Monday, October 17, 2016

Q4 2016 PTC Day 15

6p - 7p

Obj 1.4: 1/4 -- Top 10 Insomnia Remedies / Item 3 of home page.

Up first: Do I want top 10 I/R or something else?

The Fate of Top 10 Insomnia Remedies

Is not on my website.

Here's the thing -- I had a great idea making it a separate website, because the kind of traffic that is searching for "quick insomnia remedy" isn't the same kind of traffic looking for a deep, permanent cure to chronic insomnia.  They are the 1/4 that is more common.

Of those 1/4, there's 3 kinds of insomniacs:
  1. The person who's having trouble sleeping right now, but this isn't normally a big deal... it's honestly not THAT big of a deal right now.
    • This guy isn't going to buy anything, and makes up at least half of my traffic.
  2. The person who's been having a lot of trouble sleeping recently and is so frustrated that they are ready to buy something that'll get this problem solved in a snap
    • This guy's ready to buy sleeptracks and other affiliate offers that can be sold here.  Uncommonly, some of these guys, maybe even just out of curiosity, can be reeled in to my content at the remedies stage and will buy the basic product.
  3. The 1/10... the serious, chronic insomnia who's looking for a new fix to help them out.
    • These insomniacs are used to spending money, and may as well help me out buy buying some affiliate stuff.  They might even come back a few times and buy everything... eventually even my product... which should then ultimately result in their purchase of mastery.
Why separate them?  Wouldn't it be better to drive ALL traffic back to my site so I make more sales that actually matter????

This is a very good question, and it's worth a lot of thought:

After all, more than half my keywords, and certainly the VAST MAJORITY of the insomnia traffic lies in the "remedies" set of keywords, and I want AS MUCH TRAFFIC AS I CAN GET. These are two entirely different markets -- so any selling worth while in the remedies market is going to be far more powerful and credible on a remedies based website, which means more affiliate commissions. 
It's always going to be MUCH HARDER to get them to jump through hoops like 1 site to another vs. wandering around my website and stumbling into my product. More qualified traffic to, which means better SEO performance on my core site and will improve everything else I do with regards to SEO.
More anchor links to 1 site means building authority faster at one site and roping in more traffic with a google listing like:
  How To Cure Insomnia
         -Top 10 Insomnia Remedies
2 SEO-AUTHORITY-SITES supporting each other giving eachother credibility will be naturally much better for SEO building long term.
One Strong Weapon to approach the market, potential partner sites, etc.
Two Weapons for more versaltility, sneaky promotions, etc.

Keep working on this... although I'm leaning towards two sites.  Short term, it's probably a bad idea, as I would be able to mine the max traffic to 1 site easier.  Of course, I can always do it for a little while to anyways... but it'll suck when I have to remove all internal links going to that page to hide the fact that my top10 site is a fraud.  But that will work.

Long term, there just needs to be 2 sites just because it's that much more legit.  That way I can forge relationships from 2 different angles, sell affiliate products with authority, have 2 SEO-AUTHORITY-SITES supporting eachother, etc.... all natural reasoning and logic points to this.


So plan is:
2017 -- all traffic and links to (home or /top10insomniaremedies)
2018+ -- start focusing all traffic building in the remedies arena to

ALSO, this will let me start an alter-ego that can go back into the forums that mr. cahoon posted in and be like "man, cahoon, what 'choo talking about? dawg, just go there!"  So I can hit all the familiar places AGAIN, and in theory I'll have all that saved (i can at least trace my own backlinks) so it'll be really fast driving all these links since i'll have done it already!!

Anyways... EITHER WAY, the top 10 list does NOT belong on the home page.  This is not the place to go sending people to 10 different websites / product pages / etc... I want my home page to actually be more focused on "How to CURE insomnia."  Top 10 here is kind of a sell out.

SLEEP TIPS, however, are HUGE value for the home page.  That catches all the category 1 & 2 insomniacs who are about to leave the site but then go "Oh shit, what's this?  THERE WE GO!"

And having a "featured product" high commission sleep tracks thing going on would be pretttty sweet.

1. video
2. TIO
3. Sleep tips
4. Product Review: SleepTracks
5. Blog
6. About James Cahoon

Yes, I know you want your stupid FAQ.  There's no reason to do that tho... it's just clogging up space, you have no value proposition for it or real purpose.  Toss 'er out now.

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