Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 58 - Month End Review

5p - 6:15p

So, yeah, I got like 2-4 hours of sleep last night.  gj with the whole addy at 9 and work till 9 thing, thanks.  lol


Goals Established Day 42 (May 15th):


SMART Goals are good below, for now.

SMART Goals for May:
-Video one finished, rendered.
-Page one functional & user appealing, video plays on it.

MINIMUM Goals for May:
-Video one re-write complete + audio recorded.

SMART Goals for Q2:
-Videos 1-5 finished.
-Pages for them functional & user appealing, videos play on them.
-Opt-in works, website is close to ready for selling.

MINIMUM Goals for Q2 (same as SMART Goals for May):
-Video one finished, rendered.
-Page one functional & user appealing, video plays on it.

MAY: Minimum goals surpassed
-rewritten several times
-all audio recorded
-most editing done
-youtube v. recorded and edited

SMART Goals failed -- but upon reviewing the importance of this video (along with the youtube video) as being literally the most leveraging piece of content I have in all future advisertising and traffic endevors, I realized that several re-writes and a lot of reworking was in order.  Now it is close to being finished.

Re-eval of Q2 Goals:
Smart Goals are out.  The second video may need to be re-recorded... at the very least, it's going to take a bit of work to make the new mic work with it.  Minimum goals for Q2 are still the same, that should be stupid easy to finish off this vid and get it working on a user appealing web-page.

SMART Goals for Q2 (aka June) need to be made.  I would think that it's vids 1-4 + their pages up, running, and user appealing.  The 5th video is going to take a lot of work so I am thinking that is a Q3 thing.

-77.5% CDH Integrity -- NEARLY @ GOAL!
-At least 20-30 hours put into website in basically 2 weeks.
-Size during CDH's has been improving and overally fairly solid.


The only problem is LEAF size, at 4.22 avg in May.  You can do better -- just realize this:

-Sentient being separation and observing yourself is an easy way through almost anything.

-You must ACTUALLY PURSUE THE GOAL of mental mastery and 3x daily meditations.

-You must ACTUALLY play the 1-up game / intensity game every hour of the day except 10-12 and 3-4.  You must actually want to keep your finger on the pulse of intensity.

-You must ACTUALLY catch AND THEN REPLACE trolls, you must ACTUALLY address the bad ones against Eric, T, Sean, the resistance, the rebel, the pride, the ego... and ACTUALLY reprogram these.  You can't keep missing these!!!  It's the dumbest thing ever that you don't see these trolls right in front of your face.  You must actually be in active pursuit of them, see them as opportunities to reprogram (and therefore, my BEST opportunities to grow) as they arise, reprogram them via catch and replace, and then you'll laugh at how extreme the contrast is between the shitty thoughts that have been running the show and the good thoughts that lead to happiness and the good & right way.  It's literally what that paper "what does it take to get it across to you what the good & right way is?" is talking about.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 57

MONDAY = SUNDAY (Since it's Memorial Day Weekend)

12p - 9p.  I know, ran too late... but i took my vit a at 9am and I have been getting to sleep later and waking up earlier, so like, whatever.



Think about it.

The test was done to people who were already sold and it was done in an EMAIL format.

They probably skipped RIGHT OVER all the stuff they'd already seen on my website and went right to the juicy stuff.

Leading with the salesy stuff, especially in a video where its hard to skip to the meat, just leads to the thinking, "There's no steak here, just another sleep sales thingy."

Instead, deliever a sneak peak at the secret first.  Give them the steak.  Then, once they've had a bite and are thinking about more, sell them on how amazing the steak is.

And the beauty of that is they can go ahead and opt-in any time they are ready to eat the steak.  That's how it should be designed.

So, here's how the video is being re-structured on website (see it on google doc):
  1. The beginning will be like the UNDER 3 MIN version they can find on youtube.
  2. To learn more, get my free guide by giving your email.
  3. THEN SALES #1 HERE MOVED FROM BEFORE: If your tired of x, sick of y, z... then you NEED to hear about this breakthrough.
  4. It is my most valuable piece of work, it explains how to cure insomnia and includes 3 q's dr's cant ans...
  5. Even I didn't get it.  Even sleep experts dont get it.  Then I had an EPIPHANY.  And now its a works every time method.
  6. You're preventing your own sleep.  That's why nothing working for you.
  7. THEN SALES #2 HERE MOVED HERE: It's always been the same old thing... of course you do want... but you've tried so much, you dunno who or what to believe anymore.
  8. Fortunately, this "Dark Age" @ end.  There's been a new breakthrough in the insomnia world. --> to END OF VIDEO.

Pricing Thoughts

For the How to Cure Insomnia Video Series, I am thinking anywhere from $47 - $65 -- and saying this is discounted from $79.95 - 89.95.  I have testing to know it sells well in this range and the market is in this range.  70+ seems like too much -- ppl on the fence aren't going to pay it, if they do they'll want a refund once they see how short the content is.  under 39.95 i believe would devalue it to the point where a lot of people think this can't actually be any different than everything else, and i imagine just about anyone who would pay 20-40 for this will find a way to pay 40-60 for it.

Anyways, at the end of the day, it'll require price point testing.  $80-140 might be the hot spot for all I know, or it might end up getting 2% sales at 60 but 12% sales at 30.   I will need to test all these points for that reason, but to do that, I will need a lot of traffic.  So worry more about it then.

Mentality Work: ACTUALLY Doing It is all you are missing!

Your tools on the daily review, page 2 are FAR MORE THAN WHAT I NEED TO BE A 5.



If you actually FULLY EMBRACED AND UPHELD the goal of "Mental Mastery", you'd be a 5+.

If you actually FULLY EMBRACED AND UPHELD the goal of "Keep on top of the pulse of intensity" you'd be a 5+.

If you actually FULLY EMBRACED AND UPHELD the goal of "Kicking trolls whenever they arise", you'd be a 5+.


These tools are more than good enough.  You don't need any more info, you're not missing any secrets.  It comes down to your willingness to consistently uphold these tools throughout the day.  To treat all predetermined choices as your word, where you are unreasonable about following them, and to actually just do it consistently all day.  So that you are unreasonable about doing everything with the intensity game / mindfulness game because that's how you do anything.

Like actually having enough mental mastery to keep observing your mind several times an hour so you could keep in control of what kind of thoughts are occurring.

Like actually being on top of your sense of intensity to stay in the 1-up game 50 minutes at a time every hour.

Like actually having 90%+ positive thoughts because of how frequently you are catching and how effectively you replace them with more helpful thoughts, causing you to keep laughing at how much better the replacements are than the originals.

In the morning, you should ask "Am I serious enough, focused enough, and motivated enough to be a 5 today?"

If the answer is no, focus on turning a 3-3.5 day into a 4-4.5 day and talk about bringing the lower end of the average up so that my overall average is good.

If the answer is yes, focus on FULLY EMBRACING AND UPHOLDING those tools so that it's not "what you can pull off" but instead it's "Holding onto as much as you can, letting as little slip away as possible."  Because there's no reason you can't do all those things.  So you either have the willingness to do them or not.  Don't be reasonable.

You're either going for a 5, or your not.  Make a choice, don't just try to see what you can pull off.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 53

5:30p - 6:45p

It's amazing to me that I dont want to do the most important thing in my whole life.  I should be yearning for it.

Consisting discipline comes down to willingness.  I must be willing to commit myself fully right now.  I must WANT the pain.  I must have the goal of feeling like im stretching my brain to the point of a headache, forcing myself forward through the feelings of resistance.  I must love those feelings.  That is the secret to victory.

I shall begin with a meditation with this in mind.  15 min and start by 5:30.

Editing of what I have is more or less done.  

Next up: Re-recording sections.  Make sure you listen to "Walker on insomnia" first.

Then re-edit, mix in the slides, render, and get that shit online!  (May also need new online video player and might wanna use an html amazon aws player.)

Also write in a couple of sentences for a YOUTUBE VERSION OF THIS VIDEO -- that way it's exactly the same except it says goto How to Cure Insomnia DOT COM and put your email in there.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 52 (and 51)

CDH Day 51 -- NA -- Doctor appointment + Sarah meeting

Today -- LEAF Email Templates -- 3:30p - 5:30p


Monday, May 23, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 50

6:15p - 7:15p

Continue Editing.

Another hour of editing done.  Very close now.

Going to need to do some re-takes to get it really good, and i have to make sure the audio doesn't sound different, which means recording and playing back side by side immediately.


  • The distance between you and the mic.
  • Your general tempo and dynamic (loudness)
  • Backround noise, white noise, etc.

All in all, should probably stand head and shoulders over the old video.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 49

11:30a - 5:00p

On to finishing the writing of vid 1, recording, editing, rending, uploading, streaming, playing, and completing the opt-in page.

Rewriting video finished.

Recording finished (given it comes out loud enough and acceptable.)

Editing begun.

Start video at a005 8:30 or something into it when i read "there's been a new breakthrough"

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 45

6p - 7:30p  (I KNOW sry)


"a-test4" -- This is more or less what it should sound like.

YES... you WILL need a professional mic.  And maybe a new headset, the mic on this one is garb.
EDIT: Spent 8-9:30 carefully reviewing and selecting a pro microphone... which will also be nice for gaming and such.  FREE, thanks to LEAF, and a nice little section 179 deduction


-Beginning is more or less done.

-Selling the opt-in, steal copy from your old pitch on the "cure insomnia video series" and use it to NOW sell "Insomnia BREAKTHROUGH Guide".  It's FREE if you're willing to trade me your email.

Basically, the end of the MAIN VIDEO is now being used to sell them in the web intro video.

-That's all for now.  Content cleaned up and on google docs.  Should pretty much write itself at this point, just need 1-2 more hours to get it perfect, and then it'll be off to get a professional microphone.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 44

6p - 7p

Figured out how to convert video audio to text:
1. Goto recording devices, show hidden, make Stereo Mix default.
2. Goto video, make sure its loud enough to be read clearly by the mic.
3. Goto google docs, under tools select "voice typing".
4. Begin video and press record.
5. Every 5 minutes pause video and repeat steps 3 & 4.
6. Once done converting, go through and edit.  Once you get to an uncertain spot, play video up until that spot -- this will check your work and clarify the uncertainty.  Then pause the video, edit up until the next uncertainty, and repeat.

Today's work: Converted video 1 to text, 100% of raw done, now just need to finish edits, about 30-40% of that left to do.

Up next, make the edits (PER TEXT FILE IN ONEDRIVE THAT OUTLINED THE CHANGES TO BE MADE), save final draft, and re-record video (test out the headset mic, buy professional one if necessary.)


Or just go here... everything's already drafted, minus mastery:
C:\Users\James-SC\OneDrive\Documents\_work\chapters 5 and 6 backup\3 - vid series and COPY, CONTENT, AND COPYWRITING chp6

lol... good job tho.  Honestly worth the hour just to know how to convert moving forward, easier to write by talking i guess...

Sticky Note Transfer

Sticky 1

Reprogramming Breaks

Mentality: Staying outside the comfort zone is key, breaks are not about comfort, they are about recovery.  The 8:30 break is usually about comfort, and is not always necessary (may be that it is rarely necessary.)

Sticky 2

Need a thoughts meditation every day.

Sticky 3

Get coffee before meditation to be drunk after meditation -- cuts out those morning distractions and starting a day with a break.  Cuts out starting the day deep in the comfort zone.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 42

Sunday again.  With time this time!

11:30am - 7:00pm  (although very questionable size / work ethic.)

First up, get laundry away and desk somewhat clean.  GoGO!

Then, meditation to hone focus, maybe a little power hour to fuel it to start.  TIMED.  No overtime.

Then, goal setting.

Then, housework or starting on goals.

Then, getting into the ROARS work.

Sunday Structure

There's some current problems I'm seeing with regards to the approach of sunday's here.

1. Start.
-Ritual or no?  Power hour?
-Not knowing what to do or where to start.
-Starting off with chores / low productivity tasks setting the tone.

2. Middle.
-"It's Sunday" trolls reign supreme.
-I haven't really started getting into ROARS yet, so let's not jump the gun here, once I do that I'll have to worry about really trying
-No emphasis on size automatically puts me at the 2-3 size level.  AT BEST, 3-4, although I am not seeing that much today.
-Other chores getting in the way.

3. End.
-No goals set for the day, so no sense of urgency or knowing when it's over.



SMART Goals are good below, for now.

SMART Goals for May:
-Video one finished, rendered.
-Page one functional & user appealing, video plays on it.

MINIMUM Goals for May:
-Video one re-write complete + audio recorded.

SMART Goals for Q2:
-Videos 1-5 finished.
-Pages for them functional & user appealing, videos play on them.
-Opt-in works, website is close to ready for selling.

MINIMUM Goals for Q2 (same as SMART Goals for May):
-Video one finished, rendered.
-Page one functional & user appealing, video plays on it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 38

+0.25 LEAF, 6:15 - 7:00

END OF DAY: Failed today's goal, but it's bigger than I anticipated.  Need to review ALL of the below, think through, and plan carefully to determine the OBJECTIVES and GOALS


First up, morning ritual review.
Then pay DMV
Then work on goals.

Step 1 to setting the objectives and goals = DIGUP:
Where did I leave off, where were the goals at, what are the next steps
(see recovery below)


New Goals

  1. Redo audio on video one (intro vid), keep most of the slides maybe making a couple of new ones, add a tiny amount of copy for the beginning, Call to Action, and re-thinking the Golden Age part.
    --Time Goal: 2 - 4 hours (since it's mainly just a short re-record of audio)

  2. Video 2 (core content vid) remove free video series and then SELL THE SALES LETTER.  Need to get them to click the link below this video to move to the next step.
    --Time Goal: 1 - 4 hours -- don't know how into selling the next step I am

  3. Video 3 (series part 1), simply remove all mention of this week / next week.  Just cut that audio right out.  It'll be fine.  Video 4 (series part 2) is fine, no work needed.
    --Time Goal: 1 hour

  4. Video 5 (series part 3) -- make this bad boy.  Going to need to sell the SALESLETTER FOR MASTERY at the end, which is going to take some creative time.
    --Time Goal: 10 - 20 hours.  This will take a week or two.

  5. Make video sales letter, edit sales letter.  This is a 20 - 40 hour project, I want to have it done in 1-2 weeks.  I will need to:
    1. Go through the entire sales letter, rework what needs to be reworked, "save" content that only applies to the Mastery sales letter.
    2. Turn entire sales letter into slides.  Maybe TEXT ONLY for this time around, pictures will take a while and it's not an educational video.  
    3. Read entire sales letter, recording audio.
    4. Edit the whole thing together.
    5. Render and upload.

  6. Same thing as above for the Mastery sales letter.


Since I was TOTALLY selling mastery and opt-ins DEAD WRONG, doing this is ESSENTIAL, as I will get alot more opt ins and make tooons more money having a proper funnel and selling both courses THE RIGHT WAY.  I cant believe the main pitch most people ended up prob getting through was just the 3rd video disguised as content and then blatently selling them... and so they NEVER EVEN MADE IT TO THE KILLER SALESLETTER HALF THE TIME!!

So this will yeild a much better conversion rate and result in sales that bring in REAL money.  Why not test a $300 price point and then get super stoked every time a deal comes in??


1. Remake the opt in video, using the same content (including slides) but with a little charm thrown in and an attractive, non-salesly tone.  Make it personal, and say golden age is my opinion since I can say there was NOTHING like it when I started.  On second thought, I wouldn't use golden age, that copy was written for people who'd already seen my main content video.

I would just reframe things so that there's a huge secret that every insomniac needs to know, this is why your doctor cant help, this is the thing that's been missing... so what are you waiting for... give me your email and watch the video already!!

2. vids 2 and 3 slight changes

3. vid 4 is good

4. scrap vid 5, move the my story to vid 3

5. Make a video 5 that is content based around mindfulness and meditation, and relaxation skills in the context of self-therapy.

6. new mastery salesletter, old one is for cure insomnia series now.

So, reviewing everything shows me very clearly what I have to do... and the direction I need to take... which I will discuss on the Day 63 post.  :)



Goals (from Day 42)

"NEW Goals:
-Find old video editing files, folders, raw video-editing-format files from Magix, etc.
-Install Magix Video editor
-Remake the video to say "fill in your information on the opt-in box you see on this page"
-Have the front page opt-in (aweber) lead to the core content video (the pre-cursor to the adv series)

NEW Goal:
-Setup front page opt-in to lead to core content video page with Aweber.
-Remake anything on that video that mentions "Advanced Series for free" ; "Opt-in" ; "naturalcuresforinsomnia.org" ... etc
-Setup the sales letter to be the logical next step from the core content video to sell the advanced series, from there next logical step will be to buy advanced series.

NEW Goal:
-I will need to review the advanced series before I can sell it.  Make sure it doesn't say anything about it being free or it being a sales pitch for mastery, etc.
-If it's shitty or I don't feel at liberty to sell it, I have the option of selling it ALONG WITH Mastery, making a stronger sales letter and allowing me to go out and start making money and proving the new funnel concept works before I break up the products to deepen my backend.  I ultimately MUST make the funnel sell advanced series at a $20-100 price point so I can then sell the Mastery course at a $200+ price point.  That's how this business is going to make money -- although I will need the data to support that, I'll need to test selling at different price points."


November's New ROARS Goals based on October's Achievements:
-Domain & funnel setup pre-product (nov. week 1 goal)
-Product setup, everything works successfully and it's ready to be sold (week 2 goal)
-Google analytics setup
-old URL NaturalCuresForInsomnia.org setup as redirect
-5 backlinks made on places online that drive traffic, and I want to see SOME organic traffic coming in from those links on analytics.



Minor additional goals -- these don't need to be done today, they are just part of the funnel / video editing process:

  • Get skeleton pages setup for every part of the funnel process.
  • Review videos and note timestamps for where changes need to be made.
I have recovered all the data from the old hard drive, now I am going to try to get magix back to run it."

Need NLProgramming Re-Write on Breaks

My programming (P->T->F->A = Results... or whatever the SoMM programming is) with regards to breaks is not as good as it should be.  It is OVER SIMPLIFYING a complex topic.

For instance, when I get going, there's no need to break from making calls for 2.5 hours other than I actually am breaking down and need it.

Not the same as a task where you can get super intense for 50 minutes given a 10 minute break.  All the little negative emotions I can absorb and beat.  In fact, going WITHOUT a break is the secret to a larger size, because when I take a break at 8:30am I am letting the human side take control.  If you've got a lock on 5, that's a tough thing to get, and giving into a break is just letting the size plop right back down to a 4 or 3 a lot of times.

Think about it, and then REWRITE IT.  There's a better way.

Morning Ritual Addendum + CDH Reminder

Morning Ritual Addendum

"Wake and Vape" voids the ritual.  If you vape before your shower, you've failed the ritual.  

The ritual is:

1. Get out of bed without snoozing.
2. Drink half water pre-workout.
3. Start workout within 5 minutes of getting out of bed (5 min for water + music.)  Do not vape.
4. Drink half water post-workout and jump in shower ASAP.
Optional: Begin a meditation going into the shower.
5. Done.  Vaping now allowed.  Goal is to HAVE LEFT for work by 5:30 every day, but anything after the shower is currently "Post-Ritual" and up to you.

CDH Reminder

At 7:00PM, you must start winding down your mind.  CDH activities must stop immediately, thinking about work needs to go away.  7-8 is RE-TIME, 8-9 is BEDTIME.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 37

CDH: 4:15pm - 6:45pm (2.5 hours)

Prior goals:
-organize papers
CDH goals (today and moving forward)-get laundry-solve cindy email addresses issue-fix the leaf on that tree-clean room-clean up house / organize-money system to align my actions with my strategy.-plan for roars moving forward... remainder of q2 and q3 goals, 2016 goals should be defined, ideas in place that i can hold myself accountable too.  goals should be very achievable and scale up.  need to be able blow it out of the water."

Leaf, cindy emails, boxes, laundry are all done.

Now what's left:
-cleaning the house... lower pri... this really a "free time on saturday" kind of thing
-mint.com -- medium pri (money system)
-plan for roars moving forward -- high pri

Mint should be quick and because it attends to roars, I want to do that first, but since its lower pri i dont want it taking up all the time.  So 30 min to mint, then 30 min to planning.  4:30pm - 5:30pm.  GO GO

Mint: Next Steps...

1. Label bills properly, so it can categorize everything according to actual spending.
2. Set budgets correctly, so post tax income is split up correctly.
3. Apply SoMM, setup additional bank accounts if necessary.
4. Set Goals and Modify budgets if needed.
5. Plan for when to check and review.

ROARS: Plan Objectives and Goals

NOT goals -- these are hurdles that must be overcome to get to the next step.  Think of it like missions in Red Alert -- These are what needs to be achieved to win the mission.  There's no timeline for these, they are simply markers, the timeline is the goals.

Goals: Minimum Goals and SMART goals.  
Set BOTH for:
-Remainder of Q2 2016
-Remainder of 2016 (set these as "too easy" and I will ramp them up to start off Q3)

Minimum goals: The bare minimum goals that need to be met to be considered moving forward at a reasonable pace.  If these were set for an employee I was paying $10-15 an hour (10-20 hours a week), this is what I would expect to get done, if they didn't hit these they'd be on track for getting fired.

SMART Goals: These are standard goals that I want to achieve, if I achieve these I consider myself an active entrepreneur (even if I'm still in that "wannapreneur" phase):
SMART stands for the following -- ASK THESE Q'S WHEN GOAL SETTING:
S – Specific (or Significant).  Is it specific enough?
M – Measurable (or Meaningful).  Can it be accurately measured?
A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).  Do I know the steps & can I determine if it's attainable?
R – Relevant (or Rewarding).  Is it the next step?  Is it the highest priority?  
T – Time-bound (or Trackable).  When is it due, and what is the timing of it's steps (see Attainable)?

Forget shooting for the stars and hitting the moon.  A real entrepreneur aims for the moon and hits the moon.  After all, JFK wasn't aiming for the stars.  Time to grow up and set realistic yet challenging goals, and to counter-balance that with minimums that there's no reason I shouldn't achieve, so I can see where I end up in the middle (unless, of course, I surpass both.)


That way, you can up the ante as you go, gage Q3 goals according to your performance in Q2, and set smarter 2016 goals after you see how Q2 has gone.

THE GOAL FOR Q2 PTC DAY 38 IS TO SET THE GOALS!!  (Mint.com is not to be worked on until this is complete.)

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 35 -- Sunday, at last!

Wish I had the time to dig into this Sunday, but I don't.  Catching up on sleep + Mother's day... bleh..

12pm - 2pm is the goal here.  It is what it is.  If this is achieved, that's a "Y" for Sunday, the other 3 hours are NA simply because there's no time for them.

Cardone Training: What do you need to be more disciplined in.
-"I'm not single: I'm in a relationship with my goals"
-Friends and family: Weddings, weekend visits, etc... I need more discipline here.  Later, when we are celebrating mother's day, if mom wants us to hang out next weekend or the following weekend, I have to say no.  Got too much work to get into.  If I say yes, at this point, it pretty much damns the 90DC -- with all the work with moving, the wedding, and the stress of work, I just dont have that kind of time... it'll need to be a month out... let's say, fathers day.

-My leaf mailed in from Miami, FL
-Boxes put in garage
-Necessary papers organized an accessible
-Herbal remedies put away
-(optional, if time) Mint.com setup (this is "money system, part 1")

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 31

4:00p - 4:30p (mail and post office)
6:15p - 6:45p (DMV address change and traffic ticket payment)

This week is going well, so far.  Good progress towards 5... wheel is slowly moving forward... not as fast as it should be, though.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Q2 PTC Day 30

6:35 - 9:30 ... win... lol

The CDH is failing today.  As I write this it is 6:34pm and my willpower is bust.  I am forcing myself on here.

I guess I have to remember that my feelings, thoughts, etc. are all b/s & lies.  Only the original choice matters.  The feelings of the moment cannot reign supreme.

I have to remember that these feelings are... nothing.  I don't have a dagger in my chest.  These feelings aren't that strong.  There's no gun to my head.  These feelings aren't really that significant or powerful at all, I am just tiny by comparison.  And conquering them, by contrast, is everything.  Conquering them is the path to victory.  With it comes deep satisfaction, fulfillment, pride, drive, glory... the list goes on.

The point is the poker game.  Got a top 10 most dramatic intense energy moment, all over $20 that I had already decided to spend.  Whereas, I get into a rut over a CDH and all I feel is depressing resignation.  Why would I not feel more dramatic and intense now, when it really would make a difference?

And that's where the word kicks in.  It's obvious.  My current feelings are worthless.  Just because the feelings I should have aren't there doesn't mean I listen to the lies over the truth.  Action must be taken.  I must win now.

CDH goals (today and moving forward)
-get laundry
-solve cindy email addresses issue
-fix the leaf on that tree
-clean room
-clean up house / organize
-money system to align my actions with my strategy.
-plan for roars moving forward... remainder of q2 and q3 goals, 2016 goals should be defined, ideas in place that i can hold myself accountable too.  goals should be very achievable and scale up.  need to be able blow it out of the water.

Alright... no more nicotine before bed

Alright, this is getting ridiculous.

You should know that having nicotine within 2-4 hours can affect your sleep.  It may not be as bad as cigarettes (you can breath afterwards, for example), but it has a big affect right before bed still.

You keep vaping, going to bed, and then perking up right away.  Stop this now.

7pm cut-off is now the rule.  Suck it up -- you're supposed to have been done vaping by now, anyways.  This will help you quit.

If you can't beat that little, subtle desire to vape at night, how do you expect to be able to conquer all the stronger feelings the next day?  How can you expect to be an entrepreneur if you let something as small as this rule you?