Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 24

05:30p - 6:15p -- The Return of Word
06:15p - 07:15 -- Obj:1.2 Hr 1/4

Video Slides

Also note!!


You know, the way you want YOURS to be?  Maybe have a look at their code...???? lol


1. Music.

Motherfucker.  Of course it has some simple, discreet, yet charming and inspirational music.

Fortunately there's free music out there... where the fuck was it again?

2. Easy creation of slides will make the ACTUAL creation of all slides possible within 1-2 hours easily (at least to a PASSING level).... So all I need... is the software.  And I have 1-2 hours to find it, install it, and learn how to use it.

Started by googling:
easy, animated video slides

...Seems promising.  Animoto is on there... hmmm

3. Tested animoto.  It's legit as FUCK, full 1080 d/l and will fit right on into my videos.  I can time to the second, only prob seems to be a 40s max but i have to agree stalling for 40s would be WAAY boring.

$44 for 30 days.  Make sure you cancel.

The Return of Word

Let's talk framework for a second...

My consistent discipline is getting worse and worse.

My goal was to be doing a morning ritual EVERY DAY at this point.

I'm supposed to be solid as fuck right now.

The power hour shouldn't be this thing you come into where you need to "re-establish" the context every morning... which then falls apart soon after starting.

And I certainly shouldn't be dealing with days like today and yesterday where my content (1 up hour by hour) is being flooded with trolls to the point that I'm barely pulling in "4"'s.

With a weak frame, context can only be so strong, and it buckles under pressure.  And as context goes, content flows into the new shape that the context has broken down into.


You've read it a 100x -- you can't be an entrepreneur if you can't even start your day powerfully -- and this is all the proof you need.

More importantly, this is why being completely unreasonable to following through with "your word" is so important.

And it's a DIRECT correlation.  50% integrity of showing up to ROARS and I feel lucky if I get 1 of 2 hours in.  My goal becomes to "really" get started by 6.

Is it a coincidence that I also happen to be doing a morning ritual 50% of the time, and tracking size between 7a-10a and 1p-3p 50% of the time?

Easy to justify things with meetings, month end, deals, blah, blah, blah.  Harder to deny that hard 50% #'s across the board probably are causing each other.

The morning ritual sets the frame, but it doesn't complete it, it just sets it up.  It's completed by the 15/10/5 meditations, the 5 times you log your size, the clock in at 5, and the push to complete whichever of the 19 objectives you choose within the budgeted time frame.

Now that you see the significance of word again, it's time to get this back into your head:


Your word MUST be followed as soon as you realize that following it is in question.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS.  It's not that I expect perfect integrity, but it IS that I expect an attempt to follow NO MATTER WHAT if you're in a situation where you are aware of it.

You shouldn't have any problem doing this.  You're legit.  You embrace pain and suffering.  You're willing to lose sleep and get super stressed out to follow through on discipline.  You just lost your way when it comes to what giving your word means (as defined by Landmark) and why it's important.

Time to come back to the path.  Without your word, the path disappears under the overgrowth of the jungle.  With solid word, it's like a perfectly paved road.  It is time to commit again.


There's a reason that Sundays are WAAAY better now.  It's the framed structure you setup.

So just going to say it...

If you don't do your morning ritual you are warping your WHOLE DAY.  And there's NO WAY to fix it.  If you do everything else perfect, the frame will be pretty good... maybe 90, 95% good... but it'll still be warped.  YOU MUST START YOUR DAY WITH A SOLID FRAME, THE SAME WAY YOU WOULDN'T SKIP ON FOLLOWING THE SUNDAY STRUCTURE.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

preplanned - update linkedin

Get it on the ptc main page

Consistency = frame

Mindfulness = context

1up intensity = content

Must have all 3, content is most urgent in the moment as its where the rubber hits the road, but it only works in the right context, and if the frame starts getting bent so will everything inside it

Ex.  1upping a frustration and focusing more intensely on failure instead of embracing it will cause a burnout, bad calls, and slower dialing and more mistakes.

Ex. Missing a ritual leads to unorganized power hour, weaker mindfulness, and less 1upping.

Ex. Not 1upping leads to calling slower even if youre mindful.  Like being mindful of things that are helpful in the long term like embracing emotions but not in the now (hitting call stat goals)

Monday, October 24, 2016

Justification Trolls - Eric's Brain vs. Mine, ROARS affecting LEAF calls, Guilt trolls, ...

TROLL: Eric's Brain vs. Mine:

This troll basically says, Eric has it easier than I do because he's not as clouded with thoughts / I have an over-thinking problem / ETC.

Thinking about it this way serves me by making me not worry so much about my performance, and is a stress reliever, it excuses me from my guilt.

There's layers of problems here.  One being a GUILT troll.

  • TROLL: GUILT:Why feel guilty and self hatred, vs. simply embracing that feeling as an exhilarating push forward?

    Being controlled by guilt is just stupid.  It's like anxiety -- simply mis-used energy.

    REPROGRAM: Guilt should always be a sign that I'm standing in front of a wall that I need to push through. Hating yourself because of a percieved, repeating behavior?  Well then "DONT LET THAT HAPPEN" (do the opposite behavior instead, right???  Why are you resigned??)

REPROGRAM (Eric's Brain vs. Mine):

Isn't this BLAMING & FOCUSING ON THE CATCH?  Wouldn't it be better to focus on a 1-up here and focus on "stone building" as you put it?

What, exactly, makes you feel this way, and what's one way you can think less / move on / etc to be more like Eric?

Why not think of one way you can make your brain more like how you want it to be instead of thinking about why you're a failure?


ROARS affecting LEAF calls:

This troll says "I'm working 60 hours a week, so that's why I can chill out a little on my call stats."

It's the EXACT OPPOSITE of everything you're trying to build and has "mass affect" of negative, mixed messaging that's screwing up all the neural pathways I'm trying to build.


If it's all about ENJOYING pain and being excited when it happens...

...then the MORE you work and the MORE INTENSE you are the ENTIRE TIME, the MORE YOU HAVE TO ENJOY.

I'm not crazy -- I know you're not Cobey -- and Eric acknowledges that more hours is often WORSE.

But just because you're not a 6-7 yet doesn't mean things wouldn't be MORE ENJOYABLE if you got there.

On the contrary, as a 6-7 things would be so easy and more enjoyable that to even continue as a 6-7 you'd have to be making at least 80-100 calls a day while working many deals and working on ROARS for hours once you got home.

Making 70 calls and only working a few deals simply isn't enough work to maintain that level of size.  The size is a result of overcoming obstacles, without obstacles, there's no size... like effort, size is a comparison of two things.

Q4 2016 PTC Day 22

5:30p - 7p -- Reprogrammed some justification trolls and reviewed trolls, NLP, and many of the concepts & ideas of developed over the last 4 months.

10 Sundays = 9 Sundays, 1 Saturday

Due to T's Bachelor Party weekend running long, I have a new plan.

The plan is to make up the Sunday lost (and hours lost) by working Thanksgiving weekend Saturday + Sunday.

Tell T you have plans with family.

Tell Family plans with T.

Everyone's happy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 16

5:30p - 6:30p -- Got new dryer.  Counts because it'll save me 15 minutes per sunday, so it's a net gain towards future time.  Took an hour from video 2 development to keep in budget

Embracing Anger

This is not about reprogramming anger.  That's great too, but it doesn't work if you don't embrace it as well.

You have to actually separate the feeling of anger from the reaction (typically this one is a combo of BLAME and complaining.  Like I HATE XXXXX!  If only she didn't sound like a little girl.)

The blame doesn't help obviously, and that can be reprogrammed.  But more prudent is the fact that you don't currently differentiate the stressor from the reaction that makes it distress.  And as a result, you get INSTANT DISTRESS that you then always need to try to go back in and unwind.

Instead, you should enjoy the feeling of anger.  Like being upset at other people's pitching, noise level, attitude, personality, whatever.  Don't listen to the words, don't be driven down the reactive path, simply ENJOY the feeling of anger.

After all, you didn't choose it.  It's not even REAL!  How funny that it generates all these thoughts and "heat" etc.  enjoy it, it's entertaining, it's not something you need to react to.

Along these lines, interesting insight.

It could be that anger problems aren't really about the feeling of anger much at all... instead they are about how much the mind is driven by it.  Ex. Someone who's instantly and powerfully driven when anger occurs (no gap) vs. someone who has a normal "gap" between the feeling and reaction.

Probably both but I imagine the worst are the people who are highly emotional and have no gap or filter.

If this is true, and i suspect that is AT LEAST IN PART TRUE, then building up this gap is the answer to fixing anger problems.

You're not sick -- You're eating wrong

Woke up this morning feeling bad, scratchy throat, upset stomach... pretty sure I was sick.

But I wasn't sick.

This is what happens when you smoke cigarettes, don't work out, and eat McDonalds.

You are what you eat.  It's true.

Then to top that off, you fuck with your already not-so-perfect breathing, your throat, and you don't even get your health back into flow by working out.

So yeah... not only are you not on point... you actually were so bad you made your health sickly.

It's choosing the +1 vs. the +100 thing.  You're sacrificing your Q4, your happiness, your health, and your life for a little convenience and pleasure.

This is NOT COOL.

It is time to really sit down and make a change.  SOON.

This is officially preplanned as a "Y" activity any day or part of the "R" activity of getting the dryer, since BOTH help save me more time and boost the rest of my work.  I would put them on the roars 19 obj's sheet as "0" time budget extras (or take from something else to give them a budget).

Monday, October 17, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 15

6p - 7p

Obj 1.4: 1/4 -- Top 10 Insomnia Remedies / Item 3 of home page.

Up first: Do I want top 10 I/R or something else?

The Fate of Top 10 Insomnia Remedies

Is not on my website.

Here's the thing -- I had a great idea making it a separate website, because the kind of traffic that is searching for "quick insomnia remedy" isn't the same kind of traffic looking for a deep, permanent cure to chronic insomnia.  They are the 1/4 that is more common.

Of those 1/4, there's 3 kinds of insomniacs:
  1. The person who's having trouble sleeping right now, but this isn't normally a big deal... it's honestly not THAT big of a deal right now.
    • This guy isn't going to buy anything, and makes up at least half of my traffic.
  2. The person who's been having a lot of trouble sleeping recently and is so frustrated that they are ready to buy something that'll get this problem solved in a snap
    • This guy's ready to buy sleeptracks and other affiliate offers that can be sold here.  Uncommonly, some of these guys, maybe even just out of curiosity, can be reeled in to my content at the remedies stage and will buy the basic product.
  3. The 1/10... the serious, chronic insomnia who's looking for a new fix to help them out.
    • These insomniacs are used to spending money, and may as well help me out buy buying some affiliate stuff.  They might even come back a few times and buy everything... eventually even my product... which should then ultimately result in their purchase of mastery.
Why separate them?  Wouldn't it be better to drive ALL traffic back to my site so I make more sales that actually matter????

This is a very good question, and it's worth a lot of thought:

After all, more than half my keywords, and certainly the VAST MAJORITY of the insomnia traffic lies in the "remedies" set of keywords, and I want AS MUCH TRAFFIC AS I CAN GET. These are two entirely different markets -- so any selling worth while in the remedies market is going to be far more powerful and credible on a remedies based website, which means more affiliate commissions. 
It's always going to be MUCH HARDER to get them to jump through hoops like 1 site to another vs. wandering around my website and stumbling into my product. More qualified traffic to, which means better SEO performance on my core site and will improve everything else I do with regards to SEO.
More anchor links to 1 site means building authority faster at one site and roping in more traffic with a google listing like:
  How To Cure Insomnia
         -Top 10 Insomnia Remedies
2 SEO-AUTHORITY-SITES supporting each other giving eachother credibility will be naturally much better for SEO building long term.
One Strong Weapon to approach the market, potential partner sites, etc.
Two Weapons for more versaltility, sneaky promotions, etc.

Keep working on this... although I'm leaning towards two sites.  Short term, it's probably a bad idea, as I would be able to mine the max traffic to 1 site easier.  Of course, I can always do it for a little while to anyways... but it'll suck when I have to remove all internal links going to that page to hide the fact that my top10 site is a fraud.  But that will work.

Long term, there just needs to be 2 sites just because it's that much more legit.  That way I can forge relationships from 2 different angles, sell affiliate products with authority, have 2 SEO-AUTHORITY-SITES supporting eachother, etc.... all natural reasoning and logic points to this.


So plan is:
2017 -- all traffic and links to (home or /top10insomniaremedies)
2018+ -- start focusing all traffic building in the remedies arena to

ALSO, this will let me start an alter-ego that can go back into the forums that mr. cahoon posted in and be like "man, cahoon, what 'choo talking about? dawg, just go there!"  So I can hit all the familiar places AGAIN, and in theory I'll have all that saved (i can at least trace my own backlinks) so it'll be really fast driving all these links since i'll have done it already!!

Anyways... EITHER WAY, the top 10 list does NOT belong on the home page.  This is not the place to go sending people to 10 different websites / product pages / etc... I want my home page to actually be more focused on "How to CURE insomnia."  Top 10 here is kind of a sell out.

SLEEP TIPS, however, are HUGE value for the home page.  That catches all the category 1 & 2 insomniacs who are about to leave the site but then go "Oh shit, what's this?  THERE WE GO!"

And having a "featured product" high commission sleep tracks thing going on would be pretttty sweet.

1. video
2. TIO
3. Sleep tips
4. Product Review: SleepTracks
5. Blog
6. About James Cahoon

Yes, I know you want your stupid FAQ.  There's no reason to do that tho... it's just clogging up space, you have no value proposition for it or real purpose.  Toss 'er out now.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 14

9:30a - 5:00p, 6:00p - 7:00p

09:30 - 10:00: setup
10:00 - 12:00: Obj.1.1 Hr 6.5/8: 2
12:00 - 01:00: Su.Lunch 2/10: 3
01:00 - 03:00: Obj.1.3 Hr 3/4: 5
03:00 - 04:30: Obj.1.1 Hr 8/8: 6.5
04:30 - 05:30: Obj.1.3 Hr 4/4: 7.5
05:30 - 06:00: Break
06:00 - 07:00: Obj.1.5 Hr 1/2: 8.5

09:30 - 10:00: setup
10:00 - 12:00: Obj.1.1 Hr 6.5/8: 2
12:00 - 01:00: Su.Lunch 2/10: 3
01:00 - 03:00: Obj.1.3 Hr 3/4: 5
03:00 - 05:00: Obj.1.1 Hr 8/8 & Obj.1.3 Hr 3.5/4: 7
05:00 - 06:00: Break
06:00 - 07:00: Obj.1.5 Hr 1/2: 8 (Obj. 1.5 COMPLETED)

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 11


Troll: "Too Many Obstacles To Deal With"

If there's too many, why are you adding another one AND reducing your size by complaining about it?  

Being directed by your feelings of being overwhelmed just adds more to deal with (+1 problem), uses up valuable brain power and time that could be sent solving a problem (-1 solution), AND lowers your overall size so it's a lot harder to deal with the stack of problems (-25-50%+ Solution Efficiency on all solutions.)

So it's a (-2) and (-% multiplier) effect on productivity.


Getting organized, dealing with ONLY ONE AT A TIME, baby step -> RE -> 1UP, and solving the problems.

Which would be better?

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 10

5:15p - 6:45p

515 - 530 -- packet review and 5 min meditation

aaand back to web editing.

There's gotta be some kind of troubleshoot guide for demo's not working.

Oh hey, it worked!

Watched the training on cornerstone today... pretty evident this is all I will ever need.

Honestly the most amazing web editor ever.  X was an amazingly rewarding investment.

Cornerstone Intro:

@ 34:00 he gets into the page-CSS editor and by highlighting text and pressing command + D (presumably, CTRL + D on a PC) he can select all occurrences of it and edit all at once (multiple cursors).  Super cool.

TEMPLATES -- there's predesigned pages AND ***BLOCKS***
and one blog is perfect for my next objective TIO: "MENU 2: COLUMNS"

So the time it took to watch all this just paid for itself!!!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 8

6p - 7p

X Theme Setup

So, install is more or less complete, now to the elements:
-Cornerstone -- how it customizes pages
-Customizer -- essentially all the customized work I do.  Make sure these are backed up.
-Demos -- the literal "plug and play" feature -- you load a demo and BAM.  Whole new design setup instantly

"It is very important to note that while the importer will not overwrite or alter any of your posts, pages, or portfolio items,your Customizer settings will be altered upon setting up a demo (this is necessary so that we can setup your installation similar to the demo). If you already have your website setup but are still curious to try out this feature, please make sure that you first backup your Customizer settings by going to the Customizer Manager page under Addons."

Okay, so, snag #1 -- it can't install a demo.  Presumably, because it doesn't have permission...

So I am attempting to give it perms by going 777 on wp-content.  May need to also do the main wp config file thingy too... dont forget that.

Hope this works.  It'll be running all night.  Welp, that's my hour folks.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 7 - Sunday #1

9:30a - 1:30p, 3:30p - ...

First up will be planning schedule and working on a new sunday structure & morning ritual.  This should take 30 minutes for all tasks.

Then meditate -- need to get intensely focused and serious... start small, get big.

0930 - 1030: Int.Setup 3/5 -- finish 19 obj's and goals sheet
1030 - 1130: Int.Setup 4/5 -- morning rit & sunday structure
1130 - 1230: Obj:1.3 Hr 1/4 -- 10 Min Med + Review TIO Training
1230 - 0130: Su.Lunch 1/10
0330 - 0430: Obj.1.1 Hr 1/8 -- 10 Min Med + Pick final design, just choose something, and fast
0430 - 0530: Obj.1.1 Hr 2/8 -- Plan out how you will implement HTML & finish whole page within 6 hours.
0530 - 0600: 25 min. break + 5 min meditation
0600 - 0730: Obj.1.1 Hr 3.5/8 -- HTML top part of page & TIO space -- needs to be ready for TIO work tmw

The Irresistible Offer -- Full Book:

4 Questions

  1. What are you trying to sell me? (logic)
  2. How much? (logic)
  3. Why should I believe you? (logic)
  4. What's in it for me? (emotion)
Just answer the logic, and you have no substance -- people buy products to achieve benefits.

Just answer the emotion, and you'll come across salesy.


Let’s start with a definition. 

The Irresistible Offer is an identity-building offer central to a product, service, or company where the believable return on investment is communicated so clearly and efficiently that it’s immediately apparent you’d have to be a fool to pass it up.


1. A High ROI Offer
2. A Touchstone
3. Believability

1. This for that.

"Your email for a 20 minute breakdown of how insomnia actually works."

2. Touchstone: Answer the 4 questions above, but using all of the elements below:

  • Clarity - leave nothing to the imagination,
  • Simplicity - simple statement that is easily understandable
  • Brevity - REALLY SHORT.  Single glance of the eye should do it.  3 second rule.
  • Immediacy - Cuts to the chase, only shows the facts, no selling.
The offer is separate from your Core High ROI Offer.  2 different entities.  Hence, the whole theory of opt-in -- my highest ROI is Mastery.

3. Believability: It's good to be bold, but the bolder you are, the harder it is to be believable. Ways to boost credibility:
  • Proof -- social, technical data, factual (research).
  • Credibility - endorsements from authority figures, high profile customers, associations and organizations that certify your work, awards and recognition, logical answers to how you're able to make your offer.

"Don't believe 20 minutes will change the way you see insomnia?  Have a look at some of the letters I've recieved... or why not look at some of the dozens of sleep books I've read from Insomnia MDs... or just have a look at the brain scan research done in sleep laps that perfectly matches what your about to learn?"  

The Irresistible Offer Sales Process: What Your Customer Sees, in Chronological Order

First Look: Your Touchstone
This piques his interest. Two or three of his big questions are answered in a way that intrigues and excites him, so he’s willing to dig further to see what you have.

Second Look: Believability
He discovers enough about you and/or your products and services to know that you can be trusted. This empowers him to dig deeper.

Third Look: High ROI Offer
If your customer gets to this point and finds that your touchstone has truly captured the spirit of what you’re actually offering, you’ve got a sale. Better still: If he discovers it’s better than what he expected consider your sale a true slam-dunk.


That’s the purpose of an effective Touchstone. Immediately, you present a short, interesting, credible offer to your prospect that transcends all of the other noise in the environment.

The customer’s Unspoken Inner Dialogue kicks in. It says, “Hey, that’s not the normal manipulative advertising claptrap. These guys might actually understand what I want.”

You then add in the factors that bolster your Believably.

The Unspoken Inner Dialogue is heard from again. It says, “Okay, this is a great offer, and these guys seem credible.  But sometimes nothing is as it seems. What’s the real deal? What’s the catch here?”

And this is when you’re at the make-or-break point: when the Touchstone meets the Offer, and your customer decides whether the reality is equal to the promise.

And,sometimes, there is a catch. If your Touchstone is a loss leader, sometimes you may require a bit more from your customer in exchange for the killer deal.

But, after digging deeper, if the prospect finds a truly High ROI Offer at the core, the sale is closed.

Choosing New Theme

Salient has failed me.

I cannot spend countless hours trying to build a custom theme ground up inside of salient, fighting salient every step of the way.

I need a theme that is going to make life very easy on me and can get me to where i need inside of the 8 hours I have to get there.

So time to choose a theme that is plug and play -- needs to be perfect -- video goes right there, opt in goes right here, NO CUSTOM WORK NEEDED.

Here's some that would work:
So... now the question is, code.  Do I want a theme that is drenched with code and confusing to google?  X theme looks great but it also looks like it'll have a million lines of code.

Ultimately, the most SEO-friendly WordPress theme is a custom theme. Not only can you control the code, design and focus of your website, your website won’t have spammy looking links by default.

Also, you can take steps to improve the SEO of your website. For example, when writing the HTML, you can label your content with microdata. This microdata is invisible to humans but helps search engine machines determine whether they’re looking at a movie review, a recipe, an event and much more.

The best place to start with a custom theme is with a starter (a.k.a. barebone, blank or naked) theme. The start theme that I recommend is Roots, which incorporates Bootstrap, Boilerplate and Grunt. Bootstrap gives you a mobile ready framework; Boilerplate provides modern HTML5 code; and Grunt minifies and concatenates the CSS and JavaScript for faster loading times.

In my experience, custom themes almost always outperform off-the-shelf themes when it comes to search engine visibility and organic traffic. And while it’s true that creating your own theme can take significantly more time than using an off-the-shelf theme, the long-term SEO benefits often make it well worth it.

...So that brought me to the idea of free themes / go basic.

But nothing's free -- which means these are the EXACT themes designed to point back to their authors, and since they're free, they'll be used by spammers.

So that means, either buy one, or write one yourself.

So I looked back at X and searched for SEO talk... and got exactly what I needed:

" but structurally to search engines. X has been built from the ground up using the latest, semantic HTML5 markup, allowing search engines to easily distinguish where your main content starts and ends and easily distinguish what it is about. Semantic markup also means clean markup. X has been architected to avoid extra structural code and presentational items in your main content, which can cause problems as your site is being indexed."

That bit of info... combined with an obviously bigger, more dedicated, more professional team than salient... has sold me on the X team.  It also helps that they got the top internet marketers to build in features and guides to use with their theme.  I am very impressed.

X it is!

Easy Animation for Video -- Proven to work, no need to hire

5 hours to hire an animator?

Why not just spend those 5 hours finding an incredibly simple animation tool that can do this (and there's probably FREE tools that do this)... scroll down on this page and see the video:

See how all they do is INCREDIBLY SIMPLE animations with text that grab your interest?

By making the video grab only tiny snibbits of text and use very basic animation, they grab your attention easily and effectively... and mainly just by keeping things moving.

If the #2 best selling wordpress theme on themeforest is using this style, it probably works.  And better yet, the best internet marketers out there use this method (like Frank Kern).  So why waste time and money?  It's not like an animated version is going to give you the kind of return that justifies it.

You can always make a competiting video to replace it some day.  This will be more than good enough to start.

2-3pm lost - Troll re-program

"Want now" vs. "What I really want"

You can keep letting your mind ("IT") drive you around and lie to you.  You can let those imaginary squeezes and stretches in your chest make you feel like you need to do other things.  You can give in to these feelings and react to them

You will, of course, end up unhappy, defeated, not enjoying whatever it is they tell you to do, conflicted for the rest of the day, struggling, falling behind, hating life, feeling like you're getting no where... etc.


You can simply realize that the feelings are all made up.  Theres nothing going on stronger than the equivalent of you making a fist.  None of it's real and it'll be gone within seconds, at most a few minutes, of your thinking about it.

You can then push forth, embrace the pain and discipline, and grow fast back into a person who can work through great difficulties to achieve great things.

Because it's when you're tested that you have the REAL opportunities to achieve happiness.

When it's easy, you're not actually growing.  The tough spots are the real opportunities.

And of course, you will create happiness, deep pride and satisfaction with yourself, victorious, enjoying your work a lot more, getting ahead, and loving life.


Are you going to choose the good way or the bad way?  Do you like creating good feelings or bad feelings?

Get serious, get focused, and make it happen.  You cannot let IT eat you alive.  You must fight, and NOW is the time to do so.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 4

2 failed days this week.

Guess I got my sunday cut out for me

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 3

LEAF after LEAF CDH today.  Working on Mexipass $500k deal.

Biggest Opportunity Ever, In the Blindspot?

High tension person = constantly squeezing muscles -> just relax muscles 100x a day = Lower tension

Know when to high tension and when to low tension.

same goes with


that "ahhhhrrg" in the mind.  That intense frown.  There's a squeezing that happens in the mind whenever i have a feeling.  my feelings themselves are mental squeezing.

and if i just learned that i didn't need to have those -- that i could let them go as they occured -- it could possibly free up over 50% of lost willpower i burn up all the time doing this.

just like squeezing the muscles, the mind has squeezes associated with feelings (resistance, pain, aggrevation etc) and if i learn i can just let those go instead of holding the squeeze, i would not have nearly as hard of a time moving forward.

Possibly the biggest opportunity yet.

Comes down the crazy tennis teacher telling me that im a high strung person.

The answer is not the solution.  This is an idea who's time is near.

There Will Be More Blitz Days

You cant not follow your word regarding tracking size just cuz its a blitz.  You still need to track hour by hour.  Period.

Troll: 8am West Coast.
Troll: Not winning -> no contest
Troll: Not trying -> ???

The not winning no comtest is bullshit and you know it.  You are putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger when that happens.  Its the integrity destroyer troll... basically saying since i had 1 failure im gonna stack them on now.  Worst thing you could ever do to yourself in the work place.

So instead, say finishing the race and following still builds habits essential to the succesz of any entrepreneur.


Now, the 8am thing.  I got no workaround for this.  As an entrepreneur id choose not to work through that and instead fix it.  If it was not fixable, then id work through.  But it is fixable and they still wont fix it.  On high quality nick leads, this is unacceptable, and until that fix is made, i will refuse to blitz.

Monday, October 3, 2016

DK & "Fight Club" And my boy Ed

DK Warned You... long forgotten advice that was never heeded...

It's like fight club.

Rule 1.  You do not talk about fight club.


The 19 Objectives of Q4 2016

No main goals vs. minimum goals any more... it's time to get serious.

Here's by 19 Objectives and their associated hour goals.  The over-arching goal is to complete SOME copy of ALL by the end of Q4 (even if it's a shitty copy.)  

This represents a change in mindset from Pass / Fail goals to Quantity vs. Quality and Time Effectiveness (aka Productivity.)

See spreadsheet for update to date version, but here's the beginning of Q4 breakdown:

  1. 0 ... The Home Page Objectives

    1. Top of Page and overall design work, html finished
      1. --10

    2. Hire Animator for Video (video = item 1 of home page)
      1. --5

    3. "The Irresistible Offer" product display / Item 2 of home page, determine if opt-in is ONLY in this spot.
      1. --5

    4. Top 10 Insomnia Remedies / Item 3 of home page.
      1. --5

    5. About Me / Item 4 of home page.
      1. --2.5

    6. Blog Post (& Start posting ... so content's rolling once it launches) / Item 5 of home page.
      1. --2.5

    7. Site map / Last item of home page.
      1. --2.5

  2. 0 ... The Second Page & Video

    1. Redo Video 2
      1. --25

    2. Text version of video 2 on page
      1. --2.5

    3. Page 2 design work and html finished
      1. --5

    4. Alt opt-in page #1 finished
      1. --5

    5. Sales Letter for Cure For Insomnia Series
      1. --10

    6. Alt opt-in page #2 finished
      1. --2.5

  3. 0 ... Cure For Insomnia Series

    1. Redo of videos 3, 4, and 5 finished
      1. --40

    2. Page 3 design work and html finished
      1. video 3 page up and links work
        1. --3

      2. video 4 page up and links work
        1. --1

      3. video 5 page up and links work
        1. --1

    3. Salesletter for Mastery (Video 5 Next Steps Page)
      1. --10

  4. 0 ... ClickBank for Funnel
    1. Product up, working, buyable, links all correct.
      1. --2.5

  5. 0 ... Sleep Mastery Pages

    1. Mastery Pages Up and Videos Work on Them
      1. Part 1 page up and links work
        1. --2

      2. Part 2 page up and links work
        1. --0.5

      3. Part 3 page up and links work
        1. --0.5

      4. Part 4 **set for premium only** page up and links work
        1. --1

    2. ClickBank for Mastery: Product up, working, buyable, links all correct.
        1. --1

Total Hours: 145

Q4 PTC Begins -- Day 1

5:00p - 7:00p

Q4 Begins.

-Get Organized: List of the 19 objectives and time scales set to each
-"Sleep tips" content -- guide for Eric... why not build this into the front page TIO when done as well.  Like David's 5 attitudes to always keep in mind content, and the way it was bundled together, sold me on DYD long term.