Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 52

4:30p - 7p

Meditation completed

For today's schedule:



Stick figure DOEN
Intro rewrite done
2 slides done -- the other 6 can be done in half an hour easily now that the format is in place... formatting and photo selection is the tough part, after that it's just copy and paste.


Monday, August 29, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 51

4p - 6:45p

4-5p - make slides, edit
5-6p - LEAF + budget planning



-get Petedge invoice
-get EHBS invoice (Asiel Hernandez

B&A Labs
-ask for one without filters

-HD slide image created.
-Title image in HD size created... still needs a little work.

HOW TO SELL STANDARD QUALITY VERSION OF THE PRODUCT (since they will be advertised in HD but buying SD

Save $10 with FREE HD Upgrade.* 
*HD version (retailing @ $59.97) is currently unavailable, but you'll receive a free copy once available.

...So this way I can sell the lower quality version without tricking anyone, since the advertising was done in HD.

LEAF CDH Work 8/29

-get Petedge invoice
-get EHBS invoice (Asiel Hernandez

B&A Labs
-ask for one without filters

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 50

9:30a - 6:30p

Ritual complete.


930-10 - laundry and cleaning
10- 12:30 - get all slides done, edit in if time.
12:30-1:30 - lunch
1:30-2:30 - Finish personal budget
2:30-3:30 - Finish editing video
3:30-4 - break
4 - 5 - Render and get video online
5 - 6 - Website work and plan of action for getting funnel ready to go SOON so I can start making money.
6-7 clean floors.

...basically ended up working on the design work the whole time.  Pictures were chosen / created, the logo was adjusted to work nicely with the slides, and the title slide has been designed.

The design work (in-particular the need for "full screen" quality) ended up being another challenge to overcome.  We are close to being able to complete the slides now.

Work on Slides

ALL Slides need to be redone and touched up.  ALL slides should have pictures.

-Text will be copy pasted. (see "VIDEO 1 SLIDES" google doc)
-Needs new pictures. (see slide / original photos)

Pictures should be selected based on content.  

7 words per line on average.
10 lines on average.
= 70 words per slide = about 4-5 lines of google doc at a time.

One picture per "idea".

LOGO - bottom right hand corner always

  • Need to make sure it transitions from title slide to info-slide perfectly.
  • Need to get color scheme to fit the slides.  Probably black on see-through.
All slides will need to be re-designed for FULL SCREEN so that when people make it full screen they will not get low quality.
...REALLY, REALLY should've done it that way originally.

  • Font Size Bigger
  • Background "slide" image may need to be redone...
  • Pictures need to be big enough to look good in full screen mode (unfortunately, this includes the pic I made for the title screen today, but using effects it shouldn't be hard to make it look better at a bigger size.  Might even be good as is.)
  • The logo has been fixed to be perfect large screen quality so I can have a "big" version of it for when they go full screen.  It has been designed to look nice on the slides.
So, what do you know?  Another obsticle -- I didn't originally design anything to look good maximized... and now I get to pay the price.

Holy hell... I've got a lot of work ahead of me.

I didn't do it all large originally because it was 2007 - 2012 and the file size was a bigger concern.

Now it's 2016 and HD is a bigger concern.

The other videos... it may be best to just say fuck it and go lower quality... they are buying it for the content, after all... however video 1 can have NO exceptions.  

And this way I'm laying out the design work for making everything big... a convert of everything honestly can be done relatively fast, since all the text is separate and most of the pictures have large size already.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Happiness and Degrees of Freedom

Happiness has many ingredients.  Here are some of the biggest:

Degrees of Freedom:
1. Time
2. Money
3. Women

TIME is tied to both money and women.

Do you need to trade your time for money?  Even if it's on autopilot, SOME time will always be required.  The goal is to make that trade as stacked as possible.

How much time does your woman/women require, and how much do you want to give her?  The goal is for the time you want to give her/them as close to her/their required amount as possible -- if they need too much, it's best to let them go... if they require far less than you want to give, you need more women or a different partner.

MONEY gives you the ability to do what you want.  "What you want" should be things that add to your happiness.  The goal should be to have the money to do the things that actually add to your happiness, and the balance is between money -> happiness and time -> money.

WOMEN are a huge contribution to happiness.  The goal should be to have at least one that you are incredibly close to that has your back no matter what... and the other goal should be to be with as many women as necessary to have all your needs met.  The goal is to have an open relationship and meet all of your needs.

Being honest with women about this will be rewarded with the freedom to have as many women as you need balanced with the time you are willing to invest into them.


Just as my 18 year point I realized my goal in life was automatic income (the gold standard of freedom with time and money), at 28 I want to pledge to master attraction and open relationships, so I have all the freedom to give whatever time I want to whichever women I want.

Don't get me wrong.  Some women require more of my time.  And if they mean enough to me, they will get it.  My goal is to find the balance that will make me the happiest instead of getting locked into the standard marriage model that 90-95% of men participate in... even though none of them are entirely happy with it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 46

4:30a - 5:30a -- some work done here.

I am logging on now @ 7pm to finish it.  And get my R.  I had to spend some time with Nick, since he's leaving (supposedly) after 3 years of working together.

Nevermind.  Sarah called me.  I love her so much.  This week will take the hit... I am just happy to have her.

Q3 2016 Day 39 - 45

Day 39 - "N"
Days 40 - 43 - "NA" (Cincinnati trip)
Day 44 - "Y" (Attraction & Insecurity)
Day 45 - "N"
Today will be Day 46.  Preplan:
-Finish personal budget -- this will count as "R" since it is part of implementing "A Time For Change Has Come" Roars movement in the ROARS vs. LEAF war.

If finishing early, review prior blog posts and WORK ON GOALS (and PATH to go with goals.)

I think I got away from planning path along with goals a long time ago because I had no discipline so it frustrated the shit out of me.

Now I have discipline.  The time for change has come.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Day 44

430 - 7 attraction and insecurity

The requirements of full blown ent


1. Size 5 AVG achieved over 90 days.
2. ROARS income at over $3k a month over 90 days (or having $50k+ in the bank)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

rewrite and tag this

-R & D Troll
reprog: you can learn AND grow Vs. learn OR grow... lol

-thick skin opportunity
reprogramming: it's not just "these feelings are small", it's also "cultivate a mentality of being able take some punches"  it doesn't matter how small the hits are if you can't take a hit.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Opportunities Vs. Trolls

Over-thinking "troll"... or is it an opportunity?

I am in a great STATE OF MIND today and it has a lot to do with just calling blind and having fun with it.

Playful, charming, entertaining, yet serious and authoritative as well.  Good balance.  Just following "Old Betsy".

So... here's the thing.

Over-thinking has been a huge problem forever.  In the problem lies great opportunity.

Do we call it a troll?

Are distractions really trolls?

Is being "too comfortable" really a troll?

I'd say these are "obstacles" in which lay the opportunities to become a size 5+ average worker.

So, maybe a rebrand here.  Maybe an obstacles and opportunities guide.  Maybe a rebrand on the whole thing, so it's the same concept converted into a more applicable, useful, positive, and empowering form.

This may be an idea who's time has come.

The Future of Goals - TRUE Path & Direction

One of the biggest areas I lack development in is goals.  This is REQUIRED.  It's entrepreneur 101 training that I overlooked, failed to understand, etc.

I have spent much more time and energy talking about the problems I have with goals.  That's not the point of this post.

The point of this post is the future of goals:

80% Integrity goal -- WHY.  What does this achieve?

Right now it's STATIC... once I achieve it, nothing happens.  I hit 80% forever and I'm more likely to succeed long term.  Okay... that's not very powerful.

It should have LEVELS and PURPOSE.  A true path and direction.

For instance:

My goal for Q3 is 80% integrity, at which point I will be ready for a 20 hours per week on ROARS goal to be ADDED ON in Q4.  Then I will be consistent AND putting in the time necessary to hit major success in 2017.

My goal for Q4 is 80% integrity PLUS 20 hours per week on ROARS... at which point I will be ready for a size 5 goal during ROARS hours.  Then I will be consistent, putting in the time needed, and working at the productivity level needed for success... and thereby heading towards my goals nearly as fast as possible.

That's a true path, and a true CHALLENGE.  It'll force me to rise to the occasion and drive and motivate me.

What other goals can I develop this way?

It's worth taking a couple of hours to think about and work on.  It's a required, huge piece of the puzzle missing, and trying to put the puzzle together without it will make for a very incomplete picture.

Thank you Mr. Schwarzenegger.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Frustration / Pain / Gut-Clenching / Reaction Trolls

It's not that X is intensely painful/hard/frustrating/gut-clencing/etc.  The reaction is what actually creates that.  Observe your reaction or get lost to complaining.

Is it better to focus on observing,  absorbing, gaining control, and the humor of the difference... or is it better to complain about how much it hurts / frustrates you / stresses you out?

Do you like creating escalating amounts of pain for yourself?...
Or do you prefer laughing and feeling deeply empowered?

Just wondering.  It's okay if you're into making yourself unhappy too, that's one way to live your life I guess.

Fatigue as the day wear on -- TROLL

It's not that I can't or that it's too hard -- it's just easier and default to think it is.  If it was really that hard after 5-8 hours, how was I able to achieve size 5 on zero hours of sleep?

It's not that this isn't true.  Of course it's true, we all gotta sleep eventually.

It's that it lies about what you are capable of.  It makes me think I don't have the same ability to hit a 5 late in the day as I do in the beginning of the day, when in truth, given decent sleep and good health, I have nearly the same ability at both times, sometimes even better late in the day.

30 hours in is a different story... however, even then I've proven I'm capable of performing quite well and pulling off 4.5 - 5 without too much trouble.  If my life depended on it, I could pull a 5.5 after being awake for 30 hours.

So there's always more to pull from deep down.  Think the marine under fire analogy.  And the idea that I can't after 5-6 hours of work, or even 8-10, is just not true -- the reality is, my limiting belief is preventing me from thinking smarter, going after the 99%, bursting through my walls, and riding that wave.

Q3 PTC Day 38

6:15p - 7:15p

Such a challenge... and yet, continue I must.

To logo work!

The people have spoken and the triangle of zzz's is the way.  I shall make it so!

True Final Draft of Logo Complete:


Monday, August 15, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 37

5:30p - 7:30p

The logo is entering it's final stages...

Still working on smoothing out the eyes.

And as seen, the slide development has begun.  :)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 36

9:30a - 7:30p

Starting today with a bit of a mental block.  I suspect that, because I am not used to working a set schedule on Sundays, it is not wired to engage hard or quickly on Sunday like it is M-F.

Honestly, shouldn't I KNOW that my mind isn't wired to kill it on Sundays?  There's got to be a dozen ways it's not wired for that after 3 years of LEAF and many more years of not killing it on Sundays.  Hell, I've NEVER wired the current Power Thinking Challenge training, lessons, and progression into my Sundays.

So this need to change, fast.  I will engage.  It will start with a mindfulness challenge: I must focus on breathing until it is all encompassing, so that I experience several breaths, start to finish to start to finish, without ANY distractions.

Then I will challenge myself to see several thoughts in a row and know what they're saying before they even form words.

So, probably 20-30 min meditation up next.


940-10 - meditation

10-12:30 - video images, slides

12:30-1:30 - Lunch

1:30 - 3:30 - video slides & editing

3:30 - 5:30 - get all videos edited, rendered, and put online.


& Learned how to use  Image composer now shall lay to rest forever... is THE SHIT!!!

None of the schedule stuff above completed :(.  Had to get this logo task out of the way first

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 33

6:15p - 7:15p


Now we are ready for sunday, which will be mainly about getting the visuals done and wrapping up this damn video.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

REPROGRAMMING MENTALITY: Incredible Instant Results

This title is confusing.  It's essentially referring to size 6+ paradigm of reprogramming every thought into the most objective and useful thought in the moment as they happen.
EX: When I first discovered that I could go 95% positive (back in '09-'11, whenever that was)
SEE: (the birth of active NLP)

This morning I fully got back into the mentality of REPROGRAMMING EVERYTHING and to look at any and all feelings of RESISTANCE as a good feeling, not a bad one, that is literally the to opportunity to 1 up...

...and that the reason to be a 5 is because all these feelings can be looked at as good or bad, so why suffer all day by automatically and unconsciously choosing the bad feelings by default all day when you can simply get mindful and discipline yourself to choose the good feelings...

...and the reprogrammings themselves, like 'this isn't hard, this is just TRICKY'...

It's like an EASY size 6.  No problem sounding amazing on the phone.  Multitasking non stop.  Pushing the margins down as slim as they can get and doing so easily.

That's 2 hours now at size 6, conservatively estimated.  That's a huge jump from the size 4 I've had going on recently, and it's not because of more effort, it's because of a simple change in my understanding of things.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"I Can't Do It" Troll

Think Ron Burgandy asking Brick if he actually loves the lamp...

Reprogram: Can you actually not do it or are you just saying that? 


But in all seriousness, when is the last time you ACTUALLY couldn't do something you were saying "I CANT DO IT" to?  Oh that's right... fucking never.  So that means that you saying you "can't do it" is literally the same as saying "I GIVE UP".

Wouldn't it be better to stop reacting, and proact for a second and 99% that shit?

"This (LARGE SIZE CONCEPT HERE) is Hard Stuff" Troll

Mental Mastery...  Reprogramming Every Time...  Intensity Game...
"These are hard" TROLL.

Reprogram: They are tricky, not hard.

Long version of reprogram: Stop being a caveman and apply some intelligence -- the actual tasks themselves are EASY.

"This are advanced, sophisticated, complex, dynamic animals.  But that doesn't make them hard.  That makes them tricky.

You didn't learn how to snowboard the way you can now in one day, or even a dozen.  But the snowboarding itself is NOT hard!  You just need to know where to put the weight and how many degrees to lean back and how many to which side.  Once you know that, it's actually the easiest thing ever... you simply bend you knees and lean back!!

Saying this is hard is just a cop out -- wouldn't it be more helpful to try to figure it out intelligently than bark at it like an idiot?

Maybe come off it, go clear for a sec, and start with something you know is easy, get serious, and then do a small 1up from there... or whatever it is.  Serious.  Don't just say 'this is hard' and go all caveman on it"

Troll "Not enough time left"

Troll: "There's only 10 minutes left... why work on editing now?  No point really."

Reprogram: "Exactly, there's only 10 minutes left.  So what are you complaining about?  10 minutes is too much??? This makes no sense.  I have a code to follow and 10 minutes is all it takes to complete that code!!"



Doesn't reprogramming and finding opportunities like this... that compared to the troll are HILARIOUS... just make you extremely happy?

Q3 PTC Day 31

6p - 7:15p

Today was a self-help / conceptual day.  Needed an hour to figure out why I was unhappy... and I figured out what was going so terribly wrong with my size and motivation at LEAF... somehow, I lost my grasp on the concept of reprogramming which I am RELIANT on for getting to size 5.

This is why it's important to actually review the large packet once a week.  Maybe time to make a fresh copy to bring home for Sunday reviews.  But maybe not... these are tricky concepts, and *actually reprogramming* trolls is very new to me, it was lost years ago and just recently discovered in the last 2-3 months... so not weird that I'd lose it.

And "Mental Mastery" is BRAND new, so if you don't think you're losing it, think again... you probably are.

Why Am I Here?

Happiness.  Derived from my sentient being maintaining majority and default control over my human being.

Because happiness comes from engagement in the things that create it.  Like killing it, loving what you do, winning, mastering the art, creating, etc.

It's no different from the joy you get when you "dial in" on a video game or when you "dial in" to rapid multitasking and jamming through a ton of super high quality calls and feel like you can handle anything badass style.

These are the kinds of feelings that make happiness.  Engagement, "enjoy".  And those come CONSISTENTLY when I follow my code of discipline, my predetermined choices.

What is Failing, why is the "wheel" stopping?

Once again, trolls have gone "off the radar" and even when caught, ARE NOT BEING REPROGRAMMED!!

You have to be very passionate about reprogramming.  You have to really, REALLY want it.  That's what drives you to push your limits until it's painful -- so you can create the pain that makes the trolls that  you can then re-program.

But if you're not even willing to re-program the basics, like nicotine, fear of calling, etc... or even call them trolls... then the wheel will stop, your size will shrink, and you will be unhappy.

You need to be writing down trolls, blog posting about them, expressing excitment and engagement in the reprograms / opportunities that replace them, and pursuing the deep neural pathway building of those new programmings.  Seriously.  If you're not 100% COMMITTED to writing them down and studying them, DO NOT ANSWER "YES" when asked in the morning, "can you actually reprogram the vast majority of trolls?", because that's what it takes to do it.

Mindfulness isn't particularly weak right now.  It's just being fueled by weakness.  Being mindful and a victim at the same time isn't going to get you anywhere.  You need to program much harder.  That's why you're stalling.

Remember the time you discovered reprogramming trolls?

Back in '09 or 2010 or whenever... when you FIRST saw the power of catching a troll and figuring out how to think of the SAME EXACT THING in a different way... and you put it to the test... that's when you first became positive 90% of the time, all your thoughts started being positive naturally, and you hit "size 6" for the first time while making video slides for Mastery.

It all happened very fast.  I realized every time I thought that my thought was either helping me or hurting me, and any thought that could be "non-helpful" was quickly turned on it's head and replaced with a "helpful" spin on the same theme.  And doing this every time wasn't just EASY, it was incredibly REWARDING.

Eventually, I lost it.  The effort illusion always creeps back in.  At the time, I took "vacations" that were the death of me.  I don't know what happened, but I do know this.


And this is an idea that will be reborn permanently.  It's not going away like art and science of the roman ages to the dark ages.  It's going to boom into a whole new world, like the renaissance of the 1600s and 1700s.  This is the core fundamental root of how NLP is one of the big 3.  Active NLP.  NLP that says, get serious, get to pain, love the pain, find the troll, and reprogram the thought.

Active NLP.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 30

6p - 7:30p

Dad's idea review then onto editing part 2.

Dad's email:

There is a paradox about all this that is really difficult to overcome.  That is they already have read many claims that say " I have the one and only final solution that they are looking for."  Reminding them of the fact only makes it more unlikely that they will be willing to try your cure.

Other wise good quality personable and genuine. 

My Reply -- "Handle this rebuttal right away":

In the long version i say things like about "a solution taylored to your personal problems" that i believe we put in to address this.\

Thinking I need to say early on "This isn't some balony 1 size fits all solution like other things you've probably seen before, but it is an idea you need to know about if you're serious about fixing your insomnia." or something like that.

Need to handle that rebuttal right away.  At the same time, I have to thing AIDA (Attention -> Interest -> Decision/Desire -> Action) -- I have to catch their attention

So it would start:

"Hi, my name is James Cahoon and I run the website, and unlike other things you've seen this website isn't about some phony magic solution that'll fix everything for you.  That being said, if you're serious about fixing your insomnia, you need to know some fundamental causes of it, and I would like share a new breakthrough idea with you that you’ve never heard about before."


For now, I need to sleep on it.

I definitely want to handle this right away, but you can't argue with hard #'s.  The #'s, the "people" if you will,  have spoken.  Here is the path PROVEN successful through years of data:

“At Last! You Can Fall Asleep When Needed — Even If You’ve Already Tried The Doctor, Pills, & Other Useless Remedies!”
I’ll show you step-by-step how to stop your insomnia - no matter how hard you’ve tried before.

So, my 2% sales conversion ratio comes from telling people exactly that -- "I have the one solution" -- and dad wouldn't buy it, but hey, dad is a lot smarter, a lot more cautious, and also isn't suffering from dehabilitating insomnia to the point where he's practically forced to listen to crazies like me express their amazing "secret" solutions.

I've got to test with this first... and keep in mind:

1. This is why, within a couple of minutes, I actually SHARE what the solution is all about -- that's where I go from "showoff liar" to "this might be for real"

2. I address it in the long version of the video.

In conclusion...

-DO follow dad's advice and try to address this rebuttal in the first 10 seconds.
-DON'T scrap the "secret magic" formula that's proven successful.  This stuff WORKS, and it's PROVEN.  What I need is TRAFFIC, not a new entirely different marketing strategy.


"Hi, my name is James Cahoon and I run the website, and unlike other things you've seen this isn't some phony magic solution that'll fix everything for you.  That being said, isn't it time you got some information that gets down to the fundamentals about how insomnia ACTUALLY works?"

The rest of the video is good... but this first line... well... it is PARAMOUNT... and an easy fix at this point.  So I've shared the above with dad and I will give this 24 hours for some feedback.  In the mean time, I have a lot of work to do.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 29

9:30a - 7:15p

clock is actually at 9:34am lol... seconds short of the bell.  Gotta love discipline systems!!

Planning out the day:


-hang up laundry. pu dry cleaning, eat lunch

-Make all video slides, edit in, and render video

-Break & Water

6p - 7p
-Get video on website and make sure it plays

Part 1 of video is on website as a placeholder and uploaded to youtube so i can share it to get feedback, and i figured out how to embed in html 5:



Part 1 audio fully edited.

Sample rendered online.

Sample on website and figured out how to embed and s3 copy on website with html / flash without the need for using someone else's player or uploading to youtube / vimeo / etc.

Also -- found out a way to potentially get a placeholder in the header tag so I don't need to copy and paste a bunch of code every time I edit the main page.

Basic V of Embedding Video (working now):

<video width="100%" height="100%" controls="controls" style="visibility: visible;">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">

HTML 5 with Flash fallback:

<video width="640" height="360" controls autoplay>
<source src="__VIDEO__.MP4"  type="video/mp4" />
<source src="__VIDEO__.OGV"  type="video/ogg" />
<object width="640" height="360" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="__FLASH__.SWF">
<param name="movie" value="__FLASH__.SWF" />
<param name="flashvars" value="autostart=true&amp;controlbar=over&amp;image=__POSTER__.JPG&amp;file=__VIDEO__.MP4" />
<img src="__VIDEO__.JPG" width="640" height="360" alt="__TITLE__"
    title="No video playback capabilities, please download the video below" />
<p> <strong>Download Video:</strong>
Closed Format: <a href="__VIDEO__.MP4">"MP4"</a>
Open Format: <a href="__VIDEO__.OGV">"Ogg"</a>

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 26

6:05p - 7:05p

Back to video editing

All "Intro Video" Editing Notes

How to Edit -- Notes -- 

Note 1:


Note 2:

Recordings are often going to have some sentences that are said more than once -- so there's double, triple, etc takes in the same recording.  In those cases, IT WILL BE SIMPLEST TO ONLY NOTE THE BEST TAKE.  Otherwise it can get very confusing in the table.

Also, the reason for most of these multi-takes is that I felt like the inital one felt shitty to begin with.  So usually note worth noting anyways.

If you want to keep it, multiple versions of the same thing will have a "**" note.

TRACK 1 (a041) - First Half

Timestamp Text of Segment Evalutation
0:30 - 0:48 start - never heard about before SOLID
0:49 - 1:14 ... - difficult days... solid, but down tempo
1:14 - 1:19  ...look, ur wasting time rsch ins right now... GOOD, just maybe a little harsh
1:42 - 1:58 ...all those pills - lifetime of refreshing sleep... fairly good
2:02 - 2:21 ...I had - what was epiphany?... maybe a little too pitchy, not bad
2:21 - 2:46..ephif.. - you never known why this happensweak
2:46 - 3:07 ... - x1000 more difficult good
3:07 -  3:30 ... - don't want you to know bad
3:49 - 4:03 youtube handoff very good!
5:27 - 5:37 aweber handoff decent

TRACK 2 (a042) - First Half

Timestamp Text of Segment Evalutation
0:00 - 0:22  You're about - never heard before Good, "professional" style
0:22 - 0:30 ... - tips that never work at all? (Q1) Good
0:57 -  1:03 Q2 Good
1:07 - 1:17 Q3 WEAK Ending, but good otherwise
... - 1:21 Looking ur wasting ur time SOLID
1:26 - 1:33 All those pills - WHY they are failing. Good
1:33 - 1:43 sure, many - lifetime of refreshing sleep BAD
1:43 - 1:54 I had a severe case - cure it myself meh, not as good
1:54 - 2:03 Ephifany... - cured within weeks SOLID
2:03 - 2:23 so what ephif? - feel more awake BAD
2:26 - 2:49 You've noticed - wired to prevent sleep Very Good
2:49 - 3:09 To cure ur ins - more difficult to get Good
3:12 - 3:21 if you want to cure - pill co's no want Okay
3:25 - 3:38 Youtube handoff Good
3:54 - 4:05 aweber handoff 1 SEE THEORY* -- Best one I'd say
4:05 - 4:15 aweber handoff 2 Good but not great via theory

*Theory on handoff:
-Putting myself in the place of a lead that is facinated with my content: A strong, stern, unemotional, assumptive handoff seems to be the best way to go here.  Because my customers are going to be the ones thinking "I should learn more".  Sounding happy with the handoff makes them think - it lets them off the hook instead of pushing them at a critical moment.

TRACK 3 (a044) - First Half

Timestamp Text of Segment Evalutation
00 - 0:18  00 - never heard about before SOLID AF
0:21 - 0:45 Let me just ask you - ALL 3 Q's SOLID - needed excitement @ start
1:16 - 1:25 Q3 take 2**  better start, worse finish
1:25 - 1:47 Look, wasting time - lifetime sleep Bad
1:50 - 1:59 Sure, many giev temp relieft - lifetime sleep* Good
2:09 - 2:23 i had severe ins - breakthrough ephif Good
2:23 - 2:38 i had severe ins - cured within weeks** SOLID
2:40 - 3:02 so what ephif? - u've never known WHY this SOLID
3:15 - 3:25 it cuz - ONLY happens when SLOWS down Fairly good
3:29 - 3:47 it cuz - wired to prevent deep sleep meh
3:57 - 4:16 to cure - 1000x more difficult Good
4:18 - 4:23 if you want - you need REAL ans. (ends) SOLID
4:32 - 4:34 "if you want to cure your insomnia"** (CUT) SHITTY, but the next part is solid!
4:34 - 4:54 you need REAL ans - YOUTUBE HANDOFF SOLID
5:00 - 5:10 aweber handoff 1 Good
5:11 - 5:22 aweber handoff 2** Good

TRACK 4 (a045) - (Only has first half)

Timestamp Text of Segment Evalutation
00 - 0:06 00 - why sleep is SO difficult SOLID AF, Non-pitchy Excitement 
0:06 - 0:17 hi im james - never heard about before sub-par
0:19 - 0:32 Q1 - Q2 SOLID AF, pro status
0:53 - 1:03 Q3 SOLID beginning, no Q @ end
1:04 - 1:16 Look - why they are failing Good -- has a less aggressive "wasting time" that may be the way to go...
1:17 - 1:25 Sure, many giev temp relieft - lifetime sleep* Good
1:25 - 1:41 i had ins - weeks of discovery Bad, sounds fake
1:42 - 2:22 so what ephif? - wired to prevent sleep SOLID AF
2:33 - 3:01 to cure ur ins - sleeping pill co's dont want SOLID
3:01 - 3:18 Youtube handoff SOLID
3:42 - 3:57 Youtube handoff 2 ** Start = SOLID AF, End not as good
4:00 - 4:15 Youtube handoff 3** SOLID AF
4:36 - 4:44 aweber handoff Good
4:45 - 4:54 aweber handoff 2 ** SOLID

TRACK 5 (a046) - (Only has first half)

Timestamp Text of Segment Evalutation
00 - 0:06 00 - why sleep so difficult DIFFERENT, but doubtful... bleh
0:06 - 0:17 hi im james - never heard about before SOLID AF
0:17 - 0:23 Q1 SOLID AF
0:25 - 0:41 Q2 - Q3 Meh, too salesy
0:47 - 1:04 look, wasting time - lifetime sleep SOLID - and less aggro style
1:05 - 1:20 i had ins - weeks of discovering PRO, but too salesy
1:26 - 2:01 so what ephif? - wired to prevent deep sleep SOLID
2:01 - 2:06 to cure need - and HOW to change it SOLID AF
2:06 - 2:20 the kicker is - 1000x Good
2:22 - 2:31 if you want - pill co's no want Good
2:31 - 2:40 if you want - pill co's no want** Fairly Solid
2:44 - 2:59 Youtube Handoff SOLID
3:03 - 3:10 aweber Handoff Good

TRACK 6 (a047) - (Only has first half)

Timestamp Text of Segment Evalutation
00 - 1:1300 - dr clueless so i cure myself ALL TOO SALESY
1:13 - 1;22 it took yrs of research - cured within weeks SOLID AF
1:22 - 1:40 so what ephif? - feel more awake Fairly good, too down tempo
1:43 - 1:52 "but the very act..." - you've noticed b4 SOLID
1:52 - 2:14 its cuz, goto bed - mind's wired - HOW to chg SOLID
2:35 - 2:50 Youtube handoff Very SOLID
2:50 - 2:58 aweber handoff SOLID
3:00 - 3:03 Thanks, and I'll see you in a minute. Good, too rushed though
3:05 - 3:07 Thank you.  And I'll see you in a minute.** Better, not great
3:09 - 3:11 Thanks, and I'll see you in a minute.** SOLID, a little too quiet

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 25

6p - 7p

Gotta start w/ a meditation.

Should have done it earlier, but it's better to cut into work with it than not do it at all.  Mental Mastery must continue to progress.

Now, to Editing the Recordings (it is 6:10).

From last time:

First edits away!

I have everything organized and cut according to the time stamps I wrote down.

Now I just have to listen to them all.

Just think baby steps. 

Listen to 1 at a time and keep notes on your thoughts, so you know which parts are good and which parts need a replacement for each recording.

Then simply look at your notes and pair up the holes in one recording with the "good" comments from the other recordings.

How to Edit -- Notes -- 

Note 1:


Note 2:

Recordings are often going to have some sentences that are said more than once -- so there's double, triple, etc takes in the same recording.  In those cases, IT WILL BE SIMPLEST TO ONLY NOTE THE BEST TAKE.  Otherwise it can get very confusing in the table.

Also, the reason for most of these multi-takes is that I felt like the inital one felt shitty to begin with.  So usually note worth noting anyways.

If you want to keep it, multiple versions of the same thing will have a "**" note.

...And here we go...

Recording 1 - a041.2.full:
1:30:00 = 0

Timestamp Text of Segment Evalutation
0:30 - 0:48 start - never heard about before SOLID
0:49 - 1:14 ... - difficult days... solid, but down tempo
1:14 - 1:19  ...look, ur wasting time rsch ins right now... GOOD, just maybe a little harsh
1:42 - 1:58 ...all those pills - lifetime of refreshing sleep

Copypasta this table to tomorrow's post (remove this part, obviously.)

** This indictes multiple take / overlap of content

Wrap Up

Today was about creating an elegant system for organized efficient and effective editing.

VERY happy with this system, I can use this from now on!!

So in the future, when making videos:

1. Record several takes in 1 session so audio is consistent in edits.
2. Upload all to separate tracks and sinc up the tracks
3. Using a table of notes and with cuts on the editor, figure out what's good, what's bad, and what's ugly.
4.  THEN begin editing by dragging the good parts together on a separate track (NEVER UNSINC ORIGINAL TRACKS!!!)


Now for the morning ritual review and calling Sarah.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Q3 PTC Day 23

6:15p - 7:15p

Exhaustion. 0 hours of sleep last night.

The Sunday schedule was good but adderall was taken around 9am, and it kept me up all fucking night.  The combo of sleeping in Sat-Sun and booming energy on Sunday made sleep not even come close.

The whole thing should probably be scaled back 2 hours.  But since I want 8 hours of sleep and don't want my bedtime on saturday night to be sooner than midnight, I am going to set it to 1.5 hours scale back for now and see how that goes.

5 Sleep cycles = 7.5 hours.  I know 7.5 hours is enough to refuel me completely unless I am very sleep deprived -- and if that's the case, I should have caught up friday to saturday.  Therefore, sat. bedtime is midnight, and wake-up is 7:30am, adderall right away, so by 9:30pm I've had 14 hours to wear it down.  Worst case, by 11:30pm it'll be 16 hours.

Add to that giving back the option to have adderall friday so i dont lose 100% immunity and hyperdrive sunday, making sleep impossible.  Having Adderall Friday keeps some immunity but lowers it a bit, making the effect stronger but not sleep depriving.

Add to that going easy on the caffeine... I think the insomnia might have been a result of 2 days of no adderall, followed by fresh adderall batch + coffee + 5 hour energy in the late afternoon.  That'll do it.

So scaling back the adderall... and watching caffeine after 2-3pm (same as LEAF)... I think that'll do it.

First edits away!

I have everything organized and cut according to the time stamps I wrote down.

Now I just have to listen to them all.

Just think baby steps.

Listen to 1 at a time and keep notes on your thoughts, so you know which parts are good and which parts need a replacement for each recording.

Then simply look at your notes and pair up the holes in one recording with the "good" comments from the other recordings.