Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 42

Log: 10:15a - 5:15p -- 7 hours.  Pass.

I'll evaluate everything later.

Right now, I have a new obstacle to overcome, it's threatening all goals and needs to be handled ASAP -- MySQL & re-installing the blog.

Setting up the Port

Easy route first -- hostgator reinstall + copypasta... if that doesn't work, mySQL port.

EASY ROUTE HAS FAILED.  I can go that route but it is going to require ANOTHER support ticket to unsuspend the website itself.

You'd think support at hostgator would've unsuspended the account, the user access, AND the website, but you gotta cut them a break...  this site is old, been down a long time, and is a minor sub-server account... they probably don't see this a lot or know what to even do on these old "setup in '08" host gator baby packages.

Anyways, I need to get that unsuspended before I can move forward AT ALL, since wordpress config settings are set up using the DOMAIN NAME!

"Note:If you have subdomains set up on your current primary domain, or your primary domain's site uses a CMS like WordPress or Joomla that uses specific configuration file settings, then changing your domain name may cause issues with accessing your site. Please contact us if you have any questions or problems."

But wait... If I port it, it won't work either!  Think about it.  The settings will still be fucked up unless i route the whole domain over too.

What if I use Network Solutions' DNS servers + advanced DNS settings to just make go to the same server?

I would have to install oldsite to the main web directory.... but this could work...

DO NOT PORT -- Thinking this through, this could end up wasting ENDLESS hours upon hours of time.

Even if I port, there could still be a number of problems I run into.  What if the SQL versions are different?  Or the PHP is setup on an older 2007 version?  Or 100 other problems?

The right way to go is to have HostGator setup on Hostgator and to port manually over.

The ALTERNATIVE solution is to dig the HTML out of those php files and manually extract the raw source of what I need.  As I will lose all the CSS that came with the blog and will have to redesign the salesletter from scratch, I WOULD RATHER NOT GO THIS ROUTE.

Hostgator ticket #3, here we go... dammit... lol

Domain Name Forwarding

I am going to want to point the domain to the other domain.  I do not want my customers to have to goto 1 web server which then re-directs them to another website.  That is expensive for me and will lose people in the process, not the best way to handle at all.

Unfortunately, it looks like Network Solutions WILL NOT do this:

"lease note, in order to use Web Forwarding, Network Solutions must host the domain name."

So I need to figure out if I can do it with GoDaddy.  If I can, then I need to transfer the domain over to them.  This is not important enough to work on now.

Also stumbled upon this:
You may already be doing this, but if not, what you want to do is set up a 301-permanent-redirect from the additional domain to your main domain. 

Domain transfer

Requested my code from Network Solutions and bought transfer on GoDaddy.

Gave Dad the heads up to keep on the look-out for it.  I can always request again at GoDaddy, they email network solutions asking for their URL.

This way I can forward the domain and also I won't have to deal with Network Solutions changing DNS settings at a super slow speed.  GoDaddy has shown they get those DNS setting changed very fast, so that way I can get my old site up sooner.

Back to the Rest

Goals for last week were:

-Buy and setup
-Create wordpress on site (on actual URL, not IP) & install SEO plugin RIGHT AWAY before salient.
-Get the main salient blog established and get the video and opt-in on the front page.
-Have the front page opt-in (aweber) lead to the core content video (the pre-cursor to the adv series)
-Setup the sales letter to be the logical next step from the core content video to sell the advanced series, from there next logical step will be to buy advanced series.

Goals for this week are the same, plus I want to get the portfolio setup + any additional content like top 10 remedies (week 2 goals).

At this point, let's just see how many of these I can take out.  We'll start with setting up the URL and a Salient webpage on it.

Okay, I simply set to the same name servers.  And yes, totally normal to have multiple domains pointing to the same nameservers.

Since I have to wait for the URL before I can start installing, I am on testsalient1 ... user jcmo pass standard short

Putting Content in the Header

I'm starting to suspect that there are good reasons they are not making it easy to put whatever content you want in the header.

If I'm going to reverse engineer it, I need to put in salient code that salient takes and converts into HTML, which is going to be tricky.  

On the flipside, I can look at the post-converted code and simply input that into the header.

Unfortunately, this is easier said then done...

Basically the result is that it just doesn't come out working the same way in the header.

This leads to questions like am I using the right class?  Am I missing a css ID code?  etc... and while I can play with all that for days... I have to start wondering, should I be using Salient at all?

It would seem that using a more "all purpose" theme with Visual Composer would make putting a simple video and opt inside a full screen header (or any "top of the page" element) much, much easier.  

And I got to wonder about all this code.  Salient looks really nice but I'm seeing tons of code, and this worries me if lesser tech computers are even going to be able to see this site and if slower computers can even load it quickly.

Got it

So I just needed to use the greater code for the entire "Row", which is given away by a <div id="fws_(random code here)" ...>

See code (or just use notepad file in cure-inomnia/Web Themes folder).
<div id="fws_563fd38aba1a0" data-midnight="dark" data-bg-mobile-hidden="" class="wpb_row vc_row-fluid vc_row standard_section   " style="padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; "><div class="row-bg-wrap"> <div class="row-bg   " style=""></div> </div><div class="col span_12 dark left">
<div class="vc_col-sm-8 wpb_column column_container col no-extra-padding instance-4" data-padding-pos="all" data-has-bg-color="false" data-bg-color="" data-bg-opacity="1" data-hover-bg="" data-hover-bg-opacity="1" data-animation="" data-delay="0">
<div class="wpb_wrapper">

<div class="wpb_video_widget wpb_content_element">
<div class="wpb_wrapper">

<div class="wpb_video_wrapper"><div class="iframe-embed"><iframe src=";wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" data-aspectratio="0.562962962962963" style="width: 557px; height: 313.57px; opacity: 1; visibility: visible;"></iframe></div></div>


<div class="vc_col-sm-4 wpb_column column_container col no-extra-padding instance-5" data-padding-pos="all" data-has-bg-color="false" data-bg-color="" data-bg-opacity="1" data-hover-bg="" data-hover-bg-opacity="1" data-animation="" data-delay="0">
<div class="wpb_wrapper">

<div class="wpb_text_column wpb_content_element ">
<div class="wpb_wrapper">


Hide this content.

So now it'll take some tweaking and some more tweaking to perfect, but there's a lot ahead of me anyways.  For instance, the video itself talks about going to  I'm going to need to edit this video, which means cracking out the old hard drive.

I'm also going to need to redo some of the voice-over and copy, basically I need to make this video similar to Ed Dale's or any other marketer urging people to opt in to get instant access to the video.

I've also never sold the advanced series before.  That's going to need to be reviewed as well.  You could setup the old funnel for now, but i'd rather sell the advanced series from the beginning.  This question has to be answered.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, I will need to adjust the goals for next week.

-Buy and setup

-Create wordpress on site (on actual URL, not IP) & install SEO plugin RIGHT AWAY before salient.
The URL is done, so I can actually do this now, this can get done this week.  This can all be done in 15 minutes or less.  Installing Salient will be done immediately after, again, this will only take a few minutes

-Get the main salient blog established and get the video and opt-in on the front page.
This is where the goals change...

NEW Goals:
-Find old video editing files, folders, raw video-editing-format files from Magix, etc.
-Install Magix Video editor
-Remake the video to say "fill in your information on the opt-in box you see on this page"

-Have the front page opt-in (aweber) lead to the core content video (the pre-cursor to the adv series)
NEW Goal:
-Setup front page opt-in to lead to core content video page with Aweber.
-Remake anything on that video that mentions "Advanced Series for free" ; "Opt-in" ; "" ... etc

-Setup the sales letter to be the logical next step from the core content video to sell the advanced series, from there next logical step will be to buy advanced series.
NEW Goal:
-I will need to review the advanced series before I can sell it.  Make sure it doesn't say anything about it being free or it being a sales pitch for mastery, etc.
-If it's shitty or I don't feel at liberty to sell it, I have the option of selling it ALONG WITH Mastery, making a stronger sales letter and allowing me to go out and start making money and proving the new funnel concept works before I break up the products to deepen my backend.  I ultimately MUST make the funnel sell advanced series at a $20-100 price point so I can then sell the Mastery course at a $200+ price point.  That's how this business is going to make money -- although I will need the data to support that, I'll need to test selling at different price points.

What I accomplished today:
-CLIMBING WALL #1 -- Getting the old site to be set up for porting over (via Host Gator hosting and copy pasta from there); thus avoiding countless hours of pain with MySQL / php.
-CLIMBING WALL #2 -- Coding the header to host my video as intended since Salient isn't setup to actually put any damn content on the header.  Main work done here, just a matter of tweaking now.
-CLIMBING WALL #3 -- URL re-direct wasn't going to work with Network Solutions so I got out ahead of that goal by putting in the request now to switch to GoDaddy Setup -- now it points to my server and everything is set and ready for quick install -- future design work will take place on the core site, no more test sites.
-Re-eval of goals and direction as explained above.

Not a bad day, just always gotta be huge obstacles to overcome out of no where...

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