days, however most was the first 8 days, the last 4 have been a huge drop off, may be some wierd search engine ranking due to the site coming back online or something, and now that they figured out the site is garbage that's going away.)  Either way, start getting opt-ins off traffic IMMEDIATELY.

Unfortunately, I do have to wait for the domain name transfer to complete before I can redirect... I got the trasnfer codes in correctly but then I am hit with this little gem...

Processing transfer
We're waiting for approval from the sending registrar, which can take up to 7 days.

Traffic info... biggest source seems to be videos and one big affiliate who must have found me on clickbank...

which leads to my affiliate sales letter... which is a problem because it appears the buy button works on there.. fortunately, looks like all works.


Direct address / Bookmark / Link in email...30443.9 %31035.7 %
Links from an Internet Search Engine - Full list
Google9/ 10
- Unknown search engines1/ 1
Ask1/ 1
- Yandex1/ 1
121.7 %131.5 %
Links from an external page (other web sites except search engines) - Full list
- Others1516
37554.1 %54262.5 %

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