Sunday, October 9, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 7 - Sunday #1

9:30a - 1:30p, 3:30p - ...

First up will be planning schedule and working on a new sunday structure & morning ritual.  This should take 30 minutes for all tasks.

Then meditate -- need to get intensely focused and serious... start small, get big.

0930 - 1030: Int.Setup 3/5 -- finish 19 obj's and goals sheet
1030 - 1130: Int.Setup 4/5 -- morning rit & sunday structure
1130 - 1230: Obj:1.3 Hr 1/4 -- 10 Min Med + Review TIO Training
1230 - 0130: Su.Lunch 1/10
0330 - 0430: Obj.1.1 Hr 1/8 -- 10 Min Med + Pick final design, just choose something, and fast
0430 - 0530: Obj.1.1 Hr 2/8 -- Plan out how you will implement HTML & finish whole page within 6 hours.
0530 - 0600: 25 min. break + 5 min meditation
0600 - 0730: Obj.1.1 Hr 3.5/8 -- HTML top part of page & TIO space -- needs to be ready for TIO work tmw

The Irresistible Offer -- Full Book:

4 Questions

  1. What are you trying to sell me? (logic)
  2. How much? (logic)
  3. Why should I believe you? (logic)
  4. What's in it for me? (emotion)
Just answer the logic, and you have no substance -- people buy products to achieve benefits.

Just answer the emotion, and you'll come across salesy.


Let’s start with a definition. 

The Irresistible Offer is an identity-building offer central to a product, service, or company where the believable return on investment is communicated so clearly and efficiently that it’s immediately apparent you’d have to be a fool to pass it up.


1. A High ROI Offer
2. A Touchstone
3. Believability

1. This for that.

"Your email for a 20 minute breakdown of how insomnia actually works."

2. Touchstone: Answer the 4 questions above, but using all of the elements below:

  • Clarity - leave nothing to the imagination,
  • Simplicity - simple statement that is easily understandable
  • Brevity - REALLY SHORT.  Single glance of the eye should do it.  3 second rule.
  • Immediacy - Cuts to the chase, only shows the facts, no selling.
The offer is separate from your Core High ROI Offer.  2 different entities.  Hence, the whole theory of opt-in -- my highest ROI is Mastery.

3. Believability: It's good to be bold, but the bolder you are, the harder it is to be believable. Ways to boost credibility:
  • Proof -- social, technical data, factual (research).
  • Credibility - endorsements from authority figures, high profile customers, associations and organizations that certify your work, awards and recognition, logical answers to how you're able to make your offer.

"Don't believe 20 minutes will change the way you see insomnia?  Have a look at some of the letters I've recieved... or why not look at some of the dozens of sleep books I've read from Insomnia MDs... or just have a look at the brain scan research done in sleep laps that perfectly matches what your about to learn?"  

The Irresistible Offer Sales Process: What Your Customer Sees, in Chronological Order

First Look: Your Touchstone
This piques his interest. Two or three of his big questions are answered in a way that intrigues and excites him, so he’s willing to dig further to see what you have.

Second Look: Believability
He discovers enough about you and/or your products and services to know that you can be trusted. This empowers him to dig deeper.

Third Look: High ROI Offer
If your customer gets to this point and finds that your touchstone has truly captured the spirit of what you’re actually offering, you’ve got a sale. Better still: If he discovers it’s better than what he expected consider your sale a true slam-dunk.


That’s the purpose of an effective Touchstone. Immediately, you present a short, interesting, credible offer to your prospect that transcends all of the other noise in the environment.

The customer’s Unspoken Inner Dialogue kicks in. It says, “Hey, that’s not the normal manipulative advertising claptrap. These guys might actually understand what I want.”

You then add in the factors that bolster your Believably.

The Unspoken Inner Dialogue is heard from again. It says, “Okay, this is a great offer, and these guys seem credible.  But sometimes nothing is as it seems. What’s the real deal? What’s the catch here?”

And this is when you’re at the make-or-break point: when the Touchstone meets the Offer, and your customer decides whether the reality is equal to the promise.

And,sometimes, there is a catch. If your Touchstone is a loss leader, sometimes you may require a bit more from your customer in exchange for the killer deal.

But, after digging deeper, if the prospect finds a truly High ROI Offer at the core, the sale is closed.

Choosing New Theme

Salient has failed me.

I cannot spend countless hours trying to build a custom theme ground up inside of salient, fighting salient every step of the way.

I need a theme that is going to make life very easy on me and can get me to where i need inside of the 8 hours I have to get there.

So time to choose a theme that is plug and play -- needs to be perfect -- video goes right there, opt in goes right here, NO CUSTOM WORK NEEDED.

Here's some that would work:
So... now the question is, code.  Do I want a theme that is drenched with code and confusing to google?  X theme looks great but it also looks like it'll have a million lines of code.

Ultimately, the most SEO-friendly WordPress theme is a custom theme. Not only can you control the code, design and focus of your website, your website won’t have spammy looking links by default.

Also, you can take steps to improve the SEO of your website. For example, when writing the HTML, you can label your content with microdata. This microdata is invisible to humans but helps search engine machines determine whether they’re looking at a movie review, a recipe, an event and much more.

The best place to start with a custom theme is with a starter (a.k.a. barebone, blank or naked) theme. The start theme that I recommend is Roots, which incorporates Bootstrap, Boilerplate and Grunt. Bootstrap gives you a mobile ready framework; Boilerplate provides modern HTML5 code; and Grunt minifies and concatenates the CSS and JavaScript for faster loading times.

In my experience, custom themes almost always outperform off-the-shelf themes when it comes to search engine visibility and organic traffic. And while it’s true that creating your own theme can take significantly more time than using an off-the-shelf theme, the long-term SEO benefits often make it well worth it.

...So that brought me to the idea of free themes / go basic.

But nothing's free -- which means these are the EXACT themes designed to point back to their authors, and since they're free, they'll be used by spammers.

So that means, either buy one, or write one yourself.

So I looked back at X and searched for SEO talk... and got exactly what I needed:

" but structurally to search engines. X has been built from the ground up using the latest, semantic HTML5 markup, allowing search engines to easily distinguish where your main content starts and ends and easily distinguish what it is about. Semantic markup also means clean markup. X has been architected to avoid extra structural code and presentational items in your main content, which can cause problems as your site is being indexed."

That bit of info... combined with an obviously bigger, more dedicated, more professional team than salient... has sold me on the X team.  It also helps that they got the top internet marketers to build in features and guides to use with their theme.  I am very impressed.

X it is!

Easy Animation for Video -- Proven to work, no need to hire

5 hours to hire an animator?

Why not just spend those 5 hours finding an incredibly simple animation tool that can do this (and there's probably FREE tools that do this)... scroll down on this page and see the video:

See how all they do is INCREDIBLY SIMPLE animations with text that grab your interest?

By making the video grab only tiny snibbits of text and use very basic animation, they grab your attention easily and effectively... and mainly just by keeping things moving.

If the #2 best selling wordpress theme on themeforest is using this style, it probably works.  And better yet, the best internet marketers out there use this method (like Frank Kern).  So why waste time and money?  It's not like an animated version is going to give you the kind of return that justifies it.

You can always make a competiting video to replace it some day.  This will be more than good enough to start.

2-3pm lost - Troll re-program

"Want now" vs. "What I really want"

You can keep letting your mind ("IT") drive you around and lie to you.  You can let those imaginary squeezes and stretches in your chest make you feel like you need to do other things.  You can give in to these feelings and react to them

You will, of course, end up unhappy, defeated, not enjoying whatever it is they tell you to do, conflicted for the rest of the day, struggling, falling behind, hating life, feeling like you're getting no where... etc.


You can simply realize that the feelings are all made up.  Theres nothing going on stronger than the equivalent of you making a fist.  None of it's real and it'll be gone within seconds, at most a few minutes, of your thinking about it.

You can then push forth, embrace the pain and discipline, and grow fast back into a person who can work through great difficulties to achieve great things.

Because it's when you're tested that you have the REAL opportunities to achieve happiness.

When it's easy, you're not actually growing.  The tough spots are the real opportunities.

And of course, you will create happiness, deep pride and satisfaction with yourself, victorious, enjoying your work a lot more, getting ahead, and loving life.


Are you going to choose the good way or the bad way?  Do you like creating good feelings or bad feelings?

Get serious, get focused, and make it happen.  You cannot let IT eat you alive.  You must fight, and NOW is the time to do so.

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