Monday, December 4, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 63

11a - ...

11:30 - 12:30: Int.Setup (11.5)
12:30 - 01:30: Su.Lunch (8/10) ; med 10
01:30 - 02:30: Account (1/2)
02:30 - 03:30: Account (2/2)
03:30 - 04:00: Break ; med 5
04:00 - 05:00: EdOtto (1/1)
05:00 - 06:00: Obj.2.1c (1/11)

Real Consequences Re-Eval for 2018

Page has been updated.

Hence, another hour into "initial setup".

Monday, November 27, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 56


06:00 - 07:00: Obj.2.1b (5/5)

Audio recording FINISHED (hopefully!)

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 55

12p - 2p

12:00 - 01:00: Obj.2.1b (3 / 5)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj.2.1b (4 / 5)

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 54

11:30a - 3:30p

11:30 - 12:30: Obj.2.1a (20.5 / 5)
12:30 - 01:30: Obj.Su.Lunch (7 / 14)
01:30 - 02:30: Obj.2.1b (1 / 5)
02:30 - 03:30: Obj.2.1b (2 / 5)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 42

5:00p - 7:15p

5-515 - meditation
515-530 - setup

05:30 - 06:00: Obj.Int.Setup (10.5/6)
06:00 - 07:00: Obj.2.1a (18.5/5)

SETUP EXTENDED -- To forever settle what "IT" is that you must "GET"

From now on, thou shalt live by the following realization.

If thou deviates, thou shalt review the following:

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 41

08:30 - 09:30: Obj.Int.Setup (10/6)
09:30 - 10:30: Obj 2.1a (15/5)
10:30 - 11:30: Obj 2.1a (16/5)
11:30 - 12:30: Su.Lunch (6/14)
12:30 - 01:30: Helping mom
01:30 - 02:30: Obj 2.1a (17/5)
02:30 - 03:30: Obj 2.1a (18/5)
03:30 - 04:00: 30 min break & snack - no obj.  Go 25/5 to end with 5 min meditation.

Initial Setup - Crossing A New Divide

So today marks the end of the second batch of initial setup, setting me 4 hours over goal.

Why did I do this?

Because I haven't been "getting it"... and I realize that I will be MUCH more successful if I do "get it".

What is "it"?

In essence, the same definition as landmark - the difference between the "real me" and "my mind", and how to free myself from the constraints my mind is constantly placing on me.

This is not some hokey "universe" shit - this is basic logical shit.  For instance:

When you feel "tired" or like you "don't wanna work", how does that feeling constrain you, or limit you?

What if you ACTUALLY wanted that feeling, because to you, THAT feeling WAS the opportunity to create a little bit of happiness and growth?

What if that feeling made you ACTUALLY feel excited that you can now embracing the feeling and push through it?

YES... I KNOW all this... but the problem is I HAVE NOT BEEN *GETTING IT*.

Getting it means I see what life is like when I feel resistence, stop, embrace it, enjoy it, get excited, and then push harder than I knew I was capable of.

It means pushing through resistance on top of resistance on top of resistance and breaking through the ceiling after the ceiling I just broke through.

It is 10% mindfulness, constantly snapping into awareness, constantly catching "it" in action, constantly reprogramming, and constantly pushing myself.

That is how happiness is made.  That is the paradigm.  And that's what I want to "get" again.  And there's nothing I can write here that will make me get it.  It's just something I have to walk myself through and see for myself.

And now... now I get it for the moment... so now I have to IMPLEMENT IT.

Implementation is everything.  Otherwise, I'll lose it again.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 35

5p - 7p

Health insurance selection in wake of Cigna advent.

Selection: Kaiser Permanente

Will get it once I get my credit card back tmw.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 34

8:30a - 3:30pm

08:30 - 09:30: Obj.Int.Setup (6/6)
09:30 - 10:30: Obj.Int.Setup (7/6)
10:30 - 11:00: Thanksgiving order.
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (5/14)
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.Int.Setup (8/6)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj.Int.Setup (9/6)

Today was about planning out the new workout morning ritual and cementing in my mind the importance of mindfulness, NLP, and primarily, embracing and enjoying pain, uncomfortable, difficulty, and the joy of pushing through it.  It's a mindfulness practice of seeing all uncomfort as interesting, and when you are doing your worse, you have the largest opportunities of growth.

Getting Jaimie back is about raising the small sizes more than increasing the big ones.  It's about being mindful when you're falling apart.  It's about embracing pain and suffering.

Today was about getting me back on board.

I have precooked, delicious, healthy meals... clean clothes... and a backpack for my workout.  It's time to hit this week hard and get it back.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 29

6:30p - 7:30p

06:30 - 07:30: Obj.Init.Setup (6/7)

Reviewed packet further.

Happiness is for you to go out and MAKE HAPPEN.

Happiness is not going to come on it's own.  It'll wait and hold back FOREVER.

So if I want it, I gotta go get it.  I need to fight for it again. 

And through persistent determination, I can make it happen.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 15

06:00 - 07:30: Obj.2.1a (11.5/10)

Script rough draft finally complete!!

Wed & Thurs, edit into a final draft, so you can be good to go for Sunday... fuck... right... funeral... well... for next week.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 6

12:00 - 01:00: Obj.Int.Setup (3/4)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (4/14)
02:00 - 03:00: Obj.Int.Setup (4/4)
03:00 - 03:30: Break (reading packet)
04:30 - 05:30: Obj.2.1a (4/5)
05:30 - 06:30: Obj.2.1a (5/5)

I will not waste the freedom Sarah has given to me

My closest friend has died.

She may have not been my "best" friend, but she was my closest.

Sarah Abbottsmith will live on in my heart forever.  It's been a crushing loss that has taken days to come to terms with.

Obviously, this blew a hole in RRW, however RRW still works out, and the hours goal regains unchanged as long as I am willing to step up to the challenge.

I worked enough to get 20 hours in, set up a new challenge, a new improved sound studio and office, new video quality rendering was figured out, and most importantly, I finally finished the first video.

Now I'm on path to finish the second video, wrap up the website, polish the product, and start making money.

Sarah did this because she wanted it for both herself and me.  The last thing I told her before she hung up on me was that I didn't want our relationship to be one of those unhealthy ones where she never learns to support herself and I dedicate my life to supporting her, and that essentially she needed to make the decision to support herself and her own happiness.

I meant that she needed to stay in school so she won't drop into a depression in which I am her only beacon of light, and that if she did make herself depressed by dropping out, it would be wrong of me to support that, because I'd be making it okay for her to severely cripple herself.

She dropped out anyways, and then I know what happened, based on what she's told me in the past I have an insight into her exact thoughts.  They were along these lines: "I am costing my mom money that I can't pay back, I am using Abe, and I can't reach out to Jaimie because I will be ruining his life by making him waste all his time and energy on me and he really doesn't deserve that.  I am a negative force and I just want what's best for everyone, which is a world without me in it."

I have long texts to Abe about her illness and her lack of hope and how nothingness is better than an existence of suffering and how I agree with her choice since there was no hope for her.  She wanted to die for most of her adult life.  She was depressed for most of her life.  She was in and out of hospitals and it was a miserable existence.  For her, suicide was a good thing, it was what she wanted and better than what she had.  So my goal moving forward is to represent her, to stand up for what she believed, to let everyone know she made the right choice and there's at least one person out there who understood that, understood her, and represented her choices and who she was even after she was gone.  Of all those who care the most for her, I may be the only one who really gets her.  And that makes me happy.

So to represent her on RotE, it's fitting that I finally tell her "you're right, and I will back you on this" when it comes to the "Jaimie is wasting his time and energy on me" part.  To Sarah: "Thank you.  You know I wish you hadn't done it, you know how much I love you... but thank you for freeing me from you.  I think you over-estimated your negative impact on me, and that is my fault for not being more clear, but you had good intentions and I'm glad I could help to free you from your suffering.  Since you have left us, I will honor you by continuing my work and I will dedicate it to you.  You made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us, even if it was for your own selfish reasons, I can recognize this as a best case scenario for you and me, and I will use that.  The worst thing I can do is let your choice go to waste by mourning you for any longer than I have to and forgetting you.  Instead I will move forward, full steam ahead, in your honor and I will dedicate the cure for insomnia series to you."

After the cover and title page, there will be a dedication, book style:

"Dedicated to Sarah, the love of my life who died young, and all who suffer from mental illness like she did.  

Please don't watch this course passively - commit to trying everything, to improving your sleep, and to improving your health... because I want to help you as much as possible, and I need your commitment to do it."

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 3

08:30 - 09:30: Obj.1.2e (1/1)
09:30 - 11:00: LEAF Catchup
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (3/15)
12:00 - 01:30: Helping mom and extended lunch.
01:30 - 02:30: Obj.2.1a (1/4)
02:30 - 03:30: Obj.2.1a (2/4)
03:30 - 04:30: Obj.2.1a (3/4)

@ 04:47 I received the news that Sarah had died and RRW came to an immediate end.

Video 1 is done... Now what?

So the objectives and goals indicate that the next steps are to flesh out the rest of the 1st stage of the website, then move on to video 2.

There's probably good reasons for this.  It means moving forward linearly with the full experience.  However, I think it might be better to move on directly to video 2.

The second video and the content leads the way for how everything will progress.  Website is really just the layer that facilitates the transition from video to video.  The videos are the core.

I can outline this pretty easily.

Video 1 -> opt in -> video 2 ("part 2" of video 1)

Video 2 sells video 3 ("How Insomnia Actually Works") ideally by teaching the essential ideas without explaining any implementation. -> Sales video for video 3 + CIS.

The question in the v2->v3 stage is in the how to.  Is there a sales letter right below the video?  Quick buy button?  Learn more link?  

Ideally, they should seemlessly get to buy right at the end of v2, without clicking any links to continue.

This is where the web experience comes in, IMO.  Once I have v2 done, I'll be able to put it all into a coherent Web presentation, and from there I can get a sense of the easiest way to transition.  Probably some kind of black top to frame the video, with a second section below it leading off with "how insomnia actually works", some value diagrams that transition into a stronger sale.

And that's where I need to establish everything to get a good sense of what I'm doing.

So moving forward, I'll complete video 2, and from there I'll go on to all the web objectives before moving on to videos 3, 4, and 5 (which should all be knocked out at once.)

I don't imagine that I will re-make mastery at this time.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Q4 CDC Day 2

08:30 - 09:30: Obj.1.2d4 (6/10)
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.1.2d4 (7/10)
11:30 - 12:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (2/15)
12:30 - 01:30: Obj.1.2d4 (8/10)
01:30 - 02:30: Obj.1.2d4 (9/10)
02:30 - 03:00: Break
03:00 - 04:00: Obj.1.2d4 (10/10)
04:00 - 05:00: Obj.1.2d4 (11/10)

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Q4 CDC Begins - Day 1

08:30 - 09:30: Obj.Int.Setup (1/2)
09:30 - 10:30: Obj.Int.Setup (2/2)
10:30 - 11:30: Obj.Su.Lunch (1/15)
11:30 - 12:30: Obj.1.2d4 (1/10)
12:30 - 01:30: Obj.1.2d4 (2/10)
01:30 - 02:00: Break
02:00 - 03:00: Obj.1.2d4 (3/10)
03:00 - 04:00: Obj.1.2d4 (4/10)
04:00 - 05:00: Break
05:00 - 06:00: Obj.1.2d4 (5/10)

Primary Objective of Q4 2017

The objective is clear: Launch the website.

There is about 130-150 hours remaining - with  RRW, I can hit that goal with an average of only 9 hours per week.  I will need to average 9, but it can be done.

The "REAL CONSEQUENCES" factors in like so...

I figure this move and taking care of my stroke victim family has cost me about 2 months in ROARS time, essentially 1 whole challenge, factoring in for the prolonged production of video 1.  That means I'm 1-2 quarters behind.

Real consequences would typically say "you'd never get there", but it was afraid of my aging parents, and the possibility I would need to take care of them.  However, this fear is gone for 2 reasons:

1. I've already gone through that this year, and seen that this will not take up too much of my time now that we're all moved in.  My dad takes care of my mom, and that frees most of my time.

2. My income has sky rocketed and I can afford to take care of them.  They are safe under my wing thanks to excelling at LEAF.

So, with that main fear alleviated, I figure I have another 6 months - 1 year into the timeline.

Here's the modified version:

Goals for 2017:
230 hours total, launch website
Q1: 24.5
Q2: 53
Q3: 25 (due to move / parents care)
Q4: 130 (with RRW)
Launch by end of year.
First $1 made in Q1-Q2 2018

Goals for 2018:
500 hours total, surpass $500 per month
Q1: 70 hours (ski season... figuring 4 weeks off of 11, avg 10/wk), make first $1
Q2: 120 hours, make second sale
Q3: 135 hours, get to $300-600 revenue ($100-500 per month)
Q4 get to $500 - $1000 revenue, with one month being over $500

Goals for 2019:
800 hours total.
Q1 get to $1,500+ revenue
Q2 get to $2,500+ revenue
Q3 get to $4,000+ revenue
Q4 get to $6,000+ revenue

2019 thereby will be putting me on track to end up financially free by the end of 2020.

Note that for this to work, I am planning 4 total ski trips in Q1.  I understand any ski trip (other than maybe a quick Saturday bear trip) makes it too difficult to achieve my goals during the week, which is why I am planning it as a 7 weeks-of-work quarter.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Using your wakeup alarm to fall asleep

You know how the easiest time to fall asleep is in the morning right after you hit snooze on your alarm?

What if you could create that feeling when you actually needed it the most?

This concept goes along the lines of "trying to stay awake" to fall asleep... but taking it to an entirely more insane level.

If you don't fall asleep within 30 min, trying to stay in bed so it will happen is setting yourself up for failure anyways, so don't let that happen.  What kind of sleep would you get anyways?  Even if it does happen, it'll be light, fragmented sleep, and you'll be awake 2 hrs later and even more miserable.

Instead, put into practice a meditation or other tactic that you need to practice, and instead of trying to fall asleep... or even trying to stay awake, but really, subconsciously, STILL trying to fall asleep whether you realize that's what you're really wanting or not... go to the next level and set an actual alarm to go off at the end of your practice.

If trying to stay awake really puts you to sleep, then setting an alarm is the ultimate way to set yourself straight that staying awake is really the goal.

This requires 2 goals to be achieved - one within the timer, and one to follow the timer.  For me, it's to have a legit meditation session, and the timer is the way to dedicate as much as possible into a 5, 10, or 15 min integral and be interrupted at the end to see if I achieved the goal or ended up getting lost in my head.  

The SECOND goal of a SECOND, NON-TIMED (or second timed, third non-timed... etc.. END goal is non-timed) practice to follow up the main one.  You know, so I'm both (A) Not going to go back to trying to fall asleep and (B) So that I also don't keep getting woken up by alarms all night.

When I legitimately make the mediation my goal and set a 5 min alarm, then something *MAGICAL* happens.

I get the EARLY MORNING SNOOZE AFFECT on my ability to fall asleep.  When the alarm goes off and it's on to the second goal, I feel like I'm snoozing the alarm a little bit.

If it doesn't, that's good too - it means I'm achieving my goal of staying awake.  Which means the human nature is going to kick in and start fighting me soon - I just need to set another alarm or two to trigger it.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 37

04:30 - 06:30: Obj.Moving (11/23)

Moving is a lot harder than you think, especially when you're moving your whole family and you're the primary applicant and decision maker.

Today it was securing application approval, organizing the family for the lease signing, and negotiating a 2 week over-lap with my current landlord (and roommate) so I hopefully can get the entire security deposit AND a rent reduction.

Basically, I am willing to do an extra week to do right by him and protect my deposit... but if he gets greedy I am not going to pay extra to protect the deposit - its 1000 that he might essentially steal from me ANYWAYS.  And Dave didn't exactly offer to help at all (or give me full notice) so I'm not trying to protect his half.

I could say something like, "if I do the extra week, do you promise not to deduct the 4th week from my deposit", but then they can just lie to you / you're planting the seed that they can steal your deposit.

At the end of the day, just do right by others and yourself.  2 weeks vacancy is not bad at all.  If he wants the whole 2 extra weeks, just pay him 1450 and say "I'll be out by the 15th.  Your turn."  There's really not much he can do - even if he makes threats, they'd be pretty hollow.  And they won't do that.

If he says "lets compromise" then fuck it.. lose the extra 725 and make people happy.

If he says "you know what, no prob, just pay 1450" then great, we're good to go.

No matter what, I'm not paying 3k for a place I'll be in for a few days.  2 weeks is me being nice... I could try to pay nothing if I really wanted to be a scumbag.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 35 and 36

Day 35: +2 hours into Obj.Invest (2/2)

Day 36: 04:30 - 04:45 + 06:00 - 06:45: Obj.Moving (9/23)

(split hr because I had to scan "pay raise" letter from work)

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 34

10p - ...

10:00 - 01:00: Obj.Moving (8/15)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (4/10)
02:00 - ?????: ???

*Counting today "as if" Sunday on ROARS hrs
*Counted Friday "as if" Thursday on ROARS hrs.


I am moving and these are the days the realtors work.

Figure we're about half way through if we're accepted at the one we want... next up is actually renting the truck and moving everything.

I have adjusted my OBJECTIVES AND GOALS hours accordingly to accomodate this into part of ROARS.  Consider it work hours required to getting a new office since I'll have a little office downstairs that I can write off on my taxes.  Also, it's good to be closer to work (during rush hour I can more or less skip the freeway) and not have to drive an hour to go help mom whenever she needs it.

So in those ways it's justifiable ROARS hours... but the real reason for it is there's no rationality in calling a massive failure / massive hole in a "consistency" challenge when I was consistently working.  I really don't have a choice, and I'm not "being reasonable"... EITHER WAY I can't do ROARS this weekend and on a future weekend to come, so I may as well get credit for what I am doing.

Otherwise I could just fill in a bunch of NA and dock it, but it doesn't really matter either way.  Whether I call it "more hours were needed to launch" or "I was delayed due to having to move to help my mom", either way the end results are the same.  Since this is a consistency challenge, and I AM being consistent, I elect to keep the hours going and not blow a big NA in them.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Invest in Bitcoin

Value this year has increased 200% YoY on average.  Feels like it's going to drop but if it's just getting started I'm missing out big time.

CONCEPT OF INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY.  And uses a math principal of ever increasing complexity so it'd be impossible to unwind to create its solidity - bitcoins themselves, in principal, are impossible to "hack"... but the markets they trade on are a different story, watch out for those.

Also invest in Litecoin and Ethereum.  ALL digital currencies are EXPLODING.  I'll keep my eye on them for the moment but a decision needs to be made in as short as a few weeks on bitcoin.  Litecoin and Ethereum invest less but invest NOW.

Objective "Invest" added to "Objectives and Goals", assigned 2 hours.

Goal is to invest $250 into both litecoin and ethereum ($500 total), and $500 into Bitcoin, for $1,000 total investment.

From there, I will track my investment (PREFERABLY WITH MINT) and keep an eye on the below charts.  The money invested will motivate me to keep an eye on things.  If it goes really well I'll invest more.  Just don't go crazy in case of some epic crash.

Article with optimistic predictions:

Bitcoin / Litecoin / Ethereum market prices:

Other coins:

Q3 CDC Day 24

5:15p - 6:45p

05:30 - 06:30: Obj.Account (1/3)

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 23

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.1.2d4 (6/10)


Next up:
1. Listen full through for problems & major errors, adding "director's commentary" wherever found.
2. Fix problems.
3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until you get a full go-through without any problems or errors.
4. Tweak transitions until it sounds perfectly smooth.
5. Final full pass through paying close attention to make sure it's perfect.

...and then we move on to slides :)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 21

9a - 6:30p

09:00 - 10:00: Shopping / Laundry
10:00 - 10:30: Breakfast, power hour, meditation (cuz I need a longer power hour and I have to wait for laundry / shower before I can record audio anyways.)
10:30 - 11:30: Obj.1.2d3 (4/2)
11:30 - 12:30: Obj.1.2d3 (5/2)
12:30 - 01:30: Obj.Su.Lunch(3/10).  End with 10 min meditation.
01:30 - 02:00: Chores & setup
02:00 - 03:00: Obj.1.2d4 (2/10)
03:00 - 04:00: Obj.1.2d4 (3/10)
04:00 - 05:30: snack, notice of moving out with landlord / talking with dave, slow cooker meals, 5 min med
05:30 - 06:30: Obj.1.2d4 (4/10)

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 17

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.1.2d4 (1/10)

Well this round of editing ended up being just the creation of the "REQUIRED Audio Checklist" as I just found out that I wasted another 2 hours recording audio that was too quiet... because I incorrectly assumed the audio was the same as last time, since that's what has happened in the past.

But at least from now on I have a system which will ensure better recordings every time.  I commit to reviewing this EVERY TIME before audio recording from this day forward.

Note that I did notice that I sounded a lot more "down beat" than I thought I sounded when recording as well.  This just goes to show that to sound as good as I did in the last one, there's a lot more than goes into than I'd ever think.

If you come back 2 months later and try to wing it?  You'll sound horrible no matter how good you *think* you are.

Follow the steps and try your best?  You'll sound too mellow for the internet.

You REALLY have to drive the energy up (WITHOUT getting louder - THAT is the trick.)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 16

6:00p - ...

06:15 - 07:15: Obj.1.2d4 (1/10 - failed so 0/10)

Editing the audio... hope this shit it actually usable this time... fml last time.

Failed to start

Monday, July 31, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 15 - Q3 Under Fire

4:45p - 6:45p

05:15 - 06:45 Obj.1.2d3 (3/2)

Audio Recording.

"Ramp Up" Mentality Must Be Replaced With A Marine Mentality

Yesterday was a failed Sunday.

Failed Sundays are unacceptable.  That means that trolls are winning, and that the challenge is weak and failing.

As far as I'm concerned, this has already failed to be what it needs to be and the real consequences will follow.  So I need to redefine the challenge heading into August and make some new commitments to undo the errors of my ways.

The goals ramping up does not mean the mentality should be "taking it easy" to start.

The mentality of this challenge has to be embracing pain and converting distress into eustress.  Here are some new commitments along those lines:

1. I Give My Word that I will show up to every CDH.


If Eric / Kris / Etc ask you if you want a drink after work, THE ANSWER IS "NO."


2. I will REPRESENT my code.

Whether it's eating w/ co-workers and choosing the salad off the menu...

Or it's skipping the 4:45pm dinner because I can't risk starting the CDH late...

Or it's taking the chance that I might lose a deal to go work out...

Or it's taking a 1 hour 40 minute lunch because, even though it's been a 1.5 hour lunch, I am committed to meditation...

Or it's getting 0 "free time" in my day because it's 8:30 and it says shut off the entertainment...

In ALL these cases, I HAVE NO CHOICE.




Because being that committed to discipline will SET YOU FREE.  So represent your code.  Or abandon this path.

That's what happened this Sunday.  You had more or less disgraced your code - you saw that it needed to be represented and you instead disregarded it and didn't stand up to the trolls.  YOU abandon the code and THE CODE WILL ABANDON YOU.

3. I will EMBRACE SUFFERING whenever, and wherever it may be.

Embracing distress in an attempt to convert to eustress is not a meant for when you're at your peak size at 9am during cold calling hours.

Converting distress to eustress is MOST IMPORTANT WHEN YOU'RE AT YOUR WORST.  It's most important WHERE YOU WOULD NOT EXPECT IT.

This means at 9pm in bed when you can't sleep because you feel like you deserve more play time.  THAT is where you reprogram and convert to eustress.  THAT IS WHERE YOUR VICTORY LIES.  THAT'S WHERE THIS CHALLENGE IS RECOGNIZED.

The challenge is for embracing the pain of no entertainment for days on end, and reprogramming yourself to get entertainment out of the day, not some separate free time thing that you seem to believe so strongly in.  

The challenge is to eat dry chicken and enjoy your own bickering about it.  And to NOT go get sauce for it when it's already 4:55, and to NOT finish the meal since the CDH is more important.

The challenge is to force yourself through massive gut wrenching pain at 5:05 on Thursday to start working... and then even more pain to push to achieve faster... to embrace that pain, to feast on it, to eat up so much that you actually start working fast through a storm of blades... THAT is this challenge.

When you hate it the most, that's when you're finally being given a real opportunity to meet this challenge and grow.

Stop enjoying your success as a 4.5.  It's time to grow to the 5 level.  That's what this challenge is all about.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 11 (Yesterday)

5p - 6:30p

05:00 - 06:30: Obj 1.2d3 (1.5/2)

Audio recording finished... now the editing begins.

Idea for Reviewing Developmental Stuff / Reading up on Mindfulness.

maybe during dinner hour eat dinner while reading this blog / mindfulness books.

Goes well with this idea of handling as much as possible and should give me a motivation kick at the end of the day.

Point is I have NO TIME to review.

And thinking that once I "make it" I'll have "more time" is misguided - you'll always benefit more from doing work that yields money (unless you've hit a plateau.)

So review your progress over dinner.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 8

8:50a - 6:25p

09:00 - 10:00: Obj.Int.Setup (5/7) - Set goals w/ planned week off.  Meditation
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.Int.Setup (6/7) - Clean Room
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.Int.Setup (7/7) - Clean Room
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.Int.Setup (8/7) - Clean Room
01:00 - 03:00: Finishing cleaning / chores
03:00 - 04:30: Obj.Su.Lunch (2/10).  End with 10 min meditation. [extra time given for shopping & starting slow cooker meal.
04:30 - 05:00: Slow cooker meals for week
05:00 - 06:00: Obj.1.2d2 (1/2)

I think the script is mostly done... but now just tweak everything and make sure it fits the 5 minute marker.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 3

5p - 6:30p

5:30 - 6:30: Obj? morning ritual, power hour, sunday structure, food discipline, and bedtime discipline all finished and now in one convenient place.  Printer fixed, ritual and structure printed for reference during challenge

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Q3 CDC Day 1 - The Third Quarter Begins

10:30a - 5:00pm

10:30 - 12:30: Obj??? (2/?) - setup spreadsheets and such.
12:30 - 01:30: Su.Lunch (1/10)
04:00 - 05:00: Obj??? (1/?) - setup morning ritual, sunday structure, Power hour, HP Ink.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 70

5p - 6:30p

05:30 - 06:30: Obj.1.2d1 (1/1)

End of Q2 GOALS

Nearing the end of Q2.

April was not a fail - I was in the hospital supporting my mom and my GF.  It was a lot of work, and I maintained my size to boot.

Then in May I ramped up and held strong through mid June.

Now we are in the final 2 weeks of june.  Given April's time dedicated to family, achieving 60 hrs means that you're actually capable of 80-100 -- which means you have the potential to become a successful entrepreneur.

It means that the REAL CONSEQUENCES may not happen, after all.  If you can prove 60 hours + dealing with a family stroke and an insane girlfriend, then you prove that you CAN succeed.  It'll take a lot more growth, but this would show that the potential is real.

So along those lines, here are my end of challenge goals:

  1. Obtain 61 hours TOTAL.
  2. Keep 50%+ CDH and frame integrity each of the final 2 weeks to prove that I can finish a challenge without dropping off the map.
  3. Finish the value leader video 1 to show that I can accomplish real objectives, no matter how tough they are.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 64 + 65

LEAF AFTER LEAF days - preplanned, so integrity achieved.

Challenger Sale Work completed thx to John.

It's kind of like when Luke hadn't completed his training and left to face vader, and got all fucked up and was gone for a long time, then came back to complete his training and yoda was just like "complete, your training is."

John's call completed the training.  And that's what these 2 hours were for - to write the scripts and play by play's I am going to use to handle the tough rebuttals from here out and through this to train myself in the ways of the challenger.

This marks a turning point for me as a salesman - a cross-over to the challenger side of the force.

DAY 64: +1
DAY 65: +1

Monday, June 12, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 63

9:45a - 7:00p


This is due to a very unusual situation that made work especially difficult yesterday and which has caused me to take Monday off.   By taking today off, I am making a 1-time exception to flip these two days to prevent a major failure, allowing me to maintain integrity over these two days.

10:00 - 10:30: Power Hr + Med
10:30 - 12:00: LEAF Responsibilities - Salem Golf & Tom Gorman
12:00 - 01:00: Su.Lunch
01:00 - 02:45: LEAF MOAR
02:45 - 05:45: Obj.1.2c3 (26/12)
05:45 - 06:00: Break + Med3
06:00 - 07:00: Obj.1.2c3 (27/12)

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 62

12p - 1p

SUNDAY / MONDAY FLIP (see day 63 post.)

12:30 - 01:30: Obj.1.2c3 (23/12)

Don't Drink "To get through it" - Increase Size to Reduce Effort

Seeing pain as a good thing means you can burst intensity when you need it, and that's how effort is reduced - via the principals of the Effort Illusion.  Alcohol use trains you to create more effort for yourself in the long term, whereas bursting would reduce effort.

The challenges - whether power thinking or consistent discipline - are about progressing your mental workout.

It is fundamentally critical to always see 1-up pain as a good pain the same way lifting weights causes pain that's a good pain.

When you drink "to get through it", you are reducing this pain and therefore reducing your workout.

That's not good, but 1 day of not really progressing is not necessarily that bad either.  What's really bad is what it's saying: drinking "to get through it" says "THIS PAIN IS A BAD PAIN, BUT I CAN REDUCE IT BY DRINKING TO MAKE IT EASIER."

This is the same thing as saying: "It's better to work out with the 20 lb dumbbells because it hurts less."

Drinking 1 time to get through it when it really really really hurts is okay because it's like I'm asking you to lift a 50 lb dumbbell and there's just no way you're gonna do it without some help.  That's fine.

But ANY HABIT or regular go-to here is toxic.  It's cancerous to your continued growth, and it will sink your challenge, your chances of achieving your goals, and your dreams.

To beat the REAL CONSEQUENCES, you must grow quickly.  This means tearing your mind up again and again, day after day.  Pushing until the pain is extreme and then pushing even more until you're on the brink of passing out.  That's how you build up your mind.

The truth is, as of this moment, I've never even gotten close to 100 hours of ROARS in a LEAF work quarter, and every time I've tried it's ended in total collapse.

100 is the bare minimum needed to continue my current life path and purpose into my 30's.  And the only way to get there is through pushing myself and my mind harder, further, and enjoying it.  This work-out paradigm is essential to that!  You cannot succeed if you are giving yourself breaks that essentially say that pain is a bad thing.  The pain must always be good.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How to Enjoy Pain

New technique: Child-like amusement - enjoy your petty emotions JUST TO enjoy them.

NLP - This is the lateral / sideways directional move.  "It's not this, it's THAT."

To become an adult, you have to learn that it's not good to be angry at silly things, and we become more mature by not reacting to our emotions.  

The problem is that the strategy is largely via suppression, meaning that we're mostly just hiding our anger from others, or judging ourselves for it and pushing it down or away.

The key to enjoying the anger and embracing it is much like the way a child would.  Imagine a child who's mad at something silly and then after he's forgotten about why he's mad, he just remains mad because he enjoys being mad.  Kind of like Louis CK's example of Jizanthapus - pure anger just for the sake of it.

So when pittiful, pathetic, embracing base emotions pop up at tiny things, the key isn't to act like an adult, it's to act like a controlled child.  You enjoy these ridiculous feelings SELFISHLY, when they come up instead of being like "why the HELL would that emotion have such power here when it's so childish" you want to be like "Yeah, FUCK that guy for slightly bumping my shoulder".

In this way, when a silly completely uncalled for emotion comes up, you relish it like a child would, enjoying it just to enjoy it like an immature curiousity you can't stop yourself from exploring.

Keep in mind, this is just one technique.  There's still other 2 good ones:

-NLP: Up/Future direction: Thinking of a time you enjoyed pain and what that was like, and how things play out differently enjoying vs. hating (crazy bad is crazy good.)

-NLP: Analogical direction: Comparing feeling pain to working out pain of pushing and stretching - it's a good pain, not a bad pain.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 56


The New Daily Power Hour

Morning Ritual will now be more important, as the power hour is being incorporated into it to make use of the drive to work as the meditation time.

This will cause me to start work immediately upon arrival, so I fit "normal person" protocol and this prevents me from spending extra time that I dont have:

  1. There will be a greater sense of urgency to complete the morning ritual and power hour in timely fashion, as every minute after the 6am leave time will cost me more time in traffic and hurt the meditation.
  2. I won't be able to relax when I get to work and end up taking much longer to complete the power hour just because "that's how long it took me to get going".
  3. I will naturally encounter a more flowing meditation as I will need to focus on driving as I meditate, so there's less of the "crazy manufacturing and grip upon it" issue that I've become concerned it limiting me.
  4. Since Schwitters took the closet, any alternative strategy would be weird and harder, so this allows me to gain instead of lose, which are my two current choices.

So moving forward, my morning looks like this:

4:30 - 5:30 or 5:45: Morning Ritual
5:30 - 5:45 or 5:45 - 6:00): Power hour
5:45 or 6:00: 5 min breathing med + Leave for work (and everything med while you drive.)

This can allow me to be more disciplined as well.  For instance, I can say 6:00 is the cut off, and in worst case, 6:10 is a HARD CUT-OFF of any power hour activities - so if I slack in the morning, that means no power hour.    MUST be meditating by 6:10, no exceptions.

In this way, discipline leads directly to motivation.  The frame becomes more and more important.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 55

9a - 6p

09:00 - 10:00: Plan day and Meditation
10:00 - 12:00: Obj.1.2c3 (19/12)
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (5/8) + Med2
01:00 - 03:00: Shopping + Crockpot Meals (Unveiling of Crockpot daily pre-made meals!!)
03:00 - 05:00: Obj.1.2c3 (21/12)
05:00 - 06:00: Obj.Int.Setup (9/8) - Crockpot finish!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 49

8am - 9:45am

Memorial Day!

08:00 - 09:30: Obj.1.2c3 (17/8)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 48

9am - 4:30pm

09:00 - 10:00: Day planning, break, setup, meditation.
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.1.2c3 (11.5/8)
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (4/8) ; med2
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.1.2c3 (12.5/8)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj.1.2c3 (13.5/8)
02:00 - 02:30: Break & med3
02:30 - 03:30: Obj.1.2c3 (14.5/8) - script editing (per below)
03:30 - 04:30: Obj.1.2c3 (15.5/8) - audio recording (per below)

Script / Audio Rec Advised - in middle of value leader video 1

When it gets to the counting sheep thing, between the chart, idea, and examples, it gets very dense in content.  There needs to be slightly more to the breakdown to segway the concept to the examples "I like to watch documentaries".

So it should be like, 

CONCEPT - counting sheep to fall asleep doesnt work, im saying count sheep to stay awake.  

Of course, I'm just using sheep to illustrate an example - you can use ANYTHING that will hold your attention.  As long as you pick the right kind of activity, it will work.

That being said, if you choose the WRONG activity, it won't work at all.  If it's not interesting enough to hold your attention, you'll end up thinking about all the normal stuff that keeps you awake.

If it's too interesting, you'll get too engaged and the activity itself will keep you awake.

So you have to choose an activity that is you can enjoy enough to stay focused on, but not quite enough that you'll stay focused on it without effort.  With things that are more boring, like counting the dots on your ceiling, you'll want set goals that you can get engaged with.  With things that are too exciting, like a nature documentary, you'll want to lower the volume and dim the screen brightness causing you to strain slightly to stay focused.

Personally, ...

This is a debated topic since experts agree LED screens damage sleep, which is why I have an auto-sleep feature so the TV shuts off after 30 minutes.

Next Up

So I've written the script and recorded the audio for the next round of additions.

Next up the audio has to be edited down.  There's 3 renditions already on the MAGIX @ the end, plus an extra optional addition for the "personally, ..." + the documentaries thing if you so choose to use either or both.

Then put it into the main mix and continue as normal.

AWS S3 Granting Access to Others

Use AWS' "IAM" Feature.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 45

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.1.2c3 (10.5/8)

Next Steps for Mental Mastery & aNLP

Finer & Finer Distinctions Are Needed

Find Jack Canfield's CD.

As you know, the mind is very complex, and so is mindfulness.

The more complicated something is, the more you need finer and finer distinctions.

More techniques, skills, values etc are required to excell.

Trash and folders is a technique and skill.  Absorbing is a technique and skill  Knowing when to use each is an understanding.  

Mastery of Mindfulness Means Conquering FLOWING Thoughts

My mindfulness sessions and hands on to the point where most of what i am observing is also very much my own construction.  Its very inception-y in the sense that i am creating and observing simultaneously.

The issue is, since its created by the meditation, once i leave its hard to keep it going as i have not been observing a natural flow of thoughts.

My goal is mastery with the natural flow.  So there needs to be a dramatic change in my frame on this.

Frame Change: How well you hold on is NOT the key.

THE KEY IS IN THE SNAP BACK.  "Catch & Take Control"

The most important aspect of mindfulness is snapping back often and being able to really gain wide control and awareness when you do.  But this can be 10 seconds or 10 minutes, that is less important because it WILL VARY based on the circumstances.

For instance, if you need to be very creative, you almost are REQUIRED to get lost in thought to some degree.  If you want to hold on, then you've at the very least got to look at a whole new way of doing that.

Frame Change: Value "Good Catch, IF" 10 to 1 Over Your "Grip"

This all means that there will be a lot of catch and release.  It means i can be scared to get lost for 5 minutes, and i cant be upset with myself for that.  It means i have to be more highly valuing the catch and snap back and continually looking forward, without car for how or why i got lost, how long, etc.  

Just gotta focus on getting more and more catches and more powerful focus upon snap back.

Moving forward, the only way I see to progress is to compare mindfulness to sight, due to the limiting qualities of trying to be 100% in the moment.

Its slowing and difficult to think when you are staring down every thought as it enters your mind the same way its almost impossible to win a fight while staring at a single point.

You have to bob and weave and use your vision as much as necessary to know whats going on, where the next punch is coming from, where the opening is to hit the guy... but you need to look around and cover up and allow your head to move to win the fight.  100% staring would not be competitive.

This is where the 20% attention to thoughts come into play.  Its been a debate due to the misnomer that mental mastery = >50%.

If mental mastery is about >50%, then were talking about an entirely different continuum.

-% of focus on the object.
-% of time with some degress of focus on object (aka % of the time you are thinking and KNOWING that you are thinking as Sam Harris puts it.)

Mental Mastery would then be about:
-the right amount of focus for each object.
-aware of the majority of objects.

This is just the first advanced distinction.  More than likely, additional distinctions will be needed for mental mastery.

So its important to understand the principal of comparing mindfulness to sight.  Thats how this distinction was derived and it may be very helpful in determining other distinctions moving forward.

Another distinction: "Snapping back" = bobbing and weaving.

The better you bob and weave, the better youe chances of winning right?

Similarly, when you have a powerful line of thought, you dont want to slow it down by trying to stare at it.

This concept right here is being produced with very little staring at the thought process.

So snapping back is not just a rule of thumb - its actually how to progress and how to achieve mental mastery to some degree.

The more you can see the thoughts, choose one, let it take the focus, and then snap back to awareness as soon as its helpful again, the better.

So its about see thought, let thought guide me with minimal awareness, then snap back once the next thought comes on and decide whether that one should guide me or be absorbed with a stare down.

Thats where it gets tricky.  But the principal is to catch as much as possible and want to drop % awareness sometimes and increase at other times.

Embracing & Absorbing vs. "Trash Can & Folders"

Absorbing everything is not smart.

That's only half the equation.

Most thoughts are random nonsense and can be disregarded as such immediately.

The ones that are persistent need to be absorbed.

Acid test may be "do i need to learn to work with this?  Will it be back if i try tossing?  Is it persistent?  Sticky?"

Start observing stickiness and make use of the "trash can and folders" again.  Both are tossing the thought aside.

Folder trashcan is a solid mindfulness tool.  It was more or less forgotten and replaced.  Now a days, i absorb.  These are TOTALLY DIFFERENT tools by their nature, so they play into mindfulness very differently, and they are both important.

It goes something like this:

Simple, half awareness noticing thoughts as they flow by, and not interfering = majority of the time.

Tossing thoughts into trash or into folders = majority of the minority.

Absorbing thoughts with mindfulness = minority of the minority.

It's time we reviewed the principals of mindfullness - I think you'd understand them better now and they'd guide you forward at this point.  Find Jack Canfield's CD.

Why Reprogramming Should Be At The Forefront - Intel NEEDED

Its not at the forefront like it should be.

It should be coming up as a solution every time i get stuck.

I dont even recognize when im getting stuck.

I write emails and delete the drafts and then write another email without really stepping in and modifying the programming.  I could instead change my mindset to be far for powerful.  If I asked what would cobey do? You can see how that could transform my behavior.

Transformation.  You need to become a mental transformer.  But youre laxking some intelligence here.  Take some time to think about HOW to so this in the practical sense.  Its not as simple as saying i gotta do it or putting in a reminder.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 44

5p - 7:30p

-Software quote - Eric's boy
-Random lighting quote for 103k - guy u txt'd

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday, May 22, 2017

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 41

9am - 6pm

09:00 - 10:00: Obj.Int.Setup (8/7)
10:00 - 11:00: Day setup and meditation
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.1.2c3 (3/5)
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.Su.Lunch (3/8) [10 min med]
01:00 - 02:00: Obj.1.2c3 (4/5)
02:00 - 02:30: Obj.1.2c3 (4.5/8) [Obj.1.2c3 granted 3 additional hours]
02:30 - 03:00: Break and Meditate [5 min med]
03:00 - 06:00: Obj.1.2c3 (7.5/8) [this is going to take a LONG time]

NOTE: Can use blog post for ROARS Mindfulness, don't need separate pad

NOTE 2: Script AND Product name change: JUST "GUIDE", NOT "VIDEO GUIDE"


-Need to make sure audio editing completed first right?
 -not necessary...

1. Get to slides
-What needs to be done with audio editing before i even start slides & why?

-Audio is close enough that it is ready for slides.

-This will also help fine tune edits - if i missed a repeating sentence, its caught when i put in the slide
   -Also, this way I dont need to have script open, as slides will show where I am, making all editing easier.

2. Figure out how to do slides
-Color theme to match web
   -will final web be white?
       -go with standard blue and orange theme.  Works and saves time,right?
          -yes.  fuck it.  web theme will adjust to fit the blue and orange theme later

-Working with animoto:
  -slides will NOT match up perfectly, just get them close so they snap in by using the time clock from your main editor
      -this is also 100x faster than trying to "preview" every slide... that would take FOREVER.
           -EVEN LIKE THIS, IT STILL TAKES 2X+ LONGER than the traditional slides method, since these slides are set to the AUDIO, not the script (the can't be edited much once rendered.)

-animoto tricks you into see "white space" that does not exist in storyboard mode.  see preview to clear this one up.

3. Preview & Evaluating how to do them right
-First mistake - this is not a simple copy and paste of the text.  That's BORING.
  -Even if you change the slide style every time, it won't be great.  It'll just be oddly hooking

-Rewatched X video - they are using WAAAY less words.
     -Only a couple of highlighted words (selling points)
     -Diagrams and very basic images illustrating their idea (explaining with both pictures and words)
     -Thought out "PRESENTATION" of material.
     -Power-point style of .... wait... did you say... power... point..................
           -Little "Jaimie loses his shit" freakout occurs.
              -Bro, the text effects aren't exactly "standard power point" and it's not like you wouldn't have to make your own pictures anyway.  That'd STILL be the hard part, dummy.  Calm down.

 4. Re-framing: Think of it as a presentation, or a "show" - look at it again using the above (first three points, not the powerpoint shenanigans.)

Put into practice... it takes FOREVER... but GRABS ATTENTION like no other.  AIDA FOR REAL.

Effective Immediately: Frame Integrity & "Showing up on time"

Showed up for morning ritual?
Only gets a "Y" if you are following schedule within 15 minutes (ex. Sunday: wakeup is 7:30 - only pass if on schedule by 7:45.  7:47 is NO GOOD!)

Showed up for workout?
Only gets a "Y" if walking through gym entrance doors BEFORE 3:38pm.

Showed up for all meditations?
Only gets a "Y" if final meditation is started BEFORE 6:08pm.

Showed up for CDH?
Only gets a "Y" if either blog post or meditation is started BEFORE:
-SUNDAY: 9:08am and didn't stop before 2pm.
-M-TH: 5:08pm OR 6:08pm (rule is 5pm unless a switch to 6pm is determined in advance.)

As far as CDH integrity, as long as you work an hour, you get a Y - 100%, no half-credits.  It's pass or fail.  Doesn't matter if you do it midnight to 1 in the morning -- the only consquence of this is that FRAME INTEGRITY takes a hit.

This way, I am switching to a more sensible system.  Instead of doing the confusing "I worked 12 hours, but only get 50% 'integrity' because I showed up 8 minutes late", I am doing the "I worked 12 hours and obviously got the "PASS" on the integrity for 'doing what I said I would do', however I didn't keep to my schedule so a got a "FAIL" on integrity for 'showing up when I said I would'.

Switching from a single, convoluted system, to a checks and balances SET of systems that work together in a way that makes perfect sense and doesn't cause issues.

"DO NOT WANT" Troll is a problem on Sundays

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 36

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: OBJ.1.2c3 (1/5) - Editing

Three days in a row?? Will you LOOK AT THAT!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 34

9:45a - 3:30p

First up is the goals and objectives.

By this I mean REALLY START BACK UP the entrepreneur game.

Meaning "How To Cure Insomnia" business engagement.

I want to get back into this so I am to start with an hour of this:

1. Figure out where I am, what's been achieved.
2. Where am I trying to get to?  What do I want to achieve?
3. If I were to guess at it, what does the path look like from here to there?
4. Once that's all been figured out, come back to this blog post and plan the rest of the day.

10:00 - 11:00: OBJ.Int.Setup (5/6)
11:00 - 11:30: Break
11:30 - 12:30: OBJ.Su.Lunch (2/8)
12:30 - 01:30: OBJ.1.2c2 (1/3)
01:30 - 02:30: OBJ.1.2c2 (2/3)
02:30 - 03:30: OBJ.1.2c2 (3/3)

Objectives and Goals

The point is to say what CAN AND SHOULD be achieved this quarter.  Plot those goals out and ACTUALLY achieve them.

1- Where am I?

The setup and foundations are done, but the content is just beginning.

-Server work was completed, URL and setup is good.
-Webtools are legit, wordpress is working well, design work is mostly done.
-Outline for what needs to be done is straight forward and setup to progress quickly to the money.
-Studio for good sound quality and quick editing is setup.
-Program & methodology for producing entertaining slides is setup.
-Video script is done

2- Where am I trying to get to?

I want the content all done by October 1st.

-The 19 objectives.
-Website / funnel works great.
-Product can be purchased by anyone and it's LIVE.

Birdseye - I just need to finish this first video, get it perfect and online, and then setup the funnel.  Then I have to clean up the products a little.  From there, once people can buy, start selling.  Once sales are up then clean up the products more.

3- What does the path look like from here?


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 29

430p - ...

LEAF After LEAF today

04:30 - 05:30: OBJ.LEAF1 (1/2)
05:40 - 06:40: OBJ.LEAF1 (2/2)

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 27: Momentum Sunday

12p - 5p

12:00 - 01:00 - motivational hour
01:00 - 01:30 - transfer of funds from chase card to BoA card.
01:30 - 02:00 - snack/break and meditation
02:00 - 04:00 - Obj.Account (2/3)
04:00 - 05:00 - Fixing mint stuff

Next Up

Next I need to do SETUP - Determining objectives.

From here, the steps to take are just about choosing objectives.

Momentum Sunday

This is "Momentum Sunday".

Q2 took a pretty big hit with weeks of helping Mom followed by a couple of weeks either trying to help Sarah or being too stressed out to work.

Now I am in a tough spot of essentially needing to jump back into Q2 as a fresh start of building consistent discipline since it's fallen apart.

However, due to the REAL CONSEQUENCES, it is essential that I not only do this now, but that I do is extraordinarily well.  I need to rapidly build discipline to get back to the forefront of the limits that I've stretched my comfort zone to in the past so I can stretch it farther.  I need to get to size 5+ avg, 80%'s avg, and at least 200-300 hours of ROARS work achieved, as well as a launch achieved, within the next 7 months.  That's all the time I have to make a solid impression on the re-evaluation and be able to continue down the path of financial freedom and entrepreneurship.

So, with that in mind, the goal of today is to start building momentum, with the goals clear in my head by the end of the day so I start really building discipline throughout the week at LEAF.

This is Momentum Sunday.  The Sunday where Q2, and 2017, started really turning around.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Officially Quit Nicotine

I have officially quit all nicotine products.

No more smoking or vaping as of 8:30am PDT 5/4/17

Friday got me - knew better than to drink lol.  Last nicotine = 5:30pm PDT 5/5/17

Monday, May 1, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 21

5:15p - 7:30p

5-6p - good fun w/ wells fargo's surepay.  Learned how EFT via bank account works.  It's kind of like 'wire or good fucking luck' when it comes to normal accounts.

6-7p - signed up for 0% interest card to balance transfer southwest to.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Last week of April

CDH & HRS remaining as NA due to the traumatic event with Sarah.

Size is NA on Tuesday (today).  I am shaking and its hard to focus.  The rest of the week TBD.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Q2 CDC Day 6

10:30a - 5:30p

10:30 - 11:00: Plan day
11:00 - 12:00: clean1
12:00 - 01:00: clean2
01:00 - 02:00: lunch1
02:00 - 03:00: clean3
03:00 - 04:00: clean4
04:00 - 04:30: break
04:30 - 05:30: clean5

04:30 - 05:30: setup5 - "make goals and objectives" + PLAN NICOTINE QUIT STRAT
05:30 - 06:30: setup6 - shopping (optional - can be done tmw after work before visiting mom.)

Plan for Cleaning:

0. Wash clothes AND sheets as this is happening.
1. Clear Floors
2. Clear Surfaces (papers piled)
3. Move objects to living room and clean floors and surfaces
4. Organize papers and etc.

Make Goals & Objectives according to this from “REAL CONSEQUENCES” page.

Consistent Enviroment

Concept to expand today, as I am setting aside 4 hours to ROARS to room cleaning.

The way I can justify this is that it sets up the rest of the year for success.  The 4 hours will return 8 in productivity over the next 1000.

But for that to make sense, my room needs to stay fairly clean following today.

So for that, I need a new paradigm over cleanliness...

Every action that leads to a messy environment needs to be nipped in the bud with a permanent solution.

Ex: Mother's bag.

Old strategy - throw it in the corner, now I know where my morning breakfast is every day.

Problem - with time, these bags stack up.

Solution - basic - once there's 2 bags, combine contents and throw away one bag.

Solution - advanced - have a container in your closet where you keep your Clif bars.  When mothers bag arrives, unload contents into container, fold up bag, and throw it away.

This goes for everything.

-Toss all dirty clothes in hamper.
-Dishes to dish washer once food is eaten or as soon as you notice their purpose is fulfilled.
-Nothing should be left on the floor ever - always have a spot for everything
-5 min - Sweep floor once a month (requires the above to be fulfilled.)

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Q2 CDC: Re-implementing Bedtime Schedule

Bedtime Discipline Guidelines

8pm is the cut-off for hour long Sarah convo's.  You can talk to her after this time, but only with the goal of cutting it off within 30 minutes.

815 is the cutoff for longer intimate sessions - after 815 intimacy needs to involve tracking the time.  830-845 is "quickie" period - go for the goal as fast as possible, no exploring new things after 830.  845 is a cutoff of all intimacy.

830 is hard cutoff of ALL entertainment.  This INCLUDES new science documentaries, fascinations, and obsessions (like trying to teach myself the concept of imaginary numbers, exploring the 4th spacial dimension, watching advanced quantum theory lessons, etc.)  After that, ONLY re-watch documentaries in the space science folder.  I know you want new things.  I know the old things are getting boring.  That's the point!  Relax and enjoy.

9pm is bed time.  Always be IN BED by 9, with the standard "round down" grace period.

As I think of more things I will include them here.

This all depends on ending work and work related things (like "touching the stats") at 7pm.  Again, round down rule applies, but this MUST be done or I won't sleep well.

-NO work after 7:30
-NO entertainment after 8:30 (including NEW documentaries)
-NO intimacy after 8:45
-IN BED BY 9:00

Q2 CDC Day 1

6:15p - 7:30p

06:15 - 07:15: OBJ.setup (1/?)

Up tomorrow:
-TOP PRI = Make Goals & Objectives according to this from “REAL CONSEQUENCES” page:
...all the objectives for launch.  Q2 needs to begin with a re-evaluation of these objectives and a map leading from the start of Q2 to launch by the end of Q3, fit to the parameter goals below.

Monday, April 10, 2017

After Stroke

Good news tonight - karma at its finest - I helped so much they've actually asked me to help less.  I've basically been let off the hook until further notice.

Thus ends the period of helping mom through the stroke full time, and begins the Q2 challenge.

Moving forward, the stroke will impact me in the following ways:

Next few weeks -- 1-2 M-Th days will goto her.
Following few months -- likely adjusted daily routine to help her, however remains unclear.
Following years -- unknown.

I will adjust my goals accordingly assuming an average of Sun + 3 week days over the course of the challenge (basically 1 M-Th is NA per week, every week, for the challenge, when planning goals.)

Tonight my commitment is to starting the Q2 challenge FROM WAKEUP tomorrow morning.

This means:

Q2 Challenges officially begins Tuesday, April 11th.  There will be some hours dedicated to cleaning and setup to start.  Then it's time to explode.

On the LEAF front, it's time to start focusing everything I've got into getting these thought counts into place.  This must be achieved and FAST.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 58

5p - 5:30p

Today's Objective
Re-evaluate end of Q1 and re-assign hours.


So just because we've adjusted our realistic CDH objectives doesn't mean we aren't being held accountable for the 60 hour goal.  It just means I've accepted that I will fail that goal and have adjusted the targets accordingly.  The integrity and the hours are still in play.

That being said, I still think 100 hours next quarter is a reasonable goal.  I can't base my goals on a terribly failed attempt.  100 hours in a quarter is a minimum for any half-hearted attempt to be an entrepreneur.  If you can't even get close, it just means that it's time to re-evaluate what you're doing with your life.  Maybe 70-80 is an okay goal, but something like "well I got 25 last time, let's see if I can hit 50" just is so far out of whack with the "Real Consequences" page that I wouldn't be able to take it seriously.

If you want to be an entrepreneur, you're going to have to majorly step up your game in Q2.  If you don't, it'll be time to re-evaluate.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 53

Failed :(

But showing up anit nothin'.

I'm gonna get to meet Abraham!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

New 1up Strat

Applies to deal work and a lot of ROARS work which i need a better term for...

The idea is that i cant put all my thoughts down on a pad.  Ill never get to 1up the RE that way or 1up 1up.

So instead i need to do it in my head.

RE: write down base thoughts.

1up:  COUNT related thoughts and unrelated.


So re would be going to the pad and putting down like "get afr;  -check invoices; -submit"

Then 1up would be count related thoughtz as im going through.  I might think "i need to see if the is syndicated" followed by "observed thought R1" then "goto sales force" "R2"  with goal of 3 observed, related thoughts.

Then 1up 1up is taking it further - like get to R8 - "login" "pw is xxxxx" "4 things on inv? Chk chk chk chk good to go"  R6.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 50

9a - 6p Sunday at Last

09:00 - 10:30: Power Hour, prolonged meditation encouraged.
10:30 - 12:30: Obj.RotE1 (3/3)
12:30 - 01:30: Obj.Su.Lunch: (2/5)
01:30 - 03:00: Extended Break
03:00 - 05:00: Obj.ID-PRT (2/2)
05:00 - 06:00: Taxes follow up items etc... non-obj

Suggested -- a examination into how the following are affecting my days @ LEAF, and what to do about it: The "WANT X" trolls, LEAF daily schedule failures (working out at lunch, keeping on track with the time schedule), & rescheduling work on deals.

Per your email to Eric you said you have a plan.  Make it happen.

Real Consequences

This page has been finished.  Now it's up to me to use it going into every quarter and to set goals to make sure I meet the parameters.  

Quarter by quarter, I need to pay CLOSE ATTENTION to whether or not I'm following the above map and re-evaluate at the beginning of every quarter.

It's time to get organized and time to get real.

Want X Troll

This troll has started to become very dominant.

Reprogram: Want X says "I'm not into [OBJ]" without ever saying it.

It is "I'd rather do X" and this means that you end up LOWERING THE VALUE of the thing that you really want.

Do what you REALLY want, not what you want right now.  Break down the troll into it's parts.

Ex: I want soda -> I crave sugar and sweet vs. I crave pushing deeper into the task at hand.

Sugar & Sweet - enjoyable for a moment but distracting, will have to wash hands, spin my wheels for 5 minutes and end up too small to face challenges, will end up not really enjoying anything.

Pushing deeper into task - painful for a moment but quickly will become more enjoyable, ramp me up, make me feel exhilarated and enjoying everything.

On Sundays, the same often goes for Rust.  You could get on and it'll be fun for a second but kind of painful too and you wont be able to really enjoy anything.  You'll get moody, depressed, irrational, crazy, unskilled and when you die, angry, frustrated, and confused.

Getting into your work will not be fun for a second, but kind of satisfying too, and you'll start enjoying it along with everything else in your day.  You'll get solid and clarity, exhilerated, satisfied, rational and confident, skilled and when you progress, fulfilled, proud, comfortable, and clear.

From October 9, 2016:

"Want now" vs. "What I really want"

You can keep letting your mind ("IT") drive you around and lie to you.  You can let those imaginary squeezes and stretches in your chest make you feel like you need to do other things.  You can give in to these feelings and react to them

You will, of course, end up unhappy, defeated, not enjoying whatever it is they tell you to do, conflicted for the rest of the day, struggling, falling behind, hating life, feeling like you're getting no where... etc.


You can simply realize that the feelings are all made up.  Theres nothing going on stronger than the equivalent of you making a fist.  None of it's real and it'll be gone within seconds, at most a few minutes, of your thinking about it.

You can then push forth, embrace the pain and discipline, and grow fast back into a person who can work through great difficulties to achieve great things.

Because it's when you're tested that you have the REAL opportunities to achieve happiness.

When it's easy, you're not actually growing.  The tough spots are the real opportunities.

And of course, you will create happiness, deep pride and satisfaction with yourself, victorious, enjoying your work a lot more, getting ahead, and loving life.


Are you going to choose the good way or the bad way?  Do you like creating good feelings or bad feelings?

Get serious, get focused, and make it happen.  You cannot let IT eat you alive.  You must fight, and NOW is the time to do so.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Bedtime Schedule - early beginnings

It is time we being focusing on a bedtime routine that is more disciplined and promotes better sleep.

8pm is the cut-off for hour long Sarah convo's.  You can talk to her after this time, but only with the goal of cutting it off within 30 minutes.

815 is the cutoff for longer intimate sessions - after 815 intimacy needs to involve tracking the time.  830-845 is "quickie" period - go for the goal as fast as possible, no exploring new things after 830.  845 is a cutoff of all intimacy.

830 is hard cutoff of ALL entertainment.  This INCLUDES new science documentaries, fascinations, and obsessions (like trying to teach myself the concept of imaginary numbers, exploring the 4th spacial dimension, watching advanced quantum theory lessons, etc.)  After that, ONLY re-watch documentaries in the space science folder.  I know you want new things.  I know the old things are getting boring.  That's the point!  Relax and enjoy.

9pm is bed time.  Always be IN BED by 9, with the standard "round down" grace period.

As I think of more things I will include them here.

This all depends on ending work and work related things (like "touching the stats") at 7pm.  Again, round down rule applies, but this MUST be done or I won't sleep well.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Consistent Relationship: Part 2 - The Troll

The Relationship Troll: BEWARE THE CIRCLES

"It's her doing this to me."

Reprogram: If you would be large enough to embrace and let go of your thoughts -- seeing them as just thoughts -- you'd have no problem as long as she's meeting the minimum requirements.

You've got to remember that you actually get kind of crazy.

The "society rules of relationships" aren't real.

It's something that you've made up based on your understanding of observing other relationships.

50% of marriages fail.  If you go off what society has to say, you're just flipping a coin.

If you really get smart and just embrace the laws of attraction, you'll be able to build and create an amazing relationship.

But if you get all crazy and base your relationship on what you perceive to be "how things ought to be" based on other people's relationships... it WON'T WORK.

Every relationship is unique.  Communication, understanding, and trust are the common denominators.  Use what you know about yourself, the laws of attraction, and her to build your own.

When you find yourself going crazy from hereon out, remember it's not her, it's you.  It's this crazy person troll living in your head.  The path to truth is your understanding of you, her, and attraction.  Get back to that if you need it.  Otherwise just embrace and let those dumb thoughts go.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Mindfulness pad / 1-upping improvements to practice

Maybe 1 hr Obj?  to innovate the How to 1up work on deals / mindfulness on tasks pad.

  • practice for daily review of this (this being the "how to 1 up" google doc)?  print the page and part of power hr prob way to go right?  cuz its good that ive gotten into the habit of using the pad, but i often just use it to record the basics and if anything it slows me down when I'm not 1-upping.
  • how to 1up: what do i do differently when I'm laser focused and getting through things fast?
    • multi-tasking, how does this apply?  computer is lagged when switching to email ex, what would i do with the time and energy that opens up when i have to wait?
  • how to set objectives similar to call objectives:
    • RE: 5 min timer set with goal of getting one "thought within thought" on there, like 
      • Have to send docs
        • look over opportunity details, everything correct?
    • 1-UP: 3 min timer with goal of getting to "thought within thought within thought"
      • AFR needed
        • what % of vendors
          • is customer needing to hb
            • situation with install
    • 1-UP 1-UP: 2 min t-w-t-w-t-w-t lol... 

(not part of obj hr)
-make default chrome at work have the pinned tabs


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 39

5p - 6:30p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.1.2c2 (1/4)

Recorded first run of new video script with comforter sound dampener test.

We'll see how it sounds... whenever the lap top decides to stop... whatever the hell it's doing that's consuming all the goddamn resources.  God dammit, microsoft, wtf did you do with Windows 10.  Leave the computer alone I'm trying to work and whatever you're doing is obviously way over the top.

FYI went 78 on audio level and talked waaay to loud so it's probably going to be garbage.


The way to 1-up is to dump everything you have into every line you read.

When reading for extended periods of time you tend to slip into "reading out loud" mode instead of "excited, energetic conversation" mode.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 38

6p - 7p

Another 7 days gone by of no posting.

Man, I'm just killing it, aren't I?

Seriously this quarter should be called "Return of the Nontrepreneur".

The troll dominating this era is the "I have no momentum because of all these Ski Sundays."

But I must carry on.  Gotta keep fighting.  1-2 hours a week is something.  It's a sign of life.  It's evidence that I haven't given up.

Time to meditate.  At least I can get a 15 / 10 / 5 achieved.

Then, in theory, I'll get a LEAF CDH in.

06:00 - 07:00: Obj.LEAF4 (2/2)


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Kevin O'Leary Idea

This is important for vid 1 / vid 2

"It turns out the more quickly you can articulate your idea the more likely you are to be successful"

So that means I need to express the top down idea of my insomnia business to people very quickly early on.

"Curing insomnia starts with the idea of approaching everything from a way that causes sleep (Slows brainwaves) that's counter-intuitive - it's the self-therapeutic style.  From there it branches out into my various training."

That idea is the one that needs to be communicated.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Pres Day Weekend

WTDC -- more to work on.

Get those soft costs down if necessary.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 31

5p - 6:30p

This ski season stuff is killin' me.

So hard to gain traction when Sunday's keep getting knocked out.  The snow is waay too good.

Things to do:

05;15 - 06:15: Obj.RotE1 (1/2)

5 min setup (atm)
7 min size sheet
3 min meditation post
45 min Real Consequences

Meditation: How to properly do a sentient being meditation

Observe "IT".  In landmark's definition.  Sentient being means see your mind as "IT", being separate from you ("you" being the viewer, in this context.)  And for the duration, watch everything IT does.

"IT'S" ALWAYS doing something.  There is no moment where the vaccuum is a clear state.  SOMETHING always fills it.  You are to observe what IT is doing, what's filling it at all times.

Size Sheet: Frame Integrity Change

So one of the pillars of the CDC's Frame Integrity is tracking your size sheet hour by hour ("Used size sheet hourly?").

But so far, as long as you're only off by a couple of hours or so you feel fine marking "yes" as long as you went back and estimated your size.

This completely defeats the purpose of the integrity tracker.  The point of this tool is to keep you on track, to pull you back to the path every time you get lost.

So from now on, I can ONLY say "yes" to this if I truly tracked hour by hour.  And this means, every hour I MUST meet at least one of the below criteria, or I fail for the day.
-At least 1 mark in Re, 1-up, or 1-up 1-up
-At least 1 measure on size on a 15 min marker
-The hour legitimately qualifies for "NA" (no more than 2 allowed per day, or same story.)  

3+ NA's or A full "NA" day still means "no" to size tracking, regardless of the legitimacy, even if the challenge sheet lists the day's size as "NA".  It doesn't matter if it's due to a late lunch or no lunch or meetings.  

This is due to the fact that the frame integrity is a different mechanism than the other trackers.  It follows a higher standard of rules and is about the strength of the frame... it's not about the context (mental master, aNLP, etc.) or the content (dials, progression, deals worked, etc.)  It's not really asking how well you did today... you can get 100% with a size 3.5 day and not even a full hour of CDH to pass CDH integrity.  Likewise, you can kill it and really progress amazingly in a day and still get a 0% frame integrity analysis.  

The CDC is largely focused on building the frame, and the discipline to build this is going to take sacrifice.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Real Consequences

*****GOTO PAGE*****

The whole point of building myself up to a large size person is that as an entrepreneur, there is no outside force keeping me on track.

It'd be great to do it and have real consequences, but at the end of the day, it'll always come down to me.  There is no "getting fired", there are no "write-ups".

So the real consequences fall on my failure to hit my goals.

Some examples:

JAN GOAL: 12 hours.


But you had an ENTIRE MONTH to get those hours.

And in January, you FAILED to do so.

FEB: 20 hours.

This is essentially TWO FULL DAYS.  In a whole month.

Q1: 60 hours.  THIS IS ESSENTIALLY one full week.  And you have a FULL QUARTER... a FULL SEASON if you will... to get one great week's worth of work done.

If you have, say, 6 months of full time work to get to making a few hundred a month online, and you are progressing at 1 week per quarter, that means you will get there in 6 YEARS.

Even accounting for a better scenario we're talking AT LEAST 2-4 YEARS.

And that's only if you hit your goal!!!  If you get half way to goal, your ETA on success as making a small amount of money online is 4-8 YEARS (in a good-case scenario.)

So take consistent discipline lightly if you want.  But know the consequences.  At your current rate, you will be making a little bit of money online by around 2023, and you will be 34 years old working an entry-level job.

And I'm just guessing.  That could easily be 40 years old, and you could be so demoralized / caught up in family life / etc by then that you could be out of the game completely by then.

Q1 CDC Day 24

5p - 5:30p

So I double-booked my 4-5p time with Josh and Sarah.

Guess I could tell Josh later...

But then again, I am very tired.

This is NOT my day.  That much is FO SHO.

90 30 = 60 avg.  so I'm still 10 calls behind.  meaning, I need 75 tmw to be on track.

But at least I showed up.  I'm gonna update my stats and then call Josh.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 23

5p - 6:15p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.LEAF3 (1/1)

Had to prep leads cuz I can't record cuz Dave and Nancy get home right when I would.  Sucks.

First 100% Frame Integrity day of the challenge.  Job well done pushing through the pain.  That's how you build size 5-6 neural pathways.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 22

9a - 2p.

09:00 - 10:00: Obj.Int.Setup: (1/4) -- Sunday Structure
10:00 - 11:00: Obj.Int.Setup: (2/4) -- CDC Packet & Motivation Hour
11:00 - 12:00: Obj.Su.Lunch: (1/5)
12:00 - 01:00: Obj.1.2c1 (1/2)
01:00 - 02:00: Obj 1.2c1 (2/2)

..Below is planned, move up once executed...
^ I like this approach.  If I'd fallen short, I could have kept the planned items down here as well.

Sunday Structure

So, prior to the CDC, I started my Sunday's by planning out my schedule for the day.

This is kind of dumb.  I'd rather have all Sunday's planned out, and simply fill in the OBJ's.  So that way, it has the same discipline and structure you'd see in a normal work day.

07:00 - 08:00: Morning Ritual, ending w/ cliff bar breakfast (follow prior ritual, it works.)

08:00 - 09:00: "Power Hour" - Daily Review packet, meditation, transition time for starting work.  GOAL here is to have the OBJ's (or at least the first OBJ) chosen prior to 9:00, and the blog post started, so you can begin on obj 1 AT 9.

09:00 - 10:00: OBJ 1 - Best possible CDC integrity of "H" or 50% if not started before 09:08.

10:00 - 11:00: OBJ 2

11:00 - 12:00: Sunday Lunch hour OBJ.  See "Sunday Lunch Hour" below.  End with 10 min meditation.

12:00 - 01:00: OBJ 3

01:00 - 02:00: OBJ 4 - CDC "Y" here given 5 hours of OBJ's including lunch hour.  If ending your day, do a 5 min meditation for preserving frame integrity.

02:00 - 02:30: 30 min break & snack - no obj.  Go 25/5 to end with 5 min meditation.

02:30 - 03:30: OBJ 5

03:30 - 04:30: OBJ 6 - Good spot to end the day... additional hours at this point only recommended when you've got the CDC goals in place.  Q1 goals certainly would say to stop here.

04:30 - 05:00: 30 min break & snack - no obj.  End with 5 min meditation optional, but recommended.  Dinner is @ 7, which is why it's important to snack at 2pm & 4:30pm.

05:00 - 06:00: OBJ 7

06:00 - 07:00: OBJ 8 -- Never work later than 7pm.  Eat dinner.

Sunday Lunch Hour

For now:

LUNCH - ALWAYS CHILLI, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  A side of vegetables / fruit, and maybe some nuts / nature valley bar, are a good idea.  Never go out to eat.  If you need to get out of the house, go for a walk or jog or chill in the yard.

SNACKS - order some salt free nut mixes and other healthy snacks off Amazon.  Nature valley bars work here for now.
(UPDATE: Ordered, will be available by next Sunday.  Keep the box in your room.)

Below, thought process (moved below for printing purposes.)

This is another spot that has caused a lot of problems in the past.

I need a structure to this... what kind of lunch, how can it be ready to go, what to do to relax, and let's factor in a 50/10 for meditation.

So the food part is normally where I fall short.

What works for me @ LEAF is mothers.  The problem here is that I can't buy a month's worth of food for Sunday lunch cuz it'd go bad.  OR CAN I?

Nuts?  Dried Fruit?  Chilli?  Hmmmm... this is doable.

50% Rule & February

If you do not start ROARS on time, your CDC integrity will now be H for "HALF" (Y/H/N).

Motivation is this.

Look at January.


Do you really want to bring that into Feb?

Today is the start of a whole new month, and what you do today will set the tone for and echo throughout the month.

Is your desire to play rust so strong that you'll screw up the whole month?

Will you even enjoy it knowing that this is what you are doing?

Nope.  So, lets get to it.  Follow your sunday structure.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 16

5p - 7p

05:15 - 06:15: Obj.Account (1/3) - January Mint & Accounting.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Q1 CDC Day 15

2p - 3:30p

The first Sunday of the CDC.

Time to shave off those limiting beliefs, my friend.

02:30 - 03:30: Kiss test concept

Kiss Test Concept - Dismantling the sales hypster

From the email:

Is "the best sleep advice you will ever receive"

And it is 'try to stay awake'

But then really explain and sell them on why.  And use THIS as the entry to brainwave speed.

This is the "magic pill quick fix" easy thing they get right now that also teaches them something to keep going.

And say this will make all other advice and remedies work better.  It is the best single "tip" why.

Blow them away with value






Click here to show the kiss test content.

The “Kiss Test”
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KissTestHow To Tell If A Woman Is Ready For Your Kiss – And How To AVOID Rejection…

Know what?

I used to have NO CLUE how to tell if a woman was ready to be kissed…

I could be sitting there talking to her, thinking to myself “Wow, her lips really look nice…” but I didn’t know what to do next. This would often leave me kissless, and many times kissless for good, as I didn’t get another chance.

And, of course, this drove me NUTS.

I can’t tell you how many chances I missed to have interesting, fun, sexy women in my life… all because I didn’t know how or when to go for the first kiss.

Sound familiar?

But through a TON of trial and error, I’ve now figured out a way to know FOR SURE when a woman is ready to be kissed.

In fact, I’ve developed a “technique” that literally guarantees I’ll never get rejected when I decide the time is right to “go for it.” And I want to teach it to you right now.

Here’s what I do…

If I’ve been talking to a girl and want to know if she’s ready to be kissed, I’ll reach over and touch her hair while we’re talking and make a comment about it. I’ll say “Your hair looks so soft” and just touch the tips of it.

Now let’s hold up right here, because this is key…

If I see that a woman is receptive to what I’m doing at this point… that she’s “responding positively” by allowing this “innocent” physical contact… it’s game on.

If I see that she’s smiling and drawing closer as I touch her hair instead of tensing pulling away, I can take it as a SURE SIGN…


…that irresistible, unstoppable emotion called ATTRACTION.

But listen… if she does pull away at this point… or shows any sign that she’s not into it… that’s when I know to STOP and move on. And YOU should, too. This isn’t about forcing anyone to do anything.

But if she’s smiling at me… relaxing her face and her body… leaning into me instead of pulling away… then here’s what I’ll do next:

I’ll reach back over and start stroking her hair some more.

But this time, I’ll glance down at her lips, back up to her eyes a couple of times. Reinforcing in her that there’s a CONNECTION happening between us.

I’ll continue touching her hair… letting my lips get closer to hers… but not touching. Basically, just amplifying that first spark of attraction that I now know FOR SURE that she’s feeling.

And I can tell you, this is a powerful thing. It’s affect on women is UNBELIEVABLE.

This kind of “testing” is EXTREMELY stimulating to women… escalating the SEXUAL TENSION almost to the point that they’ll be in actual pain if you leave them hanging.

And guess what…

By now, she’ll be more than just “okay” with my kissing her… If she hasn’t pulled back, she’s probably feeling such intense feelings of ATTRACTION that she’ll probably be the one who tries to kiss ME! And then…

Well. You get the picture.

Bottom line:

By using “The Kiss Test,” I can find out FOR SURE if a women wants to take things to the next level… all in a way that’s completely “innocent” and non-threatening…

Plus, I haven’t acted in any way that she can object to, so there’s NO RISK OF REJECTION.

But VERY best of all…

I always know within the FIRST 5 MINUTES if a woman’s ready to be kissed, so I don’t waste hours and days trying to figure out “if she likes me”… or just regretting that I “wussed out” and didn’t “go for it.”

And believe me… I know that feeling. And I know all that constant wondering and self-doubt TOTALLY SUCKS.

That’s why, if you feel like “The Kiss Test” might CHANGE EVERYTHING for you when it comes to “making your move” with a woman, I’m here to tell you it’s really just the tip of the iceberg…

The “Kiss Test” is just one way to recognize the signs and signals of ATTRACTION in a woman –and EXACTLY what to do with them…

Want to learn a ton more?

There’s a place you can go RIGHT NOW to do it…

My eBook, “Double Your Dating” is literally jam-packed with DOZENS and DOZENS of  dating tips, tools and techniques for moving FAST from “Does she like me?” to “She can’t get enough of me”…

Downloading it FAST AND EASY. You can be putting it to work for YOUR success with women in just a few minutes, so click here…: Double Your Dating Free Trial

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So where do I start... what needs to be done?

My first thought is "Fuck... I need to throw out everything and start over."

Stop your madness.  The content is good.  It's like a steak.  They'll eat it... it'd just be a lot better if it was juicy.  Your steak is dry.

STEP 1: Compare your content to the kiss test content.
STEP 2: Write and slice and dice copy.  Go creative mode.
STEP 3: Record the necessary changes.  Speak with excitment, grab your audience.
STEP 4: Edit the recordings.
STEP 5: Make the slides.
STEP 6: Edit the entire video.
STEP 7: Render and produce!

The hour given was to discuss the idea

There is no discussion to be had.




The goal is to show it to dad and when you ask, "does this solve the snake oil salesman issue you've always told me I have?"...

For his answer to be, "YES".

And when you show it to echo, for him to go, "Okay, THIS is cool, THIS makes sense.  Much better than the secret i have to give you my email to find out."